VS Announcer sounds like an old fart

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rubius, Apr 11, 2013.

  1. MartianDiscoFish

    The TR announcer reminds of the Blood eagle announcer with an american accent.
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  2. TheMagicCookie

    That is correct grammar...
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  3. Chipay

    "You ARE better than this, show them!"
    "Will you truly allow yourself to be bested by this rabble?"
    "You did not fail Vanu, you failed yourself."

    Atleast the Vanu announcer isn't mad at you. He encourages you until the very last moment and if you lose the facility, it's not a problem, you didn't fail Vanu, he just expected more of you.

    Now let's look at TR,

    :oops: Yes.... Sir...

    And NC?

    I think we can all agree that she's kinda.... annoying....
  4. Cryless

    maybe because of the way they look? :eek:
  5. SgtScum

    You meanies leave Granpa Vanu alone! :mad:
  6. WaRadius

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  7. Aztecoatl

    Common Pool Announcer : Bastion :eek:

    Please SoE ..
  8. TeknoBug

    I like my VS announcer, he sounds like Darth Vader.
  9. Nyscha

    Come to think of it, every time I listen to the VS announcer he sounds like he's starting to sound more and more like pinhead to me.

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  10. DrTeeth

    Only in the very narrowest sense. It is terribly written and redundant.

    "Victory is all but assured"


    "Our victory is imminent"

    Either one of those would do.
  11. randalthorr


    you can almost see her facepalm when shes saying it lol
  12. XRIST0

  13. LineTrap

    More voicepacks when. I can't stand that old codger.
  14. EliteEskimo

    Don't know why people are hating on the TR announcer, he always reminded me of Ronald Lee Ermey . The announcer has a drill sergeant tone too heh.

  15. Farlion

    The TR announcer is perfect.Though he does sound kind of angry, especially if you're losing.

    "Permission to lose this fight is denied"
    "You're not fighting like TR!"
    "There's no quit in a TR soldier!"
    "The Vanu have taken the facility. A costly failure"
    "You have failed the Republic"
  16. RX530SS

    Wait, is this true?!?
  17. Kuklakot


    No dammit, victory is not a hand! Those are two completely separate concepts!
  18. CPDIV

    NC voice leader sounds like Daffy Duck.

    We've liberathed the fathility!
  19. Kujo

    I think the VS have the best voices all around. Best announcer voice and best player character voices. NC and TR player character voices sound like annoying high school kid voices. The NC announcer voice is annoying also. The TR announce voice isn't bad, but it sounds like he's speaking over some comms device from World War 2.

    VS voices all win because they have crystal clear, strong, adult, non-screechy, non-whiny voices.
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  20. Tasogie

    I agree, though I dont read em as much anymore.
    what worries me is these idiots are our future... human race is so screwed.....
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