15-20%+ of Playerbase Benefited From Cert Debacle

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Spartan 117, Apr 11, 2013.

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  1. Spartan 117

    Browsing over the Reddit discussions regarding the massive amount of certs players have been given I could not help but notice the vast number of downvotes related to the discussion. More interesting is that the number of downvotes equaled almost the same % in each of the discussions roughly....26%.

    Now ask yourself, why would ANYONE who has respect for the integrity of this game downvote a discussion trying to maintain balance & order to it? Because they benefited from it, thats why. Now you have to consider a small % may have downvoted despite having no motive, but the vast majority that did, did so for personal gain.

    That said, taking into account the small % that may have supported ruining the integrity of the game, & are ok with making PS2 "officially" pay to win, its safe to assume 15-20%+ benefited from this massive oversight.

    Rollback the Servers
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  2. Redshift

    Tin foil hat?
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  3. Spartan 117

    Realistically, why would people downvote a discussion devoted to maintain integrity/balance of Planetside 2? Because it benefited them. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that BR1's should not be having more certs than BR100's.
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  4. KyadCK

    Oh massive tinfoil hat. Probably picks up some TV channels.
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  5. Redshift

    It's still a bit of a stretch :p

    Anyway there's no use arguing about it, they buggered up, some people got a bunch of certs, no one knew it was going to happen so no one could intentionally buy those certs.

    They're not going to rollback the servers as that's a surefire way to lose players, you can't see what level someone is or what kit they have so it makes no difference to your gameplay, it's not going to happen again so ....who cares.
  6. InMedeasRage

    I've downvoted and commented heavily. Check my stats, to my knowledge, I haven't gained anything (though I haven't checked my level 3 guy).

    Everything is going to be OK. The cert 'debacle' mainly hurts people who measure their self-worth in game via comparisons to players lower than they are rank wise. You will see more interesting battles, with weirder tactics, and more dakka. If you weren't in the game for the gameplay but rather for the stats... your days were already numbered given that there is a max rank. A year from now, you would have been uncommon rather than a fantastically rare player to be at BR100.

    TL;DR: Now everyone is super. And when everyone is super, nobody is.

    EDIT: There will be one major drawback, think of all the people currently certing into command channel :eek:
  7. 5kyn3t

    Read higbys post. Not gonna happen.
    keep going tho, ive nearly filled the bath in my dollhouse with all the tears on here today
  8. KAHR-Alpha

    I'd downvote that, not because I benefited from it (I didn't), but because you jealous whiners make me sick. It doesn't break the game in any way.
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  9. CHDT65

    "It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that BR1's should not be having more certs than BR100's."

    But some corporate bozos thought "yeah, legit".
    This is just unbelievable.

    If such a thing would have happened with certs won in big warehouses, Wallmart those things, this would have been the kind of disasters later studied in business schools !!!
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  10. CHDT65

    "...but because you jealous whiners make me sick."

    It's not a question of jealousy: I don't want to get milliards of free lottery certs which would just ruin my feeling of character progression.

    As already said:

    1: it's a question of time: the time I've spent "working" in this game seems just wasted.

    2: it's a question of money: the 100 dollars I've spent in this game look like bull... when guys can get all the things I've bought and much much more simply free.

    3: it's a question of respect: when I was killed by of BR95, I was saying to myself "respect, you roxor", now I will say "f..., lottery winner".

    4: it's a question of confidence: a game supposed to be played for years must be based on trust: I don't trust SOE anymore, as they think it can go without trouble when pissing at old PAYING customers.

    Frankly, I don't want certs, if possible, I would like my 100 dollars back, because the fun is gone !!!
    And I will of course never pay any money more for this game.
  11. CHDT65

    P.S: btw, such events are very useful to find out not the real fans but the casual brown noses.
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  12. Dubious

    Test server? What a joke
  13. Dragon Zander

    SOE doesn't have backups of their character database for PS2. A rollback seems impossible.

    Sony's only appropriate response is to do nothing else, because nothing can be done.
  14. The Milk Man

    Less than 5% of players got any certs from this and only 0.03% of those got more than 2000. I was mad at first, but when I read that, it isn't that bad.
  15. Chipskream

    OP, have you ever looked into being a comedian? Because your acting like a clown. Aside from that, if smedley came up with the 5% number, I wouldnt have believed him. But Higby is a bro.
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  16. Ashnal

    I didn't receive any certs at all, and yet I believe all this drama is born of childish jealousy. people need to grow up.
    Your thinking is flawed if you believe everyone follows the same thought process as you.
    The downvotes show nothing but the proportion of players that disagree with the drama queens.
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  17. jdono67894

    Who cares?
    So someone else has a lot of certs now, it doens't affect you, nothing you can get with 5000 certs is more powerful then something you can get with 20,000 certs.

    Stop being spoilt children, you remind me of some 5 year old boy who complains to his mother that his sister got a slightly larger slice of cake, grow up geez.
  18. ViXeN

    I wish I would have been one of the people who got all of the certs but I wasn't. Its not the end of the world.
  19. Dragon Zander

    Just so its clear to everyone who is complaining about people complaining, this whole situation was caused by people complaining.
  20. Tobax

    It is? where do you get this figure from.
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