Of all the BS we've suffered through from SOE,

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fiatsu, Apr 10, 2013.

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  1. Eclipson

    They went about giving compensation the wrong way. They way they did it upset way to many people. I can't see why they couldn't refund SC, or do SC grants.
  2. SpecOps Delta

    I don't get anything and it is totally ok for me. I never bought duplicates. Why so jealous about the certs? I am happy for the people who spend a lot of SC for duplicate weapons and now they get free certs. That is ok for me. But this whole crying about "boohooo my neighbor gets so much more than me, SOE you are soooo mean" is just ridiculous.
    C'mon guys, what is the point of all this? Ridiculous whiners!
  3. HadesR

    Overall I think it was a stupid idea but saying that I have no issue with people getting 7k or so cert's compensation..

    But to me the BIGGEST issue is

    Some people have wrongly received in excess of 100k-250k cert's. Some of who were not even entitled to compensation and then for SOE to shrug and say they are not going to act on it doesn't leave much faith if in future other mistakes happen.
  4. Mastachief

    Stop being a bunch of whiny little *******. If you play this game to level then i really feel sorry for your sad little lives.
  5. Shinrah

    1. The game is, and was, never about Cert gain. They are a means to get you what you want. The fun comes from great battles and having fun with your friends/outfit/squad. If you think PS2´s content solely revovles around "farming" certs you are playing the wrong game, and are gravely mistaken.

    2. Just because they got certs, they aren´t automatically "stupid undeserving kids", just mby new players, or players that didn´t have much time to spend on the game

    3. If someone bought a diploma and has 0 clue about what his job is, he will not keep said job long, or most likely wont get it in the first place. It´s not like you walk into a company these days, slap down your diploma and its GG heres your job. You usually have to go through a screening process for any job that requires higher education, and someone with a bought diploma will be sorted out fast.

    So what´s this about again? Jealousy was it?
  6. Novmiech

    Right they will speed up my cert gain - which will get me what exactly? I promise you I can wage a proper war with 10k certs. At 20k its just icing on the cake - at 30k? Even less important. So I am getting stuff that I don't need at a slightly faster rate than before, but I am also needing said stuff less and less as time goes on.

    If you were to ask me "oh well how would you feel if we gave everyone a free 50k certs but not you?" I would tell you I couldn't care less; I'm mowing you baddies down now and I'll mow them down after - certs are really seriously not a game changer in regards to power. This was the developers intention and I think it has worked well.
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  7. Gustavo M

    Actually, it's more like "omfg people actually bought certs with real money making this game borderline pay2win!".
  8. dufford

    Oh no, my alt TR got up to speed faster? What? I received 30k certs, it certainly made alts more fun to play, and it didn't really change anything on my main character. I suppose my flash climbing hills better is game breaking.
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  9. hawken is better

    Of all the BS that I personally have had to deal with from SOE, this is easily at the bottom of the list when it comes to "annoying ****" (getting a forced namechange would probably be near the top). I'm only BR 49, but I've pretty much reached a point in the game where I have almost everything I want, minus a few shield upgrades for my HA. If certain people gaining 100,000+ certs is going to magically make the game worse for those who didn't, then I'd be crying just as much as everyone else is. But it's not.

    You wanna know what really bothers me the most? Aside from the strange performance drop post GU2, the horrible hit detection and flinching, and the constant spawn killing (leave spawn room > blown up by tank, leave spawn room > blown up by liberator, leave spawn room > blown up by proxy mine, rinse and repeat), it'd have to be the fact that Higby said that Hossin wasn't going to be finished within the next 4 months.

  10. Deronok

    You are overreacting, horribly. You are also misusing the word 'suffered', and I don't think you actually understand what the word means. However, if you really are 'suffering' from a video game and people getting something in it that you are not, then you might have bigger issues. Might I suggest therapy?
  11. Gruntilda

    If you are upset, stop giving money to ****eoE quit the game and help it die that much faster

    There really isn't much life left in this unbalanced pay2win grindfest
  12. Rubius

    First of all, there was no need to refund anything on duplicate purchases. Those that did purchase duplicates, knew what they were getting.

    Second, any refund should have been either SC, or the cost of their weapon in certs (ex. 1000 certs for a Decimator). Reports that there are characters being refunded 50,000 cert points (and more), just makes me not want to play. I've only made 10k certs playing the game since launch. It's unreal to see players handed out many times that.
  13. UrMom306

    You know what, I'm not mad about the cert thing, because I have fun playing the game, grinding certs isn't a job, it isn't work, it's fun. If i get certs awesome, if they took certs out of the game, awesome, the game is still a blast to play. It's crazy all these people crying about not getting certs. Those people spent money on items, soe doesn't want them to pay twice so they get back a bonus, so what. So what if someone has lvl 6 flak, its a god damn game. If you play and don't have fun then play something else. **** i'll re roll a new TR character with nothing right now and still have fun.
  14. Sedisp

  15. Kedyn

    So these BR1's are people who have never played the game? I don't think so.

    I got a SIGNIFICANT amount of certs, but I can only play one character at a time - I don't see how having some low BR characters with tons of certs is game-breaking for you when my main is BR 80.
  16. Liquid23

    logged into the game today... everything played and turned out exactly as it did before the reimbursement happened...

    only thing that has change in any noticeable manner is the topic of the endless ******** and moaning on the forums
  17. Accuser

    But they didn't directly buy the certs.
    I don't think anyone who bought duplicate items -expected- to get certs in return for that money.
    If there were a system to actually buy certs you'd have a point. But complaining that some people received certs as compensation is just silly.
  18. cassan0va

    Not worth my energy, people who got tons of certs are more likely to stop playing because of the lack of progression
  19. Stormlight666

    Exactly. I logged in and saw I got nothing (as expected since I've only really bought universal weapons) and was slightly saddened (since I play to capture things and not farm certs so my xp gain rate is pretty low) but okay with things.

    But people will whine about anything these days.
  20. Czuuk

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