[Suggestion] Connery VS, get the sand out of your ******.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dramma Lamma, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. Tasp

    You made me laugh so hard with this comment. Thank you.

    Why not go play on test or another server if you're so fed up with it?
  2. Dramma Lamma

    Honestly to each their own.

    But I find loosing a fight a lot more fun that ghost capping, standing waiting around for the event to end a the fight to come back to indar.

    The instant this last alert started on indar, the VS population dropped sharply on indar and spiked sharply on esamir to get ghost capped. with 70+% of the esamir pop being VS Thus screwing over the players that did hope for a somewhat even population fight on indar. The instant that indar alert ends they all rush back to indar and suddenly the populations on indar are within 3% of each other, by no means a completely outgunned fight, had the ghost cappers stayed to actually help fight.

    That's the real frustration here that the vast majority of the VS's population would rather get certs via ghost capping than they would by fighting over an alert.

    Wining or loosing isn't the point. Ghost capping, for the sake of capping and thusly forcing your faction to ghost cap to get any xp AND loose every fight as a result of splitting the lowest population is the point.

    Believe it or not when many people download a first person shooter, they want to shoot stuff.
  3. Dareon

    I was one of the TR in the 4 gal drop. All we were trying to do was break the Vanu hold on Indar. We got there started fighting you guys and then some NC guy yells, NC DONT SHOOT THE TR. I was like 'wth is happening?'. We had no alliance, our outfit was surprised at what the NC guy said. Still shot at NC
  4. Hamakua

  5. Dramma Lamma

    I'm not sure the point your trying to make....

    At either rate that picture is very out dated, and I'm not sure what relevance it has here.
  6. HMR85

    Ohh quit being such a Drama Llama...Your about to get a influx of VS from Helios to help you out.

  7. Salamanerd

    When you are stuck in a Warpgate and every single vehicle that leaves is instagibbed by the TR and NC on the doorstep, that XP bonus becomes too little for too much trouble.

    20% XP? Try double XP, because Vanu got 20% XP for months when no one wanted to play us before the prowler nerf and the TR came crying towards the VS. Even then, the whiners went NC.
  8. Novmiech

    what boggles my mind most about VS's piss poor showing at alerts is that I seriously feel like VS has the best and most organized outfits on the server - I never get rolled harder by NC or TR outfits as I do by F-Crew T42 and a couple others; I really don't understand the commitment to non violence :(

    We're committed to winning. But how can we do that when we don't have the population? This is why the VS no-show, because we know it's a lost cause.

    The only reason I bother to show up is because I get 145%XP to lolpod tanks.
  10. Novmiech

    I rarely see VS GLOBAL pop be significantly low - I just checked right now, VS 33, NC 32, TR 34.

    I'm not saying it doesn't dip now and then - but even the global pops are even VS takes 2 conts uncontested instead of fighting for 1 during an alert.
  11. Dramma Lamma

    We got warpgated on indar anyway...............

    So not to be a dick but, your point is completely invalidated by this fact.

    If we are going to get warp gated either way on either continent, why not do it on the continent with bonus 20%?
  12. BalogDerStout

    The TR and the NC don't really have an alliance, what ends up happening is the TR tries to push out in both directions, just to get out of the canyon, meanwhile the NC mostly get tunnel vision pushing north into Dahaka and Saurva. Eventually the TR expands to the northern area as well and the map looks split down the middle, except the NC keeps pushing onto the warp gate and the TR eventually make a play for Peris and Hvar, eventually making an attempt to cut off the NC and warpgate them, then the TR and NC battle while the Vanu reclaim the norther territories, the crown, Allatum and whatever else they can grab.

    When the Vanu join the fight, the TR eventually route and start the push north to Rashnu, the Vanu and NC fight and the Vanu get pushed back, and the cycle repeats.
    • Up x 1
  13. HMR85

    The VS should still respond to alert anyways. Your still gonna get somewhat decent xp from holding onto some land. That's not even including the boost in XP from kills. Honestly, it sounds like you VS need to give up the defeatist attitude and go to where the fight is and have some dam fun. If even half your pop from Indar showed up you could at least lock down. " Conservative Guess" 15 to 20% of the contested continent.

    Most alerts now a days TR and NC don't even bother fighting the VS because you guys are a no show. We go straight after each other since that's going to decide who is going to win the alert. Maybe you VS should look at taking advantage of that sometime. Reading this it almost sounds like the old PS1 days back when people where just hitting CR5. A lot of people where afraid to speak up and help lead the zerg. Maybe its high time one of you VS guys steps up and gets it done.
  14. SNAFUS

    Put your tin foil hats on ladies and gentle men.
  15. Dramma Lamma

    ^^^^^ SOMEBODY GETS IT ^^^^^

    Thank you.
  16. Owleyes

    I guess the point i was trying to make was i personally fought hard for hours to try and keep the bonus on Indar. VS lost the fight and then the alert came. i took a short break and came back to a choice.

    Almost no VS pop on Amerish while Indar was hovering around 30/30/30.

    So the choice isn't that much of a choice. After the long hard fought battle for Indar I wanted to take back territory there. I'm sure after seeing the pop on Amerish, Other VS chose to stay on Indar. Especially after the epic fun of the Lost Bonus War.
  17. Dramma Lamma

    I really don't have a gripe with what a few players decide to do, but when the vast majority sticks to a trend that is not getting them anywhere, and is in fact making their enemies stronger and thus adding to the peoblem by not contesting the alert reward, is NOT acceptable.

    It's one thing to log in and choose to go to what seems like the best fight.

    Its another to loose a fight, having zero reason not to try in the next fight. Then be a negative Nancy and not even attempt the next one, forcing the remainder of your team to loose again.

    This overly defeatist attitude that majority of the VS is holding is beyond stupid and needs to stop NOW.

    Honnestly if VS didn't want to do alerts to hold the indar lock, fine that's reasonable.
    But to simply ignore the alert for NO REASON after we had lost the indar cap, is not acceptable, play the game don't be a negative Nancy.
  18. Chouheals

    Tbh when there used to be an alert I would always go over to the alert continent and try to do as much as I could to hold onto continents or even push. I tried participating in platoons, even leading platoons, but recently it's not even worth it anymore. When I go to an alert continent it's basically me by my lonesome fighting off 5ish members of a platoon that is waiting for the rest of their armor/air to come blow the whole place up with artillery. Even if I try to drop Sunderers for people to spawn at they are all sitting on Indar.

    Don't get me wrong though. I totally understand WHY the majority of the VS would just sit at Indar, because as soon as we move to do the alert continent, we auto-lose both Indar and the alert continent. It's really a lose-lose situation for the VS, but I agree that the defeatist attitude sucks.

    It's a shame too, because we have some really good faction leaders who lead us to capture Indar and win an Esamir alert. When the VS work together it's really great, but the problem is honestly everyone gets tired of leading at one point or another especially when bombarded from both sides with more population than you.

    The winning Indar was a big thing for the VS. It was the small motivation we needed as a faction to bolster our confidence and allow us to think "Even though we're outnumbered, we can still hang in there!" However when the TR/NC decided to "team up" and destroy our one and only achievement since a long time, you can kinda understand where this defeatist attitude comes from.

    tr;dl: It's not cool to have VS stay at Indar the whole time and not show up to alerts due to defeatist attitudes, but who can really blame them when the other populations with overwhelmingly larger populations converge to attack us?
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  19. zaspacer

    I play on Connery and I have a character in all 3 factions. My favorite is VS and I play it most the time. However, when an Alert is about to end, I switch to whatever side if gonna win.

    Like I said, I have all factions, and I want to level them all up. So jumping to the winning side is what works in the interest of my "level them all" strategy.
  20. HadesR

    Pop on Indar was pretty even .. So you were no more " outnumbered " than when Vs found it acceptable to team up with the NC to remove TR's bonus :rolleyes: