%62 VS POP - I Can Play This Game Too

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Benton!, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. Benton!


    The Connery VS are getting out of control. Some MAJOR changes need to made to stop this from happening!

    But wait, you say. This is not prime-time! This is wrong.

    Exactly. How many threads are there whining about some faction on some server having a disadvantage because of a low pop. Most claims are from time's when it is not primetime on that server. The stats show that the difference in characters is %3 across all servers. Not only that, but the VS actually have more characters created. In the list of active characters, the NC are less then 6% higher then the VS, with the TR in-between. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AmUavphHXmIxdFhHUzJfN1VYalRnWS0xMnBUdTJpM1E&gid=3

    This is solid proof that the NC are not "getting out of control", we have a slightly larger population, but our actual avg capped/hr and avg defended/hr are actually lower. So that means that in the grand scheme of things, the populations are very close.

    See I can play this game too.
  2. Ghosty11

    • Up x 1
  3. VSIngenuity

    World is different than continent. If VS on Connery did consistently have that many more than any other faction population imbalance would still need to be fixed. Population imbalance is not a faction specific thing. Your stats are meaningless without further information. What counts as an active character for that data? Have you gone through and looked at the world pop stats hour by hour? etc etc. More illogical whining proving that no, you cannot "play this game" too.
  4. Pikachu

    Vanu is dominating Indar on Cobalt too. They do poor on Esamir but as soon as it's alarm time they dominate everywhere.
  5. Slyguy65

    I think that dude has an unhealthy fetish with pikachu
    • Up x 4
  6. Vastly

    TR and NC were off fighting an Alarm on Esamir (and it was an embarrassing rout of TR by NC, who I think had a tactical fail in spending too many resources trying to take a Biolab from the VS). Only 10-15% of the population on Esamir were VS.
  7. LuNaTIcFrEAk

    If I remember correctly when I logged on and saw the 62% VS pop I checked world pop and we only had 28%.
  8. Radec594

    That's only Indar's pop you dummy.
  9. DizzyEX

    I love how the OP is showing indar pop, and not world pop, which would show vanu as the LOWEST of all 3 empires. Here is a pic that actually has WORLD pop, during a primetime alert


    The only reason there are that many vanu on indar at all is there is no point attending an alert unless you want to guerilla war for a whooping 20% exp boost.

    PS: Vanu have been outnumbered on connery for months now.
  10. NightmareP69

    I can just smell the bullsh*t from a mile, got a TR on connery and the VS there are more outnumbered than then VS on Ceres.
    Even the TR are occasionaly outnumbered by a stupid amount of NC on Connery.
    Most of the time TR and VS only have 20-25% while NC has 40-45%.
    The only server i have seen where all 3 empires are balanced is Woodman, it's the most perffect server ever. High population and 30-35% on each side all the time.
  11. gigastar

    VS Ceres has also held control of Indar for a whole day, which i think is a server first if not a world first.

    Mind you we still have to deal with 25%-29% server pop during primetime. Ever since GU02.
  12. FleshIcon

    It doesn't matter if its world population or map population. The highest populated faction for whatever map seems to dominate. Getting warp gated isn't fun. Your resources run out and you're camped by air maxes, tanks and lock ons.

    Thankfully I don't see this much on Indar except maybe late at night (Briggs). As for the other maps, well, all the time. Population control is a joke.

    I started a thread below on the subject last week as there was little about the subject. Now it seems rather popular.
  13. StrikerKOJ

    As much as it sucks getting steam rolled on VS Connery, I actually enjoy the new alerts that take the NC/TR away from Indar for just long enough for VS to capture Indar. Love me some 90 point C4s. And in the last couple few days, it seemed like anytime someone was close to taking Indar cap away from VS, another alert would start and everyone would jump ship.

    So yeah, if we're going to be outnumbered, at least that means more targets for the seeforce.
  14. Hagestol

    Miller VS had had Indar for ages, then it went neutral, TR alarmclock-raided it in the night and then the VS got it back a few days later because NC and TR went off for an alert and forgot about it. I believe we still have it a week after :)
  15. Roy Teppert

    Haha, an NC on Connery whining about Vanu's population?!? On a server where there are literally twice as many NC as Vanu players. People will whine about anything these days...
  16. Fned

    This was shortly after the Esamir alert ended. I can tell because the TR appear to have gotten out of their warpgate.
  17. madman278

    So an alert was called most of the other pop took off and the VS was left with a majority for a small time on a single contient until the rest of the other factions returned to domatine for another 24 hours? hmmm.. yes i see very fun for the VS.. for those 30 minutes.. before being warpgated again due to their low 25% world pop.. Face it VS is dying for some reason maybe all nerf, maybe natural decline of PS2 pop or maybe people just like playing the 2 most powerful factions, who knows. Problem is in the quest to "balance" the factions SOE has made all the factions "blah".. so there isn't any reason to pick one vs the other other than the small advantages of their faction specific weapons ( there still are a few the ESL and Max ).