Where is our Cert Point Reset?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Norse, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. Norse

    Was slated for March. How bout it SOE? We have tested and invested in your success, now repay us with something thats long over due.
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  2. SiosDashcR

    I don't expect it free, but I want it as a cash item please.

    Lord knows how many certs I've dun goofed.

    At least over 1400 certs wasted.
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  3. Chinchy

    Can we please get a lock on this drivel?
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  4. FateJH

    You can reset all your certs by deleting your characters and account and then making new ones.
    Voilà! No more certs.
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  5. CitizenSoldier

    Get the reset in here. What's the ETA?
  6. DestructShawn

  7. SiosDashcR

    Honestly, it doesn't seem as if it would be hard to implement.

    I think $10 seems like a fair price for a reset. Low enough for people to buy and spam buy incase they dun goof again.

    However, I doubt the price would be that low now, since we got the VR Training Room and they foresee that no one would purchase the re-cert tool, making it more expensive.
  8. SpcFarlen

    I dont see why they would want it to be high to begin with. If you keep it low people are more likely to buy it over and over again to refresh their character. Making it too high means less people are willing to pay for it, or use it multiple times. Id argue that keeping it to 500 SC would be the best idea. Pretty much anyone could afford that, and for what it really does, it doesnt imbalance anything.

    Still a question id like to know is would it refund for weapons bought with certs? (no one can really answer that unless you work for SOE)
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  9. SiosDashcR

    I'm sure it would - Since anything bought with certs should be negated with re-cert.

    I just want to know if we may have a Re-Station Cash item. For something as simple as 500SC, it returns all the Station Cash you used through PlanetSide 2 and returned it back (excluding items that have already been expended (ie. boosts) )
  10. W0rthy

    Cert reset tokens would ruin the progression of the game since it would effectively mean that you could max spec in any class or vehicle whenever you choose, including timers ammo capacity and reload. That's effectively turning live ps2 into what the VR practice range is right now, for a few bucks.

    Aside from getting everything unlocked for the vehicle/class you want to play. Do you really think it's THAT great of an idea?
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  11. HellasVagabond

    100SC for a couple of resets would be nice, anything else and it would be overkill.
  12. SpcFarlen

    I would grab that in a heart beat... though i doubt theyd do that. Love it, but doubt it.
  13. Sumguy720

    I think if you pay for a subscription you should be getting at least one full cert reset for free. I don't understand why everyone is asking for it to cost money. Allowing for a cert reset periodically allows for more flexibility on both ends. SOE can nerf/buff/change things without too much lashback and the community can invest more of their certs without worrying about buffs/nerfs/changes.
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  14. SiosDashcR

    Same. I hastily bought the TR's terribad SMG, the Armish*t and it was a complete waste of 700 SC. That with the Halberd, some chassis lights amongst some other cosmetics that I regret.

    Yes. VR Training Room didn't exist when I started back in November.

    How did you know if a weapon or unlock was good or not? You spent certs trying to figure it out.

    If you were lucky, you had friends who each went to choose a different build of the same vehicle/class/weapon. Then the one with the shortest end of the stick would have to spend additional certs to get that ideal vehicle/class/weapon.

    Yes, it is a FANTASTIC idea.

    Because in their TOS, they said they aren't entitled to help you out if you certed poorly.
    If you feel something is OP, you better not purchase it as it would be facing the nerf hammer soon enough.
  15. siiix

    as the extra character slot is 1000SC, you can be sure cert reset will cost at least as much, i bet it will be more
  16. f33die

    Many of us have been playing this game since beta and we've basically been guinea pigs for the developers. I personally have wasted a ton of certs on things that either had a poor or misleading description, couldn't be combined or turned out to be so underpowered that there was simply no way to use the item or weapon. A full cert reset is to be expected since many of us didn't get the luxury of having a VR Training area.
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  17. SiosDashcR

    Sounds about reasonable.

    @ The guy who said re-certs will cost 100 SC..

    ... Just, no.

    It sounds like a nice idea - But it just won't happen.
  18. VSDerp

    cant wait for cert reset. wasted my certs on alot of things so cert reset would help me alot. i'll buy it.
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  19. Garzin

    I wish they would give one free cert reset per account
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  20. Mekaniz

    Instead of costing money, it should only return 70% or so certs. But obviously SOE will make it cost money.