FPS.. Why isnt anyone listening?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Peakin87, Apr 8, 2013.

  1. luvthesnapper

    Server maintenance planned for tomorrow AM, it appears. Maybe some positive changes will be made.
  2. Leroy Jenkens

    SOE didn't make Sony. Sony made SOE and SOE is poorly managing the quality of the playability of this game.

    My guess is the problem lies in the number of players on the servers and content additions. I would bet Beta had less players and less content (i.e less camos and bling) too.

    The FPS was starting to settle then they increased infantry rendering and it sucked. The servers were bleeding players and eventually we had a barely playable balance. Then we had the mergers and now the pops are through the roof again and performance is now crap. So it seems the only way we will get barely playable performance again is to bleed some more players.

    Well played SOE, I hope your papa's proud.