Extreme server side lag

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by SirJMD, Apr 7, 2013.

  1. arima123

    waterson is too lag to play :(
  2. Soundmonitor

    It happen to us on Waterson as well, also this stupid redeploy crashing is getting stupid.
  3. SirJMD

    The issues continues.. took me over 5 minutes just to log in on my character. I was unable to join the queue for indar for quite a while.
  4. TrashManCan

    Had to logout it was so bad. Windows told me I had a critical error. Could not log back in. Cobalt server.
  5. TSR AlexS Customer Service

    Thanks for the updates guys. I am looking into this at the moment. I will update the thread once I get new info.
  6. Gayspider

    I just logged off from Miller due to pretty much unplayable lag there.

    It's getting REALLY tiresome how this keeps happening every few days....
  7. TSR AlexS Customer Service

    Spiders, what's your fps at? We need you guys to submit more tickets so we can gather more info. I have already escalated your feedback on the fps server side but we'd still like to do everything we can to help.
  8. Trelawney

    I can confirm the same for Miller just now 20:00 UK Time on Indar. I was getting up to 5 seconds lag especially demonstrable when repairing turrets. Repair Gun taken to overheating (max certed) then repair being back 25% less repair than when it overheated just as OP was reporting for Matherson.

    Just to confirm not ISP (BT Infinity) issue, Router Restarted PC restarted, SpeedTest showing 25Mb d/l 5Mb u/l, Windows 8 with all updates, Game Booster (no unnecessary background tasks) Intel I7 3960 32Gb RAM, GeForce 690 GTX, SSD Windows 8 - normally runs sweet as a pea.

    Reckon potentially server needs a restart or possible ISP issue SOE side.


    P.S. Forgot to mention was finally d/c after having done a complete reboot and back in game for 10 mins, so something is definitely up...
  9. luvthesnapper

    Just logged off from waterson. The UI is speedier, though I'm at 8-14 fps at the warpgate, unless I turn on the in-game capture, then it is about 50 fps.
  10. SirJMD

    Was that you restarting Indar on Ceres?
  11. foop

    I can confirm that being on Miller at the moment is extremely frustrating. I can play about 10 minutes before warping players make everything impossible. There's nothing more infuriating than carefully lining up a perfect headshot on an enemy infiltrator only to see him flinch and continue staring into space because your client has no idea what's happening on the server.
  12. Gayspider

    50-60fps stable.. however I am talking internet lag, not frame lag.

    I had as much as 3 seconds of delay between things registering such as healing or repairing, and i know pretty accurately how responsive these things should be but it was definately delayed by 2-3 seconds - hence server lag. There was an abdunance of people in /yell complaining about the lag/delay so it was deffinately not just myself.

    This was on Miller.
  13. n0pax

    Mattherson server experiences extreme server lag 3-5 nights every 14 days. I also play on Waterson where I have virtually zero lag issues, but I love my VS character...which is unfortunately on Mattherson.

    Edit for info: It only lags when the continent is higher population, I rarely experience it on Waterson but I've experienced it like 3 out of the last 5 nights on Mattherson. Indar Mattherson is currently on a 3-5 second delay lag wise for me, Waterson Amerish (where I am now) is not lagging at all.
  14. wwwyzzerrdd

    yep its pretty much unplayable tonight. hits not registering, my infil cloak goes on/off 3 seconds after i hit the button for it, and EVERY medkit i've used tonight (10+) has NOT worked. this bug that consumes a medkit but your health just goes back to what it was is probably related to the server lag.
  15. zgunner

    Man, this game has gotten worse and worse since launch. I finally got my FPS to be slightly stable and allowing me to kind of enjoy the game, and then I'm hit with massive server lag. The game is taking about 10 seconds to switch my weapons and other random bugs. Also, all of my weapon scopes are completely off. Can't we just get a patch that does more good than harm? At this rate, a year from now there will be maybe 20 people still playing this game.
  16. shadowkhat

    agreed 100% i've tried and tried to play day after day and its getting worse and worse, nothing they have done has improved the gameplay usually makes it worse. takes me nearly 10 seconds just to open the map, tonight repairs don't even work ... well they work but instantly unrepair when you stop repairing. ( infinate exp lmao)

    i just don't get it they harp on and on about how tough they are on cheaters, yet the game is still run rampant with them, they go on and on about wanting to do E-sports, yet anyone that plays the game knows its no where up to par of the games e-sports play... to me it seems they are just out to get as much cash out of us as possible till soe can release another game. i just can't support this game anymore. they've done nothing to alleviate any concerns. anytime they fix one thing they break something else worse.
  17. Phichi

    I have been having the same desync problem on Connery. No hit markers, people and vehicles jerking all over the place. The only solution i have found is to restart the client. But that only fixes it for what seems like 10 to 15 minutes. I checked my connection. Ping is fine. I know there are problems with all of SOE servers, but I thought I should report it in case no one from connery has.
  18. StormShadowSirius

    yeah, keep getting booted from game and somehow some of the players are shooting through walls. The best one yet are the llight assault with stealth who shoot you or stab you. This is on Connery.
  19. vexxCaf

    Logged off Mattherson an hour ago due to EXTREME server side lag. Rubber banding like crazy.
  20. Scatterblak

    Still going on....:(