New Alerts Just Hidden NC Xp Handout?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DomBomb, Apr 7, 2013.

  1. DomBomb

    New Alerts Just Hidden NC Xp Handout? I say YES!!! On Helios, the NC are almost always out populating the server at any given point and get a huge rewards from theses new alerts, One time it took them less then 45 mins to capture Esmir because it was so unfairly balanced. I don't know about anybody else, but I would sure like a 10,000 xp hand out from the DEVS for the VS.
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  2. Unknown Kadath

    You know what you should do? Go and cry on the foru....

    Oh wait. Carry on.
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  3. LahLahSr

    Obviously SOE knew this would happen before they introduced this EXP bonus.Or rather, they had the DATA to predict that it would happen.

    I don't imagine that - in and of itself - these extra EXP gifts are enough for anyone to switch faction to the smurfs, but it is an incentive to stay with the hippie-militia faction instead of doing the right thing and try to even out the population imbalance.

    Population imbalance is the largest threat to this game because it will drive players away from all factions - raise your hand if you believe it's entertaining to roll in to a large base that is undefended/presents zero challenge and....wait.
  4. Phyr

    On Waterson NC came in third with 37% pop. They were beaten by VS with a mere 27% pop.

    Point is, try harder.
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  5. Zv1deX

    Yeah I was just in the Helios server for the tail end of a Cold War. Population was 50% NC 25% VS 25% TR - which means theres no chance. I realize that at 9:30 a.m. pacific time on Sunday isn't exactly prime time, but it doesn't mean things should be THAT uneven.

    I wish SOE would: A) Save events for when people actually playing. (M-F 6:00 p.m. - 12:00 p.m, and Sat/Sun 12pm-12am)..

    Basically, I would like more defined times for events. NC and their chinese horde of 3KDC made that event a **** fest. Glad I only logged on for the last 20 min, and certed fairly hard. Still, most of the populated events on Helios come down the last 5 minutes, and that is what PS2 is all about.
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  6. maxkeiser

    Been on plenty of vanu wins. Jusr depends on server.
  7. MarlboroMan-E

    Plenty of TR wins on Matty. Perhaps when it's 50% 25% 25%, the VS and TR should fight the NC? Some of the worst *** whipping I've taken were when TR were at 48% and the NC and VS exploited us being so spread out.
  8. o0Eeyore0o

    Christ the world really is full of morons. The events occur during off peak hours specifically in an attempt to encourage more players to play duringthose times. If everyone already shows up at a certain time, you don't offer then a deal to be there then.

    Off peak hours (especially early am Sunday) are going to be skewed percentage wise because with less people on line it takes fewer people to boost the percentage. Being out percentaged isn't the end of the world during a low population time since you're likely to be less outnumbered at this time i.e. a 2:1 advantage is worth less when it is 10 v 5 then when it is 1000 v 500.

    And yes, Waterson NC regularly get their assess handed to them by the lower population factions because the other factions are much better organized.
  9. MissTiger

    He's talking about a huge pop imbalance during non-primetime hours. I brought this up a few days ago and was shouted down for it too. OP, what I learned is that NC is not the only faction that has a huge pop advantage. Some servers, it's TR.

    But there's the solution - when a faction does have a huge advantage (such as NC's 60+% pop), there shouldn't be an alert. When a continent is already pre-capped, there shouldn't be an alert there. I know what alert you were talking about, the reason NC finished the alert so quick is because they already had 80% of the continent before the alert started.

    Now someone has said that Higby stated that alerts look for the balanced continents to start on. Hogwash. I went to Esamir as soon as the alert started - TR was warpgated and VS had maybe three territories. That was the same situation that NC later complained about "working so hard to win" and getting cheated because TR went and finished capping Amerish, winning that alert due to a bug.
  10. Nepau

    VS have won a few on my server, though latly not as much since we finally locked Indar, first for any empire on our server since the first gate rotation. Because of that lock its hard to get people off indar, and when the alert is on indar the TR and NC are ususaly both attacking us anyways.
  11. Zv1deX

    Bro, think before you talk. If SOE only wanted events during non-peak times then why am I playing events every night a 8PM for the last three days? Try again.

    Oh, and if ANY faction loses an event with the COMBINED population of both faction. Well, then they are absolutely terrible. Not sure what game you play, but I've never seen two faction team up to take on one faction. Sure, its happens for half an hour, but its coincidental an unorganized. There is no shared command channel between factions, even so you wouldn't be able to control mindless zergs.
  12. Zenith

    Switch servers? Join NC? I guess those are your options at this point. Personally, I would probably just stop playing.
  13. Vashyo

    You have uncovered the conspiracy! *calls M.Higby to send in the thugs*

    change server or stack to the side that is the flavor of the month like the 4rd faction.

    Woodman has got a batch of very incapable recruits lately, I've been doing an alert couple of times with 50% population yet we apparently cant even get more than 60% of that XP so, lol. It's like we have 100 guys capping one hex while the other two sides cap 6 bases with only handful of squads.
  14. Jezs

    From what I've seen, 80% of outfit members would raise their hand
  15. Jube

    Population imbalance aside, there is one thing Sony could change about the "Alert" system that would help balance things out.
    When the "Alert" happens the entire continent goes neutral and everyone has to start capping territory at their own Warpgate.
    Will this stop the heavily populated faction from capping the continent? No. But at least it will make them have to fight to do it instead of already having it capped before the "Alert" starts.
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  16. o0Eeyore0o

    Bro, read before you insult. The stickied post at the top of this forum specifically states the alerts primarily trigger during off peak hours or low population times on the servers. I'm sorry your server sucks so much that it considers a peak time to be low population, but that only further reinforces what I said earlier about lower populations producing bigger percentage swings.

    MissTiger : The bit about alerts occurring on nearly capped continents is a problem, and hopefully SOE does something about it. Just don't hold your breath.
  17. Zv1deX

    Try not being such a moron and use critical thinking before you make yourself look foolish. I highly doubt I am in the only server (Helios, ranked 5/9 in terms of population) that has had events during prime time. Since I work full-time, I cannot play this game during off peak times, and I've experienced around 4-5 events. Once again, I highly doubt Helios is the only server experiencing this. I realize and read what SOE intended, but thats not whats happening in reality, you know, what actually matters.

    With that said, if they are having these events during peak times then they should schedule them and take actions to ensure a good fights, otherwise I couldn't care. Who actually plays this game during the work/school day?
  18. khai

    Interesting but when I think about it in the alerts I have been apart of VS has won more of them then NC though TR seems to win the most. I wonder if we can get a scoreboard from SoE on who is winning where.
  19. Phyr

    Helios is probably the worst server the game has. It's the most unbalanced and shouldn't be considered in pop discussions for the game as a whole. Helios is garbage, and the only server that really needs special attention controlling population.
  20. bodmans

    2 days ago VS on Ceres won indar alert with a pop of 21%, and yes a 50% is pretty impossible(and shouldnt even be allowed)
    BUT(throwing in a radical idea here) why dont you whisper to the TR outfit leaders to ask to work together for the time being(they can use orders chat for the entire faction)