Necromantic Autism: An Emerging Epidemic Among Medics

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pie Chasm, Apr 6, 2013.

  1. KlyptoK

    Thread is a funny read.

    I do agree that he is a bit of a quack with that cure proposal.
  2. hawken is better

    I rarely play as a medic, but when I do, I always focus on healing currently-living players over dead ones. The guys laying all over the ground are of no use to us until the area has been cleared of any immediate threat, and I've seen it happen time and time again where a medic will ignore healing live teammates to try and farm the one or two dead guys that keep getting killed as soon as they're revived.

    I absolutely despise those types of medics because they make no effort to actually shoot the enemy that's camping around the corner revivekilling you, and they also refuse to heal other friendlies that are alive (that could actually pop around that corner and do something productive, like killing enemies). Instead, they use you as their personal farm until someone finally kills them. I actively deny heals from those types of people, and it's very satisfying to see them get blasted by an HE Lightning while pulling this nonsense.
  3. MissTiger

    I play ALOT as a medic, and I'll admit it, when you have the medic gun in your hand on a busy battlefield, you CAN get tunnel vision. When I run through a group of friendlies on my way to reviving someone, I tap my ability button. If I get XP for the area-effect heal, then I'll stop and zap with the medic gun. But my priority is getting corpses off the floor. Reviving someone at the point of conflict is infinitely better than having them respawn and having to run back to wherever the action is. It really has nothing to do with amount of XP for a revive vs. a heal - more bullets flying at the enemy means I get to stick around longer without hitting respawn-city myself.

    MY BEEF AS A MEDIC (or engy, for that matter) is all you dolts RUNNING AROUND screaming "I need a medic!!" (or for engy "I need repaaair!!!") Yeah, as in, I'm behind you silly, STOP RUNNING OFF IF YOU NEED HEALS!!!! It's kind of funny really, you can get 2-3 medics hoofin' it after one idiot running around screaming for a heal. At least most maxxes will stop in a safe location when calling out for repair. We have to FIND you before we can FIX you, silly!!!!
  4. Ashnal

    If you want heals, stand within 3 feet of me and shout MEDIC!. Whenever I hear the word MEDIC! I activate my healing aura. If you're standing near me then you'll get your desired heal.

    Honestly trying to find the person screaming for heals is many times more trouble than it's worth, which is why I've adopted this stance. I have a level 6 medi-gun and can be much more productive when reviving or shooting enemies and AoE healing at the same time, as opposed to healing one person with the gun.
  5. Pie Chasm

    I don't think you're serious, at least, I hope you're not. The instant ttk, the lack of meaningful character customization choices, trivialized map control, items... you know.. the kind you can pick up.... this is not really the true successor to Planetside, but CoD fit to accommodate more players (or perhaps even space BF3) with a Planetside skin.

    PS2 was catered to the new generation and I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't have done the same. Your money is as good as mine and there are more of you (at least in terms of product demand), but I hate what you like and you hate what I like. Don't expect me to pretend like I'm going to be happy about it either, not unless you pay me a considerable sum of money.

    By the way, "a lot" is two words. Should I make any obvious mistakes, please point them out, I'd be very appreciative, because I am willing to learn and accept myself as a fallible entity.

    PS: For the rest of you who completely misunderstood the post, its purpose was to address the people who are INTENTIONALLY not healing people and ONLY spamming res to maximize EXP gains.

    That was part of the irony of the post in labeling it as "AUTISM" when it was deliberate. My apologies for not spoon feeding you everything like you're accustomed to.
  6. Dictatorfish

    Haha! I don't believe this guy posted exactly the same thread in this board just because he got upset by us medics making fun of him in the "Combat Medics" board. =D
  7. khai

    Don't lump me in with the CoD crowd I played PS1, I don't even own a console I have never played CoD. My point wasn't meant to be that there was not features left out and a general dumbing down of PS2 but that it has less to do with pandering then it has to do with trying to be a "modern" fps and increasing the control that SoE has on balance a less complex system gives more control to the people in charge. Sure this means that some of changes from PS1 was to bring it in line with modern games but much of the mechanics of PS1 such as the high TTK and the aimed Cone of Fire systems were the results of technical limitations at the time and/or to bring it in line with the FPSs of that era. Find and play the original battlefield 1942 and the TTK is higher then the modern incarnation because of lower network speeds and less computing power in order to give the shootee a chance.

    My point was that there is a certain minority who lump everything they don't like or that was changed from the original as Sony trying to curry favor with the wants of this mythical conspiracy of CoD fans. Even the changes that the CoD fans were just as much against or didn't care about like the lattice debate was their fault. In the beta yes they were here making their suggestions and some of them were ridiculously stupid but they seemed to have no more and usually less effect on the finished product then the veteran PS1 fans and lately they seem to be almost entirely absent. Despite them having moved on though they are still blamed for every nerf/buff and population shift.
  8. Loegi

    Like I said, classy.
  9. Pie Chasm

    Actually, if you look at when I posted, you'd realize I actually created this thread before anybody on the medics forum had even responded.

    "Situational awareness"
  10. Psychosanity

    If I am surrounded by corpses, wounded teammates fighting, and wounded teammates staring at me and spamming "Wheres a combat medic?!" over and over...guess who I'm gonna help LAST?

    Also, the fools running away from me as fast as you can screaming for heals: not chasing you anymore. Go die.
    • Up x 1
  11. Dictatorfish

  12. Elkren

    The great thing about the healing tool. Once it's targeted someone you can't break it unless you release the trigger. Unlike the repair tool which breaks with the slightest pass of the beam
  13. GSZenith

  14. Pie Chasm

    Yes, I agree for the most part that it isn't the CoD fans themselves, but their utility that is reflective of the "modern" FPS. However, "modern FPS" implies more twitch, less consistent aim and more room for randomness in an attempt to bridge the skill gap and leave no player left behind.

    I disagree that FPS mechanics were intended to overcome latency, when quite a few FPS were intended to be, or mostly played on LAN.

    Once again, I don't attribute the changes to the CoD fans, but the companies that want them to play their game. They are not a minority, but a VAST majority.

    Recently a developer from a different shooter (Red Orchestra 2) attributed the lack of demand for this game due to its divergence from CoD. I can't really blame him, in fact, most new shooters have a lot in common with CoD, but that's partially due to the risk aversion of companies.