[Suggestion] Alert resets continent map

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MissTiger, Apr 6, 2013.

  1. MissTiger

    I've seen this happening since the first day of alerts, and it bugs me (yes, even when my faction is doing it!)

    Alert starts - warp to said continent - see that continent is mostly capped already by one faction - alert ends - see one faction go to next alert continent and ghost-cap it - rinse and repeat

    When the last alert started, one faction already had 80% of the territory at the start of the alert. On the other continent (not-Indar), my faction was steadily working on capping that. While I like the fact that alerts encourage us to fight on other continents, this 'preparatory' capping should not be allowed to hold.

    So, when an alert starts, simply reset the territories on that continent. Yeah, someone's gonna lose a 10% resource discount, but big deal. That discount was never a motivation to cap a continent, just icing on the cake.

    So if the continent resets, then it's a REAL contest.
    • Up x 1
  2. Fligsnurt

    I think its a good idea, happened the other day where NC had capped out Esamir just prior to the alert and when it started both the TR and VS had to push really hard to gain any land. It was already an hour into the alert before they took relatively the same amount of territories. Would be cool to see something like that but the question is when this transfers to other aspects (capturing one type of base and who holds the most, IE: Tech Plants) will those become neutral at the start of the alert or will the reset only apply to continents?
  3. MissTiger

    Had another thought along these lines: alert winner gets the cap resource discount bonus. Makes sense - if the continent bonus goes away with every alert, why not give it (for a few hours) to the faction that wins the alert?
  4. BeefySleet

    When an alert starts, make the continent neutral and warp everyone currently on it back to their WG's.
  5. Panssarikauha

    Well as fas ar as I know there isnt any info on when and what cont an alert is going to go on. So if I worked really hard and fought my way to capture a cont and then with no warning its reset because of an alert.. I would be pretty damn pissed. But they would do well to do something about these alerts and the way they go.