Why NC specialized weapons nerf

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Chubrokoli, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. Chubrokoli

    Like in the video posted

    It's a failed copy because NC have the hard hitting weapons with lower mags but with recoil like an heavy earthquake when shooting.

    I dont mean shotguns i meant normal weapons because ours shoot so slow and with high spread in hipfire. For example the AC-X11 has only a 20 shots mag but high damage that means in close quarter you only need luck against the high ROF weapons of TR/VS, TR/VS weapons have better mags which make more damage on middle range. BTW if you dont fire your weapon controlled you won't hit with any weapon especially fast weapons and NC weapons which have a high spread and recoil.

    They are representative, when you have the luck to meet a TR/VS MAX so close most times other MAXes are too far away to insta-kill them. Look at the range you need to be:
    5 meters close + higher reload time now + higher spread now + lower mags now + lower damage now + lower fire rate now.

    !!!5 meters!!!

    When do we reach 5 meters range except for big bases where the target also moves?

    Most times NC maxes get killed because of double gatlings MAX above 5 meters distance without an slave engi.

    Question why are you as crazy as running in front of a double shotgun max most times we get killed by a flying C4 guy, rockets in our face or 5 guys behind us( im able to kill 2-3 in the following the reload time kills me).
  2. WASD123

    These are all the weapons with 1 CoF while crouching (and that's ignoring the laser sight attachment which would add even more on the list and make those already on it even more accurate) much like the mercy and cosmos, many also have average dropoff yet I've never once seen an attempt (let alone a successful one) to kill someone at mid range while hipfiring. And while it may have the same bloom incresse/shot as almost all ads weapons, what exaggerates the bloom is the fact that AI weapons are already wildly inaccurate vs other weapons capable of ADS which means that the high initial inaccuracy causes it to miss much more meaning it has to fire even more causing it to become even more inaccurate which causes a vicious cycle of becoming less accurate because it is inaccurate as opposed to ADS capable weapons which are accurate to begin with meaning less bullets you have to fire meaning that it won't accumulate as much inaccuracy. In short, increasing bloom/shot is biased against inaccurate weapons since by virtue of being inaccurate it has to fire more making it even less accurate.
  3. Ghosty11

    This is not completely true. While NC weapons have the highest vertical recoil, they also have the lowest random horizontal recoil. Vertical recoil is completely user controllable, the random horizontal recoil is not.

    As for CoF, for ADS while not moving, all factions weapons are the same, the base CoF changes per weapon based on the weapon's bullet damage: 143 dmg has a 0.1 CoF, 167 dmg has a 0.33 CoF, and 200dmg has a 0.0 CoF. Bloom is also based on bullet damage, so all factions are the same. Where the factions differ is in the moving ADS CoF, here VS has a faction advantage, followed by TR, and NC having the worst CoF while ADS and moving. Hip Fire CoF seems to be be non faction specific, but also a way to differentiate weapons of the same class with in a faction, but in general higher dmg/bullet weapons have a larger CoF. Playing with some calculations of total ADS while not moving CoF at the kill (assuming minimum bullets to kill and 100% accuracy), I've found that the NC weapons have a CoF that is the same or better than the TR and VS weapons.

    Here's a link to the spreadsheet I made comparing a few NC, TR and VS LMG's: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AsNlrdBAInjedGJsM0NYSGVrYjdWUWYwWnMyLVAtWWc&output=html
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  4. lilleAllan

    Dear OP

    Screw shotguns. Learn 2 aim.

    Best regards
    NC Player
  5. TomaHawk

    I stopped reading your post when I saw this. Nothing to see here.
  6. Kiekeboe

    NC Gaus 100 mag and TMG 75 mag?
    You said in your first post (we dont have as good CQC weapons as TR or VS.) in fact you have same shotguns as TR and VS and a higher ROF gun than TR. You don't have any other weapon than the AC-X11?
    So you dont have a higher ROF weapon than the TR? If they didn't change it since GU6 you still have one.
    And just because some weapons have higher mag sizes makes them better for middle range? lol

    And another thing you say fast weapons needs controlled fire or you wont hit anything, so by your arguments slower weapons is better? and since you say TR/VS high ROF weapons, does this mean we also have to control our fire to hit anything in regards with NC weapons? Spread is different for each weapon and from what i know there not that much different from other factions.

    And like someone before me already said :
    While NC weapons have the highest vertical recoil, they also have the lowest random horizontal recoil. Vertical recoil is completely user controllable, the random horizontal recoil is not.
  7. Venomoroth

    no, but you have a high range slug ammo max.

    and, really, who uses max's in open field? usually you find them inside of a bio lab or tech plant and there the nc max was and is the biggest deal.
  8. supernauttt

    your and idiot, all factions have the exact same shot guns with different skins, wow i thought that was obvious, NC has no CqC weapon that is unique and hes saying that Shotguns are supposed to be an NC trait yet all factions have exact copys....and yes this doesnt make sense, i think they need to just nerf all shotguns and double or even triple the range(make the spread 2x tighter) make the shotguns more usable and less instagiby...would actually make shotguns more usable...and less people will cry about them and the NC
  9. supernauttt

    also what he means is that our LMG;s and carbines are outperformed at close range when compared with tr or vs...the tr and vs guns that are mid- longer range weapons will outperform the same NC equivelents at close range, which this is a known fact not with all guns but most, so hes saying that by nerfing shotguns or giving all empires the same ones NC has no real shotgun trait or cqc advantage
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  10. Kiekeboe

    Your an idiot, Have you read his first post it says : (Look at our weapons we dont have as good CQC weapons as TR or VS.).
    So we shouldn't get any shotguns and NC should only get shotguns? Or we can only have a bad bad version of NC shotgun?
    So what's our trait than? the ROF? so why does NC get a faster ROF gun than us?
    And NC does not have any advantage in cqc? Are you forgetting something?
  11. Alex Heartnet

    My post was meant more to taunt whiners, not be one. I have yet to even use the scatmax post-update, but I am sure the scatmax will be able to kill individual enemies just the same.

    Of course I know the scatmax is only usable at very close range (slug ammo aside). You either try and turn 'close range' into 'very close range', or grab a different class. Our stock firearm selection consists of mid-to-long range weapons, so doing the latter is not so hard.
  12. Zaik

    define medium range, and spraying is for bads.
  13. Chubrokoli

    1. That was just an example, a second would be the Reaper DMG with also 20 shots mag
    2. If you keep firing your weapon every weapon has a high spread, just try to shoot with a better scope than the 2x you'll see that the extreme vertical recoil on NC weapons is hard to control if fired constantly and btw firing constantly is never good

    There is one big problem with our high reload time we usually get killed after killing 2-5 people because we need to reload(3 - 4.5 seconds)
    As TR MAX you have 50-150 mags where you are able to kill a whole squad without reloading at short-medium range and dont tell me the joke that slug is high range try it in the VR and you see how "accurate" it is

    1. Indeed
    2. Ask Sony, honestly it would be cool if TR had such weapons besides the minigun for the heavy assault
    3. Killing 2-5 and then getting killed by a C4 guy or the remaining guys isnt an advantage for CQC, like i said before we have now a too high reload time and too small mags

    btw just look at the MAX weapon stats now they are ****** up
    ROF is completely empty
    Reloading speed is nearly empty
    Low mags contribute bad

    Dont make them to toys!
  14. Chubrokoli

    The funny thing is that i played the first time VS (beta and first 3 weeks after release) and i never complained about the hard hitting weapons of NC. TR just need 1-2 higher ROF weapons because of their traits. I know for example the EM1 and Anchor have a high ROF but they feel like shooting with a TR weapon only with another modell and texture. Like the normal shotguns are.
  15. Ghosty11

    With the flinch changes, the NC weapons aren't crippled like they were, so they are a bit easier to use now. Also, with all the specialized CQC weapons available now, having your standard weapons excel at any range outside of CQC is not a disadvantage at this stage in the game's development.
  16. Codai

    What's that? Your shotty's got nerfed?

    There is but one that still instagibs over 10m and you guys have it.

    I think he's telling us non-conglomerates to fight on Esamir.
  17. Tekone

    I hope you're not talking about the Jokehammer.

    Worst shotgun out of all of them, across every faction.
  18. Hobo Jack

    i like the slower rate of fire on the hacksaws. before i would shoot all 7 bullets when i ment to only use 1! that change was much needed! the minus 1 ammo and even longer reload was a bit extreme considering they also nerfed the DAMAGE of the hacksaw. now running dual hacksaws is kinda stupid because you can be cought reloading for a very long time. it is best to use one hacksaw and one scattercannon (or variations of)
  19. VexTheRaven

    Have you tried using a VS max? Or even a TR max for that matter. You can't hit anything beyond the range of a scatmax anyway. When I need to kill infantry as VS as a max I just switch to my dual AV cannons and headshot unsuspecting heavies.
  20. Eric Smith

    I can't believe you just compared the best possible CoF of the Mercy (Crouching/Standing Still) to the CoF of a SMG (Crouching/Standing Still) and missed a few of the obvious problems:
    The Mercy, and other TR/VS Max Weapons, are touted by NC as being long range weapons. Yet here you admit they've got the same CoF of hip fired SMG. Hip fired SMGs are CQC weapons. If you're going to use an SMG beyond CQC you are probably going to ADS it, an option the Mercy doesn't have. So now at any range the Mercy has worse accuracy than an SMG, and only has the damage of a single LMG. So, yea, the Mercy is far worse at range than an HA. And NC wonder why we "misuse" our Maxes by bringing them into CQC - the reason is simple, because they have the accuracy of a hip fired SMG, if you want to hit anything with them you have to bring them into the same kinds of ranges where a hip fired SMG is useful which is CQC. Give us guns with the accuracy of a scoped LMG (which is what the VS should have) or the damage of two LMGs (which is what the TR Maxes should have) and our Maxes would actually be useful at range. As they are now they are pathetic at range, which is why everyone always brings them into CQC range.

    They are not extremely accurate. They can be reasonably accurate if you use them correctly (which also makes you a sitting duck to enemy rocket fire and headshooting rifle/SMG/LMGs), but they are anything but extremely accurate. If they were extremely accurate they'd have the CoF comparable to an ADS LMG, not a hip fired SMG.