[Suggestion] anyone tired of OHK yet?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by darkagent, Apr 1, 2013.

  1. MilitiaMan

    All I have pretty much seen from this topic is tears upon tears....

    Admit it, OHK is fine as long as YOU are the one doing the OHK.

    The game is fine the way it is, stop being lemmings and learn battle awareness.
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  2. Lollerstakes

    What's next?

    Infiltrators getting a hp buff to survive direct Dalton headshots, to please the OP?

    Seriously, if SOE is balancing the game using the forums as the guideline, this game is doomed. The vocal whiny minority (prime example is OP) are loud enough to convince the gullible and/or ignorant developers that the game needs adjustments. You know better, you should be balancing the game using common sense and statistics, not listening to the crybabies in this and a thousand other nerf-this nerf-that threads.
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  3. GSZenith

    idk if pumpkids are just bad at aiming but as of late my 3/5 nano stock gun medic seem to survive most pump even 5m.
  4. Zorro

    OHK can be annoying, but it is logical for it to reward skill. Let's keep it with the powerful weapons, such as sniper rifles, pump-action shotguns, and explosive weaponry.
  5. Aegie

    I do not think the LA has a tool because the LA does not have a tool- it has an ability.

    Abilities = HA, overshield; Inf, cloak; engineer, turret; medic, heal; LA, jetpack.

    Tools = HA, launchers; Inf, radar dart; engineer, repair gun; medic, heal gun; LA, _______.

    First, I do not have to justify the LA having access to the shotguns- the existence of them does that for me- you have to justify the LA not having shotguns.

    Second, just about any weapon is going to be more reliable and deadly in the hands of a LA. Want to know why? It's because people do not look up. Want another reason why? It's because the only thing the LA is built to do is kill people- that is precisely its specialty. HA excel at vehicles, to a certain extent so do engineers but they also specialize in repairing, medics specialize in healing, infiltrators specialize in hacking-sneaking-sniping, and LA... LA specializes in killing other infantry and it does this only by finding better positions.

    Finally, I think I am over this now- you seem to be content to discuss limiting a specific class and focusing entirely upon the strengths of that class without comparing this class to other classes with an honest discussion about the various strengths/weaknesses the different classes have. In a game where XP is essentially currency and every other class has at least some way to use a tool or ability to directly gain XP you want to take the one basic class that can only gain XP through kills and make them less effective at killing. You may be correct about the bulk of shotgun kills coming from LAs but I doubt they are even in the running in terms of XP per hour- so yeah, take a class that offers little in the way of easy certs compared to the others and just go ahead and make the cert gain less, that sounds fair and I'm sure it will be popular.
  6. TheMercator

    u now how this will look like? watch an WW1 movie
  7. KodanBlack

    Nope. Not tired of it. I don't mind dying to OHK's, specifically pump shotguns (because that's what we're really talking about, aren't we?). TBH, they OHK me far less often than being blasted to pieces by a shielded up heavy assault carrying an LMG or an SMG wielding light assault, and far less often than being OHK'ed by a sniper with a bolt-gun, Zephyr/Dalton mounted Liberators or rocket pods. Yeah, it sucks, but I've become totally fine with those as well. Doesn't bother me. I just respawn and get back into the fight, usually with an appropriate counter.

    My question is this: are the people that rail against pump shotguns, sniper rifles and the like actually playing with them, or just being killed by them? The pump shotguns take a lot more skill to use than most people are describing. Getting a full hit in CQC with your opponent running around and through you isn't as easy as some people think. You have to slow down a bit and get away from the spray and pray mentality. That partial hit or miss is deadly to a trooper using a pump shotgun. If you're killed by a pump shotgun carrying "CQC god", as some like to describe their "awesome OP" power (BS), throw a grenade or two in the next time you decide to charge into a room s/he is in. Better yet, ask that heavy to go in first with his Nanite Mesh Generator on to take (and damn near ignore) that first shotgun blast. While the shotty is being pumped, the HA can cut that guy/gal to apart with an LMG. It's happened to me more than once while using the pump shotgun, and I've done it more than once to a shotgunner.

    Truth is, there is no real room to nerf the pump shotgun sniper rifle, tank round, etc to keep them effective, and no way to get your certs or station cash back for them, a 2HK pump shotgun will see the guy/gal using it dead far too often, a 2HK sniper rifle is simply a warning system to an opposing player that s/he's being shot at. a tank that can't kill an infantryman with one hit from the main gun is just plain silly and useless, while air power that's not "power" is as equally lame. And, a scatter MAX being OP? Pft... One block of C4 can change that faster than s/he can turn around.

    When I got angry, and complained of these things, I was put in my place, on this very forum. Now, I know better and try to counter these things without SOE's help.

    Quit whining and stop the nerfing! Play the game and counter these things with what you have. As the old adage goes, "If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck." Gain the upper hand using what you got and you win. Counter the opponents' strongest options and don't let them counter yours.
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  8. Gustavo M

    First Person Shooters are all about reflexes, cowardice and "luck" (positioning). And one-hit wonders must belong to this scenario.
    Which will never change, sadly.
  9. Tar

    must belong? No, not really.
  10. Ultramarine

    Just make the fire rate low, 1 shot/second should be alright. I trialed it, it's fun but it's not broken, it's only a OHK within 5 meters, and at that point you deserve to die because you ran that close to somebody without holding a shotgun of your own. 5-10 meters is a luck shot, between 1 and 2 hits, and it's 2-5 shots to kill farther than that. At least for the claw. I agree with the LA argument. Being an assault class the shotgun makes it very effective. It would make more sense for a defensive class like an engineer to have pump shotguns.
  11. SuBs

    Considering the masses of people involved in firefights in PS2, I'd say that the TTK is without a doubt far too quick.
  12. Takoita

    Pump-actions are piece of fail that never should've been introduced into this game. Remove that cheese and refund everyone. Or better yet, make them a rail mod for semi-auto shotguns that gives meaningful differences in how the weapon behaves.
  13. Sorusi

    Hopefully one day the devs will nerf these things down to 2HK. A TTK around 0.4 seconds for pump action combined with longer effective and range would make these weapons still better than all other rifle weapons.

    Right now it is just a crutch weapon for people with bad aim...