Lancer: CoF Removed = Winning

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by FnkyTwn, Mar 29, 2013.

  1. Notheory

    DPS is horrible.
  2. drNovikov

    It oneshots my Flash. Needs a nerf! :D
  3. Mekhazzio

    The best thing ever is coming up on a base to to see someone rolling out a Flash and stopping it to pick up their buddy. Yes, you wait right there while the extra cert hops on...
  4. JPJones

    From a balance perspective, it makes good sense.
  5. Ganjis

    I think it is the only weapon in the game that can kill a flash faster than the person riding it.
    • Up x 2
  6. Shockwave44

    That's... why... it... needs... a... zoom.
  7. Ztiller

    We have a Anti-Vehicle sniper rifle with no bullet drop and the fastest travel speed in the game. No possible protection against it whatsoever! What do we want? As much damage as dumbfire! How do we want it? With high-powered scopes!

    **** balance! **** sidegrades!
  8. Highway_Star

    This is a way better toy than the Striker.
  9. ColdCheezePizza

    Glad they fixed it for you guys, that COF was a deal breaker for me when I tried it in the VR. But if the Lancer gets a scope, then the Phoenix needs a manually controlled rocket boost to even things out.
  10. Evil Monkey

    I really want to like the Lancer and I'd love an anti-AV turret weapon... but testing in VR seems.. underwhelming use of 1000 certs/$7
  11. ColdCheezePizza

    hate to tell you, but sounds like you just missed the 2xSC sale, they're worth $3.50 imo
  12. Evil Monkey

    So they're worth $3.50?
    Or rather, worth giving up another use for 700SC?

    For example, the Pheonix seems a far better use of 700SC (based only on my VR experiments and the amount of times I am killed/hit by them)
  13. TheUprising

    This, ppl are still crying about the pheonix b/c you can't see it coming. Well about the Lancer....