UnNerf Max Clip Ammo size

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Hordak, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. Hordak

    It is one thing to nerf shot speed, per shot dmg, range etc etc. To nerf our already small clip size is just to much. On top of that your nerfing the extended mag.

    Looks like you didn't really know what to change so you just nerfed nearly every aspect of NC max's. What happens if we still are owning and making people complain you gonna lower our ammo down to 5(Hacksaw) per clip?

    I understand the damage part and shot speed sure but messing with the Ammo too. That's a big FU to us. Unnerf Ammo clip size and Certed Extended mag. We have the smallest clip sizes already and smallest extended mag bonus and shortest range.
  2. Pella

    Isnt that much of a change. And your yet to even try it....
  3. WaitShift

    They haven't been effectively changed at all.
  4. Compass

    Your premise: Magazine Size Reduction was too much.

    Your fix: Redact the Magazine Size Reduction.

    Your reason: People will ask for further magazine size reductions if the weapon is found to still be strong.

    A slippery slope and circular logic fallacy mixed together.

    Slippery slope - magazine will be further reduced later due to complaints...
    Circular logic - ergo we should not have reduced the ammo capacity in the first place, because complaints would still happen...
    • Up x 3
  5. Mekhazzio

    Yep. The root problem is that an NC MAX kills an infantry target so fast that they frequently inflict zero damage to the MAX itself, while the VS & TR MAXes always take attrition from every engagement. The 1v1 capability of the other two MAXes is finite, while for the NC MAX, it approaches infinity. Tinkering with ammo count and ROF isn't going to make much difference when the entire problem is caused by burst damage.
    • Up x 1
  6. Hordak

    Ammo has nothing to do with the complaints that people have. The ammo shouldn't have been adjusted. You can say its only 2 shots that have been removed but when you only have 7-9 shots thats a huge amount to take away. I would like to see them take away 1/7 of the ammo away from other max's and then you may understand.

    Not including extended mags. Extended mags lost 4 shots total.
  7. Naithe

    I was actually expecting them to reduce damage, but increase ammo size, to keep the damage per magasine around the same, but reduce raw dps. Well not the first time I'm wrong and not the last time. =)
  8. Hecket

    I like ham. :oops:
  9. StormFrog

    It's worth noting that stock Scattercannons don't have enough damage per magazine to kill another MAX without reloading. You have to get headshots without having pellets miss now to do that. This at 5m of course.

    People with Grinders or extended magazines don't have this problem.
  10. Bankrotas

    Meh, you still can kill enemy max with one clip, if you have 2 weapons but now, with slug buff, it's even easier at longer ranges!
  11. Stubek

  12. Anonynonymous

    What slug buff?
  13. Bankrotas

    Slug animation no longer lowers rate of fire when equipped
  14. toxs

    I went to be compensated in certs. 500 for 5 so i should get 100 certs back for each weapon....MEOW!
  15. Flag

    I'm sorry, but what's that? Can't kill my purple max in ~1 second(probably still can)?
    ... Well, what a shame. Are you that scared to actually have a chance of losing 1on1 against another max?
    Didn't realize NC had spineless sheep in it's ranks.

    Until the flamethrowers or other fun weapons emerge on the battlefield, I'm certain the NC max will still be king indoors.
  16. Purg

    That's hardly a slug buff - you had to artificially shoot much slower than the refire rate so your arms would settle enough so that you had some semblance of accuracy. That artificial rate is significantly slower than the 'slug animation' if you actually want to hit something.
  17. Purg

    Just tried the Hacksaw - actually, it can't kill another uncerted max in VR point blank, it needs a reload to do so unless you get a headshot without making any of the other pellets miss when you do it.

    Scattercannon was killing point blank so I don't actually know what the difference is between the two. Needs more than 30 seconds worth of testing. Just got home from a long shift and had a quick jaunt with my new VS with a Lancer. First and only kill was an ESF - don't know what people are still crying about, first shot ever at an ESF, was fully charged around 150m away and moving quite quickly and managed to snot him out of the air. Was also killing AV turrets from the Crown that were placed a little behind Magrider hill without missing - shame that a 3 charge didn't kill them in one shot but I can understand why. Was also hitting infantry on that same hill but didn't kill any. A tank 200m beyond that can't be that hard to hit.
  18. Flag

    Oh I like the Lancer. No complaints there(no big ones).
    What I did mind about the NC Hacksaws/Grinders/etc was the time it took to kill both the TR and VS max.
    Pre-nerf: ~1 second, which is too fast. Way too wast.
    Post nerf: Didn't get to really find out, EU servers are down.

    I don't believe the way they were nerfed was the best way. Damage is still front loaded, which is bad. TR and VS max, for all their faults and perks have a very -even- and sustained dps. Compared to the NC max, reloads are fewer and further between.

    By chance, someone else already made a thread with a suggestion which I personally think works a lot better than what we got.
  19. OddChelsea

    The scatter has always been more accurate than the hacksaw, that's the point of it. It has a tighter spread, only the lower damage mattock is more accurate.
  20. Purg

    Did you read the 'point blank', spread doesn't come into play when the other MAX fills most of your screen.