Was a triple edged nerf really necessary?

Discussion in 'MAX' started by MykeMichail, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. Being@RT

    With a headshot they could, but what people generally refer to as oneshot is using both arms of the MAX since that takes an equal amount of time, that time being 'instant' on the first shot.
  2. korpisoturi

    EFFING LOL, NC maxes get major nerf and already many muppets here crying its not enough
  3. Gimpylung

    In fairness korpisoturi, have you ever seen a 'Prominent thing got nerfed' thread go any other way. So far this thread is adhering to typical format. The QQ's, the LOLhards, the 'it's not enough' and the 'it's too much' types. All this before the servers are even back up.
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  4. X3Killjaeden

    Thanks detective :rolleyes: Who would have guessed. Guess why "Mag UP" threads where all started by VS... Because they are the only ones negatively affected? No no, that wouldnt ever be possible.
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  5. 01101010

    Still think they went entirely in the wrong direction for this. The NC AI MAX was exactly where it should have been - make people flee, take cover, and plot the next move... just like MAXs did in PS1. In PS1, you had to stop and change tactics when one or more were presented in the battle as you did nothing with your guns without switching out ammo or swapping to a rocket. If anything, the TR and VS MAXs should have had their RoF increased to match the TTK of the NC MAXs. MAXs are basically just big slow infantry that take a little longer to kill in this game and the only real fear from them is/was the NC MAX. Sad state of affairs...

    of course, this is apart from the fabled MAX patch that is going to give MAXs their abilities which I fully expect to be a huge RoF and reload speed buff for the lockdown on TR, a get out of jail free card for the NC, and who the he11 knows what nonsense for the VS (just give them jumpjets and be done with it - they still will get melted where-ever they fly onto and even better, they won't have an engy to repair).
  6. Soundmonitor

    I need to test this myself vs my TR MAX and see if I dont get insta gib'd...
  7. Pikachu

    All they needed to do was to boost terran and vanu max and everyone would have been happy. Now we NC are sad.
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  8. Stubek

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  9. Ganjis

    Was triple-nerf necessary? No idea, just be glad you did not get triple-nerfed while your competition got triple-buffed. That seems to be SOP for SoE.
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  10. Evil Monkey

    Agreed that NC MAX needed balancing, but this is typical of SOE

    #1. A "fair test" is done by changing one variable (i.e. Rate of fire) at a time, then judging the effect. Triple nerf = bad practice.

    #2. Why did it take so long? NC MAXes melt other MAXes ridiculously fast... has been since release. Why was this not done earlier, and more gradually (1 thing at a time...)

    A better example of balancing

    GU1 - reduce NC MAX RoF by 10-20%

    GU2 - reduce NC MAX magazine size 10-20%

    GU3 - buff kinetic resistence on all MAXes 10%

    GU4 - buff Cof (VS) 20% and RoF (TR) 20%

    GU5 - etc - you get the idea
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  11. MykeMichail

    I really don't think you get it...

    NC MAX used to win outright in fights under 10 M, lose by a small margin between 10 and 15 m, and lose by an increasingly large margin from 15 M +.

    Now, they win by a small margin at under 10 M, with extended magazines only, and lose by an increasingly large margin from 10 M and upwards. So basically, all the short-range benefit has been eliminated, and long range still blows.

    This is, by far, the most excessive nerf to any empire specific unit that has ever occurred.

    People over estimate the difference between a pre-nerf Magrider and a post-nerf Magrider, same with the Prowler. In reality, the differences between them are minimal, especially in tank vs tank encounters. But this MAX nerf is completely different. The NC MAX was already losing fights at anything beyond 15 M, and now its going to lose fights at anything above 10, whilst barely surviving encounters between 8 and 10 M.

    Sorry, but this is a ridiculous knee jerk reaction to a problem that never existed.
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  12. Shredthewolf

    No, Maxes still win fairly quickly under 10m not by a sliver. They are still a formidable force and by the "not winning" under that wihtout EXT mags, the TR can't do it either without extended mags, so fairs fair. I think you need to understand that we can't kill you without standing and facing you for literally the 4.7s it takes to kill, unlike you who can dump, run, return, kill, in ANY situation.
  13. wingspan

    Maximum cheese potential on dual Hacksaws has been reduced by a lot, but I rarely ever got to use it for full room-clearing potential.

    I can still gank and ambush around corners and props better than VS or TR MAXes, as well as win duels. The nerf is really just appeasement to the player base rather than 'balance' (totally subjective, of course).

    I still think VS and TR are underpowered, but rather than nerfs, SOE needs to show skill of its own and add new options, abilities, and a higher skill cap instead of trying to frustrate shotgun users.
  14. MykeMichail

    Well maybe if TR maxes would STOP USING THEIR LONG RANGE WEAPONS for short range encounters, you mightn't take 4.7 seconds to kill.

    Please start comparing like for like, instead of comparing a NC MAX's short-range weapon to TR MAX's long range.
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  15. Evil Monkey

    As a TR Max, my last 10 "duels" (PRE nerf) I won 8 and lost 2 vs Scat (OK, one was a burster). Simply not rushing to point blank range and not entering small rooms until you know where the Scatmax is, helps a lot. Keeping to long clear firing lanes and aiming for the head also is beneficial.
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  16. ladiesop

    I want to see how they face up in the 5, 10 and 15 shootouts like before.
  17. Goretzu

    With extended mags it'll be pretty much the same (NC MAX lose from ~8m+). Without extended mags it'll be the same in that the NC MAX will still lose at 8m+, but now they may well lose at 5m+ too.
  18. ladiesop

    If they lose at 5m, it pretty much confirms it was overkill.
  19. Bankrotas

    I want to know, how much slugs are more beneficial than before in Max vs Max confrontation and Max vs infantry confrontation.
  20. Ztiller

    Triple Nerf? You mean like how they meganerfed the Magrider while simultaneously severely buffing the two other MBTs?

    Stop crying. Mag was OP, got nerfed. Prowler was OP, got nerfed. NC MAX was OP, got nerfed.