If you could have any one thing from another empire in PS2 what would it be?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tenhi, Apr 2, 2013.

  1. Tenhi

  2. Devrailis

    Vanoo buns.


    Honestly? I'm really lovin NC at the moment. There's not a single thing the other factions have that I would really want and prefer over what NC has already. Maybe a dual-Mercy option for our MAXes, but that's asking for a bit much.

    Vanoos need more love, there's not a thing they have that I am actually interested in, not even the Lasher.
  3. MonkeySalt

    Gauss SAW, with all the fixins.
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  4. Herrick

    Higby's favoritism.
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  5. f0d

    phoenix - theres nothing else like it (purchased one on an NC alt and its freaking awesome)
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  6. Zamos

    Id swap my Striker with Phoenix in a heartbeat after i wash it of stink
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  7. gavinbrindstar

    I would love mercies for my max. Or a Lasher.
  8. gunfox


    Seriously? How can anyone not give this answer? It adds tactical possibilitys completely unavailable to the other factions.
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  9. RHINO_Mk.II

    Wouldn't mind flying a scythe, although frankly I'd prefer it if the Reaver just had more armor, what with its massive hitbox.
  10. Ultramarine

    Hmm, tricky. Maybe a mosquito but that's all I can think of, I like how each faction feels, they all have something different on the table, Vanu range, NC's punch, and TR's consistency. Though, the vanu do clearly need a little advertisement love to pick up that population
  11. vooodooov

    Id drive a tank if i had a magrider :)
  12. Rogueghost

    I want the vanu smg's, sure as far as stats go they are worse/identical to the TR smg's but those unique animations, godly.
  13. AnotherNoob

    Scat max and phoenix :S Both unique options that has major advantages in certain situations.
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  14. Hamakua

    While the Phoenix is all the rage, I absolutely would take the Lancer over all other empire specific things... including the hacksaws/scattercannons on the MAX suits.

    Well, as long as I could also get it for 5-6 of my outfit mates.

    It's an amazing weapon who's potential has not yet been realized by the masses. The thing is a veritable BEAST in organized hands, and renders any vehicle within view neutralized if you were to coordinate correctly. With the recent buffs, it's even more of a force multiplier.

    The thing about the Striker is that it is very good at killing bad players and absolutely horrible at killing knowledgeable and skilled players. I am not scared of the striker in skilled hands, I am not even scared of the Phoenix in skilled hands, I am flat out terrified of the Lancer in skilled hands and am truly envious of the Vanu for their fortune.

    Second place would either be the Vanguard's main gun (one single shot for damage) or the Reaver's air hammer.

    To add, I am annoyed that the TR didn't get a game changing mechanic in their ESRL, It's a POS and anyone who thinks otherwise are either giving it too much credit from a lack of knowledge on how to defeat it, or are in awe at how they too, now, can kill bad players.
  15. Fenrisk

    phoenix or scat max.
  16. Siro

    Name 2 things that it adds "tactical possibilites" to other than a biolab.
  17. jdono67894

    So many choices, like most NC I rarely pull armour since it underperforms compared to the prowler and magrider (which is proven with the in game statistics), but I don't really like tanks anyway so I wouldn't waste it on that.

    I wouldn't mind a scythe or mosquito since they both outperform the reaver (once again proven with statistics), If I had a mozzie then I would literally be faster in the base machine then my reaver with racer 3, but once again I don't really enjoy flying.

    I would probably be choosing the mercy, dual mercies in the biolab being used by an organized outfit easily outperform the NC MAX's who have to close the distance before having an effective attack (either saving your sprint to get away or using your sprint to close the distance and being trapped).
    Sure the NC MAX can hold a room for a long period, but pushing out is close to impossible, and a bunch of dual mercy MAX's can hold just as easily.

    But then again I would also like the CARV (been using it on my TR alt lately and it is amazing), striker, lancer, wow so many things to choose from.

    Funny considering the peanut gallery here has started throwing their peanuts at the NC because all their faction specific weapons/vehicles are so OP isn't it..
  18. WalrusJones

    A 200 damage automatic weapon.

    A shotgun that isn't mirrored across all factions (WAIIIT. o_O But not by mirroring the jackhammer, of course. )

    It allows 5 man teams to conclusively lock down any indoor capture point.

    It can break the indoor phase of tower seiges almost single-handedly.

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  19. Ultramarine

    Striker needs an adjustment with lock on, it should target the top of the tank turret javelin style. But then you might see that the striker outshines the other 2 when its working correctly. Who knows, I just know i've only been hit by them once, and never from the VS rocket, not because it sucks, but because the vanu run away when my platoon roles up....
  20. FateJH

    No bulletdrop.
    I can ask for intangible concepts, right?