Quests and achievements. Did I (sleep) walk into an RPG?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fleabag, Apr 2, 2013.

  1. Fleabag


    .....that's the way you're taking the game? Nevermind about the asinine plans for PvE for now but did your team play a few too many hours of [insert generic fantasy romp] lately Higby?

    Where are the extra continents, where is an empire (meta) game worthy of the name where we, your players, decide how best to move ourselves around for the benefit of our empire?

    Instead we get a map quest and some more frickin' stat pages to fill up boxes on.

    If you'll excuse me I'm off to find a picture of the worlds largest eye-rolling emoticon to tweet to someone in SoE, as I know that's the only viable way to express yourself to the team.
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  2. Teegeeack

    Well I'm looking forward to it.
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  3. Panssarikauha

    Isnt the "Questing" a player driven mission thing? So people wanting to play strategical can direct the tactical people
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  4. Shinrah

    All your valid points aside, PS1 did have achievements/merits back in the day. Actually PS did have those long before WoW & Co decided to have this "revolutionary idea". Depends on how they "reimplement" those merits, in PS1 you got them in form of a service ribbon which you could display on your shoulderpad. That was actually quite cool.
  5. SgtBreastroker

    People wanted purpose to the game. Yet there wasn't much purpose just by capping bases and losing them all while killing a few enemies.

    I'm happy we are being given some challenges and quests. It will make the game more interesting.
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  6. ColdCheezePizza

    is this in reply to a tweet or something?

    *nevermind, just saw the GU06 preview post
  7. ironeddie

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  8. Crashsplash

    Everything but what is necessary.
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  9. Suroped

    All i wish for this Alert system not to drive zergs in a wrong direction. Just look at the image in GU06 preview thread - FEELING THE HEAT Capture Indar within the time limit. This kind of objective can't trigger just randomly. And of course there will be no lore and immersion value - no commander telling you that it's time to finish off those rebel scum/ die for freedom/ ride the rainbow. Nah, just capture Indar. We do it every couple of months - such is a life on Auraxium. This is either a test asset for future or SOE game designer made this during lunch break.
  10. allattar

    Still want to resupply bases as a game mechanic.
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  11. Fleabag

    They were patched in, didn't like them one bit in Planetside either. It's cheap filler "content". Nothing more.

    Next bit isn't in response to you Shinrah, but I'll pop it in a big old font just in case someone from the team is reading this. :rolleyes:

    The beauty (not an exaggeration) of Planetside 1 was that we were given a blank canvas and invited to go and paint on it, in death, destruction and general carnage. The manner in which we painted was left upto us.

    However in Planetside 2, as indicated all along by overall design ethos, we're being treated like two fingered lobotomized baboons who need to led around the map by a nose ring.

    More continents, more need to make decisions about troop placement betweem them, beach-head play onto new continents, more variety in basic gameplay (different ways to skin the cat with base takes, LLU's, drains etc), more tools to make us go "Hmm, what if we...." (like the old router) an end to the AWFUL warpgate footholds (now you're making VR a separate instance, why not Sanc's?). Give us that and we'll make our own gameplay up.

    I have to ask this because I don't really know, but was this junk on the Roadmap at all? I feel like tweeting Higby this....

  12. ACE McFACE

    The alert system isn't what I would call quests
  13. Ash87

    What are you talking about with PvE?
  14. Fleabag

    There have been numerous rumblings (we think Smed' wants it more than anyone) of introducing PvE like elements to Planetside 2, with the introduction of NPC's. They're keen to try and say it won't be PvE, but if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....

    I'm sorry but what would you call it when the game generates an event, informs players that it's occurring and rewards those who take part with a pat on the head and experience?
  15. Ash87

    I am not going to lie, I wouldn't be upset if they did.

    They don't necessarily have to be like creeps wandering around, but if it could be integrated into the alert system so that we occasionally get something besides each other to kill, it might be interesting. I mean, with an alien world, inhabited (Apparently) by aliens in the past, it wouldn't be all that unpredictable to see alien stuff or alien lifeforms floating around. Not to mention we have Yeti-esque screams, Velociraptor like noises, and weird crop circles popping up everywhere.

    The issue here, and why I don't think this will become a reality, is the VR Training room (Follow me here). In the VR training, many people have requested moving targets. A scythe that will fly through randomly from points A-C so that people can practice dogfighting or whatnot. This, has not been added. Further, we have NPCs in the VR room that do absolutely nothing. There is nothing pointing to PS2 having any kind of AI programmed in that would allow NPCs to do... well anything. As it is now, the only thing an NPC we have observed can do, is stand there. This wouldn't be very useful to people in the game, so there is little reason to add it.

    They'd need to first go back and start programming some kind of AI For NPCs, or start possessing NPCs with moderators. There has been no mention or movement in that direction from the moderators end, and no sign of AI on the NPC end.

    Just don't think it's something to get worried about is all I am saying.
  16. Grotpar

    Orders from higher up.
  17. Rhyl

    You're missing the point of the mission system. Currently it's hard for the big outfits to get the rest of the population to follow orders to help things on a massive scale. The mission system is a way to push them into doing what you want them to do. Give them incentive to actually following your commands. This allows for bigger battles as the faction leaders can spur the masses on to actually assist in key locations.
  18. vastaitku

    I think these are much more interesting additions to the game than new continents. Then again, I ain't never been to Amerish.
  19. Wintermaulz

    1. The alert system is the begining of the meta game. Is it by means a final product? No. But its a step in the right direction.

    2. The player made mission system is still in the works. The alert system has not pushed that off the table.

    3. New continents are not easy to make, and can not be whipped up overnight. Have some patience.

    4. The ribbon system is atleast an incentive to log in everyday. Call it dailys if you will, but hopefully it will get more people on.
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  20. Mr. Troffleops

    Then thank whatever powers you believe in. That is by far and away the absolute worst continent ever. I have never seen so many bare cliff faces barring the way to a location in my life. TRY AND BRING A SUNDY TO THE ASCENT IN UNDER TEN MINUTES I DARE YOU.

    Such horrid level design.


    Get over it. The current end game is utter trash. There reasons loads of people are leaving, and alot of it has to do with the fact that outside of farming, there is nothing to do in this game. Cap a continent? Wooopdeedoo. 10% of resources which are practically always full anyway. Im all for actual rewards for doing something.