AV mines now also broke along with AP since april 1st patch

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sminky, Apr 1, 2013.

  1. Sminky

    Anit Tank mines seem broken now as well (they don't detonate when be driveb over or left under a vechile).

    It just baffles me how they keep breaking basic mechanics everytime they patch
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  2. Herrick

    A-april fools! ...right?
  3. Sminky

    no affraid not i think this post may also have been deleted. Had to search my name for it
  4. Gary

    Post is still here.. Also AT mines and AP mines seem to be working fine for me =/ Maybe the user just had mine guard and you were expecting the score to pop up?
  5. Sminky

    no they didn't detonate at all. They were just sat there (under a sunder) twice i got to go back and check. Possible just a glitch then i'll verify my cache and re-try then
  6. Rhyl

    AP mines do not work. Test it with a friend. Your claymores are just as broken as our proximity mines. They do either 0 damage or 4 bars of damage.
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  7. Gary

    hmm interesting, thanks =/ perhaps i just got lucky with a low health player
  8. Rhyl

    It's alright. I hope that this problem isn't hard to fix. I'd think (i'm not a computer developer) that it isn't and that there should be a fix soon. Probably at the latest by friday.
  9. FreelancePanic

    It's a good thing my pizzas don't come with a 100% explosive guarantee. My Flash pizza delivery company would be out of business.
  10. Loclear

    Uh, FreelancePanic? I think the rumble seat was intended to transport people and not pizzas...
  11. FreelancePanic

    9 out of 10 'satisfied' Prowler drivers can't be wrong!
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