What are you guys' favorite camos?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BH Brigade, Apr 1, 2013.

  1. BH Brigade

    I'm thinking about buying a camo, but what are you guy's favorites? I'm open to anything, including the garish/bright ones :D
  2. Aegie

    Desert Scrub v2 for general Indar

    Nothern Forest for general Esamir and urban

    Woodland for general Amerish
  3. Loegi

    Giraffe all of the day bro.
  4. Pikachu

    Anything that is meant for snow or mountain looks great on NC. I use the urban forest. I play mainly on Esamir.
    On other continents I use woodlands. Doesn't look as good on NC. :(
  5. control-z

    Avoid ANYTHING that doesn't look like your own faction. Really most are confusing, especially now that friendly identification isn't as quick at medium/long distances.
  6. infinite loop

    Amerish Scrub/Brush
    Esamir Ice
    Nvidia Circuitboard
  7. CitizenSoldier

    Why can't we test camo in VR? They are asking $5.00 a piece, should be able to see them on before buying.
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  8. DashRendar

    Do you have any idea how much money they would lose on single use camo transactions? We'll never see that here.
  9. CitizenSoldier

    What are you talking about?
  10. Loegi

    Thankfully there was a better preview system slated for February!
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  11. TintaBux

    Because people would not have to buy to try.
  12. MartianDiscoFish

    Forest grayscale FTW!
  13. Erik

    I think they are working on a preview system which allows you to view aesthetic items on a character.
  14. Rudette

    I think the Snow Aspen is sexy. I love the black and white/ubran camo look! Just like the Brotherhood of Nod from the fist CnC game!

    I'm afraid to spend my station cash though until I know rather or the NS pistols and MAX weapons are going to be good buys!
  15. DaninTexas

    Indar Drybrush for everything on all three factions for me
  16. vulkkan

    I love Northern Forest, Snow Aspen, and the digital camo for TR. Red guns just look awesome. Also, camo is a double edged sword. It can sometimes help you confuse the enemy, but noobs are going to TK you a lot more.
    Indar dry ocean also looks quite nice from some other persons screenshots.
  17. Remainz

    I just bought sandy scrub, Esamir snow, and Amerish leaf. You can check what the camos will look like here. My favorite of the three is Amerish leaf.
  18. Zazwon

    Shamrock camo on VS its wonderfully hideous, unfortunately it was also a limited offer.
  19. MartianDiscoFish

    Montage of images incoming!

    Desert Scrub v1:


    Forest Grayscale (My personal Favorite)

    Pine Forest:
  20. SynthMinus

    Digital and Zebra Camo (both for TR and NC).

    For some reason, I've never been a fan of the faction-specific camos for Vanu. They just look too pink to me.