My brother trolls and teamkills... a lot

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by josephbraun99, Mar 31, 2013.

  1. Veri

    When he turns off his PC, go to his BIOS and increase the voltage of his CPU or RAM to the max.
  2. Jokkie

  3. }{ellKnight

    I think all your brother needs is a group hug.

    ...with tank shells.
  4. TownCryer8

    Never thought i'd say this on the internet, but, that is actually good advice. ;)
  5. Zitroxious

    throw his computer down the stairs
  6. IronWarrior

    Why don't you do what we all want to do and smack him and smash his computer at the same time.
  7. Notyoz Tacoz

    Aaaah, yeah! Why are you using SOE or the Internetz for a family issue? And why aren't your parent/s involved in this matter?

    Long ago, when I was a young'n, I hid my brother's Baseball Glove the morning of the day he had a big game. My dad found out, long story short, the glove was returned faster than you can say Fedx, and I learned the ever important lesson of the difference between an innocent prank and being mean/spiteful.

    If your brother is indeed doing this to be mean or you feel he's bullying you, then you need to tell your parents! if they refuse to get involved and want you to just "settle it between yourselfs", then I feel a call to your local Children and Family Services Department is in order. NO ONE has to endure repeated abuse, whether it be Physical, Mental or Physicological and never should a parent allow that type of situation to persist in their HOME.
  8. AltF4Fun

    Why would you destroy a PC when you can just sell it.Buy him some Gameboy or something,maybe he will shut up then.
  9. -Zlodey-

    I`m remember, when I`m playing in Tactical Ops game, official TO forums have special smiley for such threads: itwashisbrother.gif
  10. FleshIcon

    My little brother (his 26) did the same thing. He no longer plays though. Likes his SC2.

    He just found it funny. Wasn't very often he would get locked either. Usually he would kill some guy running in the open or blast the back of tanks.

    Team killing is a joke in this game. Today I had another Skyth push me into the ground just to get a stupid bike kill. It was a fresh Skyth too so I had to wait. Man I hate the timer.
  11. Marinealver

    Rated "T" for Toddlers. Let the little rugrats fight and whine over who gets to play the videogames on the computer.
  12. Satanam

    SOE doesn't IP block anyone, as far as I know (unless a country/region is restricted or something). Anyway, I hope they punish you with some hard punches. Not sure if you (or "your brother" - yeah, ok, uh-huh) remember me, but it made glad to team kill you until my weapon was blocked at Rashnu Bio Lab.
    To make it clear, I was trolled by someone ("your brother") calling me (referred to me as "hey, you, the Heavy Assault with the big weapon" - I was holding my Mini-chaingun) to take a screenshot of my character. As it already happened before (yeah, I am badass), I didn't care about his nickname and didn't read the IWILLTEAMKILL on it. Then, he said something like "oh, thank you, now I WILL TEAM KILL YOU". I was doing my farm fest with Mini-chaingun, killing VS guys who were just jumping in front of the spawn room, and this guy distracted me to do this stupid joke (I would find it funny if I wasn't losing some certs that I could be farming). Then I started team killing him, and his friend (YOUMADYOUBAD, something like this) tried to TK me. He failed, I killed him and started to kill both them until my weapon was blocked. They just respawned with full HP and couldn't kill me while I was damaged.
    That would be kinda ironic if I get banned because of it, he said was going to report me. lol