[Suggestion] Platinum medal

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SpaceKing, Mar 31, 2013.

  1. SpaceKing

    500 kills over gold. Bridges the big gap between 'em.

    Platinum might look too similar to silver though, maybe diamond?
  2. Cougarbrit

    Gallium is better.
  3. Zeekez

    Would make sense since there is a "platinum" level of membership subscription between gold and auraxium
  4. Joe-H2O

    Nah, osmium or iridium.

    Or if you want exotic, Gadolinium, since it becomes strongly paramagnetic above 20 C.
  5. Cougarbrit

    Galinstan pls
  6. f0d

    id rather more medals above auraxium
  7. Galium


    OT: The exotic metals would be cool, but I doubt they would be used.
    Platinum seems like it might be the best choice, but it needs something to differentiate it from silver. Maybe give the platinum some gold highlights?
  8. Xind

  9. Zeekez

    No. My wedding band is tungsten. I don't need to be reminded of the poor choices I've made in life while playing a video game.