No deconstruct?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ninjaman5j5, Mar 31, 2013.

  1. ninjaman5j5

    i wanted to get rid of my vehical and for some reason there was no deconstruct button. Anyone know why?
  2. CEGrif

    they removed it as ppl where abusing it
  3. Tobax

    They need to remove instant logout too in favor of a 5 second timer before it happens, for the same reason deconstruct was removed.
  4. Devrailis

    I'm not certain why they can't implement the same solution they have with redeployment.

    The moment you take or give damage, it cancels the timer.

    Or better yet, deconning gives your attacker the same exp they would have had for a kill, afterall, if they've forced you to deconstruct, they have forced you to remove a vehicle from play, which is functionally the same result as them blowing it up.

    Deconstruct is actually a really handy way for me to get rid of a deployed sundy so another sundy in a better position can deploy. I use to use it for that purpose all the time, now I have to leg it all the way back to the sundy (not always a viable option if speed is required), or have someone TK it for me.
  5. Jaes

    They wanted it to be resolved quickly for the 2x experience weekend, from what I've heard they're replacing it with a timer in GU06
  6. Devrailis

    Ah, you know what?

    That actually makes a lot of sense.

    I hope they use the extra time to implement one of the common sense solutions that the community has already proposed.
  7. Singulari7y

    I lost a lot of sunderer kills because people deconstruct them just before they blow.It really shouldn't be in the game it has no purpose you don't get resources back people just abuse it.
  8. Veri

    Yesterday I saw some high ranking TR Liberator pilot and his buddy both log out to avoid getting his precious liberator destroyed.
    Dealt significant damage with a AA turret, so they went off and hid behind a hill.
    Instead of repairing the Lib, they logged out.