Be Honest: Do you report Cheaters of your own Faction?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rebelgb, Mar 31, 2013.

  1. Joe-H2O

    Yes, always.

    If I see teleport or speed hackers, or those who can noclip through walls, I report. The only thing worse than playing against them is playing on the same side as them.
  2. Olek

    Without hesitation, he could be the same knob end who aim botted me the day before when he was playing another faction, though I've seen very few if any on Briggs of late.
  3. Pengalor

    If I can confirm that they are hacking then I definitely will. Unfortunately, the way this game works we can really only catch the terribly obvious ones.
  4. WolfA4

    Yes, last NC cheater I saw was attempting to take the control point at seabed listening post on Indar, I was killing the vanu coming out of the spawn room when I noticed him speed hacking. I ended his speed hacking with some rocket pods. I rather lose a piece of territory fairly than win it with a filthy cheater.
  5. JP_Russell

    I actually report cheaters on my team more than cheaters on the opposing team by virtue of the fact that it's easier to monitor them and confirm that they're hacking if they're not hostile toward you.
  6. ent|ty

    Zero tolerance. Cheaters ruin the trust gamers once had in each other, and makes gamers second-guess each other..
    Rarely do I ever get a 'Hey man, nice shot/nice play'. Now it's "Nice hax man.. nub class/weapon" w/e. There's no fun in people's game no more.
  7. UrMom306

    I report other factions but still see i've stopped reporting friendlies that look like they are hacking...that way our hackers can fight there hackers...there is a digital war going on as well you know :eek:
  8. Some1

    If I'm instructed to I will other wise I dont report anyone with out proper cause other wise I would most likely be labeled an abuser of the system and have my reports ignored.
  9. Outreach

    nope, not going to start either. EVERYTIME someone from my faction attempts to let ppl know someone from NC/TR is hacking it's always met with stuff like "cry more, you just sucks, get better, scrubs blahblahblah". They don't care that they have people hacking then **** it, I won't care if we have people hacking for our side.
  10. Veri

    Wow....the platoon leader appears to have known that he was cheating and approves.
    Now that is really sad.

    As for a response to your thread OP, yes I do report cheaters of my own faction.
    I do not want the faction I am in to have the reputation of being commonly know to use cheats.
  11. LiBeRtY76

    Sure do , had too allot this weekend. I guess it didnt surprize me though being double xp weekend.
  12. SNAFUS

    I not only report them but I'll then communicate who he is on orders and have others report. Then we will actively hunt the little **** and make his gaming experience a lot less fun. We also have good coms with some NC outfits who do like wise for when they have some hackers.
  13. Markus.D

    Report them always. No mercy to cheaters and mad teamkillers.


    So that why i currently see so much cheaters from VS and TR? All they cheating cuz thinks that NC cheating? People have no honor today...
    There are 4 factions we have now (order of sequence means nothing) : TR, NC, VS and CL. Last one means : "Cheating Loosers".
    All fourth faction must be reported as soon as possible.
  14. Lafladitu

    I report all cheaters I see even if they are in the same faction as me, even found a deployed sunderer from my faction that where under the map that I reported to a GM that were online,
  15. Hibiki54

    Yes, I do. It's bad enough that I have to deal with TR/VS hackers, I do not like people on the NC who use cheats to get an advantage. It takes away the fun in making my enemies go QQ when we dunk on them.
  16. Hellhammer

    If I see something blantant, then yes, I will report them. Hackers/cheaters, no matter the faction, ruins the gameplay
  17. Mefi

    Mostly no.
    If they aren't obvious flying cheaters or aimboters then I even can't notice them and I will not report someone just because other players yell in the chat '<player> is a cheater!"
    Don't get me wrong, I don't need unfair advantage but at first I have to see an evidence.
  18. Zeekez

    Being on the same faction, and not experiencing it unless they are obvious, then I usually don't report them. I report players who are cheating, which is usually from my point of view - an aimbotter on my faction isn't going to shoot me so I probably won't notice him. If I see someone purposely speedhack on my faction? sure. but who speedhacks around their own faction? There's no reason to.

    Wow... just wow.
  19. Necron

    If I saw one that was obvious I would in a heartbeat, and have a few times since I started playing. The only thing is that it is often harder to see faction members cheating because you are so focused on the other factions. Unless they do something REALLY obvious like wall-hack or something.
  20. RHINO_Mk.II

    No, because I don't notice them.