Be Honest: Do you report Cheaters of your own Faction?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rebelgb, Mar 31, 2013.

  1. Rebelgb

    Had a guy, fellow TR, yesterday walking through walls right in front me when we holding a point. I said to him in chat "dude wtf?" , he says "pretty cool right?"

    I told him um no, your a ******* cheater. He says, "bro im TR man"

    So i reported him.

    Hour later I get a message "dude wtf im a fellow TR player and you ******* report me? do you know how many NC guys cheat?"

    I put him on ignore. I was shortly after kicked from the platoon. If you can believe that ****. Cuss I reported a cheater.
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  2. Jaes

    Hell yeah I do, on my team or not, script kiddies and exploit abusers ruin the fun for everyone. Sure, it's fun when you're winning, but it's a helluva lot more satisfying doing it based on your own abilities, not some code I plugged in to help rack up kills.
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  3. DJPenguin

    No. Simply because it's impossible for me to see/experience the cheat when I'm not the one on the receiving end. Often having others yell my name out to be mass-reported, I'd be sending in a lot of false tickets if i were listening to accusations like those. When i send in tickets i try giving as much detail as possible, and saying "I'm reporting X because someone else said to" is useless.
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  4. Joram

    If several people say someone is cheating i check the player website, if is a low BR with 40 kdr i report him, if nobody complain i usually dont even notice.
  5. Darlith

    If I see them, of course I do. Doesn't matter what side they are on, cheaters ruin multiplayer games for everyone even their own team.

    Sadly it's much harder to see cheaters on your own side if they aren't using certain collision or speed hacks so we catch less of our own.
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  6. KlyptoK

    I've been accused of cheating a few times, but I haven't seen any yet from any faction post-beta.

    but yeah, reporting them would be common sense.
  7. Whateverworks

    If I see them cheating, and I'm pretty sure it's not due to lag or something, then I'll send a report and let it be investigated. I agree with DJP above, though. I won't submit a report just because someone yelled to report them, whether the person yelling or the person to be reported is an ally or an enemy; I only send reports for something I actually witness.
  8. Devrailis


    Any NC hacker that is involved in a fight I am in cheapens my victory. By my own pride, that is unacceptable.

    The only hacks I find acceptable are my Hacksaws.
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  9. Tobax

    Yes but it can be a lot harder to see them since its not you they are shooting at, depending on what cheats/hacks they are using of course.
  10. RasFW

    If I see someone cheating, I report them. No ifs ands or buts.
  11. Rhyl

    I definitely report other Vanu cheaters. I can't stand those that cheat, especially on something like a video game. If I said what I truly think of those that cheat I'd probably receive a forum ban but yeah. My faction or not they need to go. They're hurting the game as a whole.
  12. Jaquio

    Of course. But the only way I would really know is if they're speed hacking. The other stuff is harder to spot.

    Why wouldn't I?
  13. Terran537

    I generally don't notice them; I pay attention to my squad/platoon's orders and (dare I say it) rambo behind enemy lines to kill that hidden Sunderer. If I do see them in the act I do report them however (this applies to all factions by the way).
  14. ChaosRender

    If I know they are a cheater or a see them yes I well report them after shooting them in the head.
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  15. FleshIcon

    I gave up reporting players and just play less instead. :confused:
  16. Yerk

    Cheaters ruin the fight both ways even they are your "allies". So, yes.
  17. bodmans

    i am lucky to have only ran into 1 hacker on TR side(at that moment it was mallory)

    but anyway, if i see someone hacking/cheating i report
  18. Teegeeack

    Yes. I don't usually report anyone unless I know for CERTAIN they're cheating. One VS guy was on foot following my flash around, so I reported him.
  19. Cougarbrit

    If I see them cheating, yes.

    I'll also try to kill them if possible, they usually have to either run away or hide as aimbots don't work on your own team.
  20. Fivetide

    If i see someone cheating then yes. But its not so often you notice them when they are not shooting you.
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