The upcoming double SC dilemma

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Springheel Jack, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. Bagginz

    Somebody's ********.

  2. Bagginz

    Ummm they censor b u t t h u r t?! wat....
  3. Lord Robert

    This is wise.
  4. queue

    they won't stop. It is worth buying because it is OP, release that way on purpose, and fully intended on being nerfed when the revenue stream dies.

    SOE doesn't care about you. They care about the player who doesn't care about spending a lot of money. It is the Apple business model. SOE will continue to do this until the OP release revenue stream dries up.
  5. queue

    people actually use single use camo?
  6. dsty

    i have i thought i was getting the 500 one not the 50..... hehe
  7. Deavonere

    I don't know if you've noticed but you can get 20k SC for 85 $ so it's more than x2 sale in that particular case.
  8. Phyr

    If this was even a little true, the the Lancer wold have been OP on release as well. But as we all know, it's barely worth using.
  9. LibertyRevolution

    Your logic is flawed.. They rotate who is OP.
    They want you to come play NC and buy a phoenix. They want you to like it.. They want you to buy other NC stuff..
  10. Phyr

    NC is the highest pop faction right now. You argument is flawed because it's tinfoil hat wearing stupidity.
  11. DaninTexas

    Bought another 10k (20k) SC today.

    Game rocks - it is being worked on hard. Love playing every night. As long as I have fun I will put money into it. Think I have spent over $400 so far. lol

    But if I have fun with it *shrug* A great entertainment value to me.
  12. Rift23

    Games are going from PTP to FTP because the industry has noticed that your average player has very poor financial savvy at the end of a six-hour battlefield spree when he needs a dollar to reload his clip. And those who have invested a lot of time already into the game are just as bad. These are EA's words not mine.

    People say, "quit being stingy and support the game by dumping cash." I say, hell no. They built this model, if it crashes it's their fault. I'll play for free until it's no longer fun to do so then move on to the next one. The only way for the FTP model to go away is if the consumers stop rewarding it.

    Not likely to happen, though, because game makers know how our brains work better than we do.
  13. LibertyRevolution

    Could it maybe have something to do with all the whine on the forums about how NC is OP right now??
    The 4th faction is NC right now, because they are OP.

    Last month it was TR out popped everyone, OP prowler spam everywhere, remember?

    Before that the 4th faction was rolling with the VS and the OP magriders... (VS pop isn't missing, those were 4th faction)
  14. queue

    highest number of potential dollars.