Mad Tea Party

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by Czuuk, Feb 8, 2013.

  1. Czuuk

    Welcome to the Mad Tea Party!

    I suppose a few words are in order.

    We are the H4TZ Mad Tea Party Gamer's Society. We began as a ragtag band of misfits operating a small but effective outfit on Waterson in Planetside 2. Eventually we were pretty well known for our air operations earning designation as primary targets from a number of enemy pilots and outfits.

    We first gained fame with some of our exploits caught on youtube by TotalBiscuit early in January. Since then we have been expanding on all fronts. We are continuing to improve our coordination with other outfits. And we have expanded into numerous other games.

    We're not real big on rules, but as things grow we are getting a little bit more organized. Also, I've completely pwn'd the intertubez. Google H4TZ or Czuuk Waterson for more.


    H4TZ Mad Tea Party Gamer's Society

    Moar Linkies

    CzuukSucks - frequent updates likely

    Public Mumble Server 9747

    - Czuuk - NC - Waterson - H4TZ
    -- Alright, alright. Whadda we got?
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  2. GrantonStar

    Whats not to like?
    Unique leadership style. Good comms, and a variety of silly accents (not essential but prefered).
    Multi-national shenanigans.
    • Up x 2
  3. Czuuk

    Now in English, French and Portuguese. Among others.
  4. firelog4

    I would like to know more than, "If you don't already know. Ask somebody else."

    Are you mainly a flying outfit, with Battling Galaxies, Interesting Liberators, and Reaver Escorts?
    Do you like doing drops of troops at key strategic locations?
    Are some of your members obsessed with Mining Spawn Rooms?
    Do you use a third party program for VOIP?
  5. Stubylegs

    First off, im not a member of their outfit, but I am a member of the tea party. I always join their platoon of it is active when I play. The only exception being when my outfit is rolling on force and that is like once a week. If you need a more accurate description. I would call the tea party a roaming platoon of doom. The outfit commanders running the platoon decide where we hit and we hit it. Sometimes we gal drop, sometimes we roll armor, sometimes we just fling bodies into the fray. Lots of fun to be hadand certs to be gained with these guys.
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  6. GrantonStar

    You forgot Canadian
  7. Czuuk

    I said French, not Quebecois.
  8. Kylesal18

    Been with these guys for about 1 week now and have not regretted it at all. Made a lot of new friends and been having fun in the Outfit squads/platoons that are up just about every time I get on. If you are looking for a good, fun, and not boring Outfit then send these guys a request! That or try us out by rolling with us in one of the squads. Kylesal - H4T

    • Up x 1
  9. Czuuk

    Working on the "when we are on thing". Admittedly some of our officers have had some pressing real life issues. New jobs, international trips, Mass Effect 3, Day Z, Natural Selection 2, soon with Baulder's Gate, etc. Mumble is active nearly 24/7.

    EDIT: err, typo :D
  10. Kylesal18

    Been running H4T platoons the last 2 days. Need to find out how close they go to the Amerish cap. I am glad to see that there has always been a few guys from the outfit on and we normally start a squad and it grows from there. Thanks for letting me in!

  11. Czuuk

    Anytime bud. We work with a bunch of the big out outfits regularly. And we are continuing to improve our co-ordination. We've got a bit of a spec ops team getting together. VR training. All manner of grenades. HS/NV scopes. Room clearing, close quarters tactics. Speak with GrantonStar and AtlasUnchained.

    Also, make sure you spam friends with anybody in platoon. If you don't see a H4TZ platoon up we run with DVS, DREV, EZC and others pretty regularly as well.
  12. Czuuk

  13. Czuuk

    We've garnered some interest on the Advanced tactics training. We're still working on getting a few folks certed up properly, but we should have some time in VR every day this week.

    I've just logged from the morning session. We've had a full, hard-hitting platoon working on Amerish since 9:30 EST. We've had TR at the bubble two or three times but as of yet to secure the cap or even unlock it from their control.

    Another great defense put up by TR by ODAM, TRAF and others.
  14. Czuuk

  15. thejugg3rnaut

    Sounds good, how do I get in?
  16. Czuuk

    Pretty easy. Waterson. NC. Czuuk. Will be back on once the servers are up.
  17. Czuuk

    Continent caps > cert farming. NC took Indar this morning for the first time since we owned it last after the first warp gate rotation. [H4TZ] graveyard shift participated in the cap. Been holding stead for 4 hours since. Good farming now from the warp gate. If you're into that kinda thing.
  18. Czuuk

    Now with moar twitching.
  19. Czuuk

    Many thanks to every one involved with this weekends double XP marathon. I'm tired. More details to come.
  20. Czuuk