Running Combat Medic

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Combat Jorts, Mar 26, 2013.

  1. Combat Jorts

    Would it be possible to enable the Combat Medic to run while healing with the nano gun? Nothing is more annoying than having some moron call for a medic while sprinting around, I try to heal them but I slow down to a crawl when I fire my medigun, resulting in the wounded guy spazzing around oblivious to the fact a medic was 3m away from him.
  2. Dudeman325420

    Just give up on healing those people. They are just going to charge into combat without any shields anyway. Wait until they die, then rez them. Don't bother healing someone unless they are hiding behind cover.

    Also, a player that cannot visually identify a friendly medic does not deserve healing. You can only heal one person at a time, save it for people with average intelligence.
    • Up x 4
  3. Bersigil

    To be fair: it would be extremely useful if the "I need a medic" shout would also show you your medics on the minimap (as it does on the big map when you die. That way one could run to a medic instead of looking for one while half-dead and under fire.

    Concerning your work as a medic: get into a good, covered position and let them come to you. That way you won't be caught with your pants down (and your healing tool out) and they won't be killed while standing still and waiting for your heal. If they don't come.... let them die.
  4. Mefi

    You may heal them with AOE ability but it's better to let them to die.
  5. Zentoco

    I liked how the game Enemy Territory did it. They had the voice options with the responses being, "I'm a medic" or "I'm an engineer". At least letting folks know someone is around. I *think* it put an icon over you signifying to your team what class you were.
  6. asdfPanda

    It already does, a + sign appears next to their IFF tag.