Played NC for a bit today.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pat Cleburne, Mar 28, 2013.

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  1. Pat Cleburne

  2. OutlawSundown

    It is ridiculously satisfying to hit an infiltrator in the face.

    Edit: Also fun to watch a tank start running.
  3. Rusky

    Good for you. I got that feeling a lot trying TR before the flinch fix, or the Prowler for that matter.

    Might have something to do with the "grass is greener on the other side" effect. Just a hunch.
    • Up x 3
  4. centurionvi

    Its almost like a drug isn't it? Just one more shot..

    You start to feel withdrawal if there isn't an ammo pack nearby.
  5. Varanis

    Yeh I trialed it on an NC character, ridiculously fun. Shame the whiners will get their way and it'll become just as dull as the striker.
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  6. Rudette

    It's a pretty cool weapon! I'm sorry you guys get so much flack for it.
    • Up x 2
  7. rickampf

    Well then... The NC is full of 4th faction players now... The Bonus Check must be really good :D.
  8. HadesR

  9. Sinoby

    Hitting ESF with it, or a lib that is passing by is extremely satisfying. Or hitting jetpacking LA. It is fun weapon, but it still needs some tweaking
  10. Zaik

    the final boss of the 4th faction
  11. Gavyne

    That's pretty much it, I said in the zone chat the first day I used it that "this is so wrong, but so fun". We all know it's wrong, it needs to be tweaked, and it probably doesn't belong in this game at all. But while it's live, well go try it, it's fun as heck and addicting.
  12. DG-MOD-02

    Please add your constructive feedback to one of the existing threads on this. Thank you!
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