Today was the day I became NC

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Edmon, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. Edmon

    I wish people would read that it was a Pre-Nerf Crown like base in the NE of amerish before talking about the actual crown, where you can't have any sort of organised battle for the orgy of violence and certfarming.

    The vanu don't have it much better, but what they do have is the lasher. Yeah it's not the greatest weapon, but organised teams can use it to clean the corridors of campers and get in. So they at least have a proper (situational) tool they can use if nothing else.
  2. Syphers

    I was TR once, a story of redemption
  3. Zaik

    I really wish I could paint my NC MAX red, spamming firebat quotes in prox chat while burning people with flamethrowers won't make as much sense when I'm blue. I guess my TR alt will be able to do it though.
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  4. Guadoc

    Welcome to the big league.
  5. Grayson

    Bahaha...TR is crying, but the fun part is, that TR is always the "favored" faction...
    With those versatile guns, best ESF...
    (Oh, and avoid Miller....NC is REALLY..just...cant do anything...)
  6. Meeka

    Or.... it could have been the 20 man NC team could just have been more organized than the TR assault team.

    If the defending team is 10 squaded, organized people and the assaulting team is 30 or 40 disorganized squads or randoms; I would put my money on the 10 people winning regardless if they were TR, VS, or NC.

    I've run with squads with 7 people who defeated groups 3 times the size... and ran with groups of 30 who got killed by 10. It's all about communication and working together. If you have a team with good communication, instead of everyone running around blindly doing their own thing.... that team will almost always win until they are just swarmed by pure numbers.

    Also, you have to take into account that attacking fortifications is always 3x harder than defending fortifications. And 1 good player could equal 4-5 bad ones.

    It's really not a faction or Phoenix issue at all.
  7. Stewart

    Who that has the highest ground is usually the Victor.
    Wait until the NC Max gets it's Shield system then you my start crying even more(Insert Evil Laugh).
  8. S1eB

  9. TintaBux

    You attacked the crown: The worse place to attack, no matter how much you got.
    You got beat by organization, which kills of any zerg that is just rushing all the same directions.
    Then you call NC better.

    The key thing here is organization and the crown, which you cannot judge any faction from and make out one is better than the other. If you see NC better it's because the times you have faced them they have been better organized and defending a place like the crown, the king of defending.
  10. unsinnsschmierer

    I play in cobalt as well. I think the server was more balanced not so long ago, but for the last few weeks I see NC at around 40% pop very often. I don't see big difference between VS and TR though.

    Let' see what happens with the next rotation , but if the trend goes on I'll consider a transfer to Miller when the tokens are available.
  11. Edmon

    Wow, such a massive failure to read, as to be damn right embarassing. Still, I suppose the wording of my OP is flagging up all the comprehensionally shortchanged posters so they can be safely ignored XD. The bright orange isn't helping either XD.
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  12. Pemtaphalon

    I started the game as Vanu, this was during the days when the forum was filled with the mantra "Vanu = EZ mode" it made any kill or victory leave a sour taste in my mouth, so I joined the NC, the "Under Powered" faction, they were by no means underpowered, the guns took a little longer to get used to, but they had there own feel and I got used to them, then the game updates started coming and things changed.

    I still love the NC, but my thoughts are this, we shouldn't have this camera rocket launcher, I don't see why we need ESRL's in the first place, but whatever, NC maxes are an odd one, they suck in most situations but excel massively in one, I'd happily trade the shotguns (and I use a Light Assault with an auto shotty) for a medium range machine gun of some kind, I wouldn't shed a tear for the loss of MAX's altogether actually, but I understand the need for them

    However to leave a faction because you are losing seems a litle rash, since the game is changing all the time, things get buffed and things get nerfed, it's my belief that recently we came damn close to faction balances, to suddenly throw in such drasticly different weapons seems foolish at this time
  13. Dethfield

    Stay out of NC, OP. We dont want your turn-coat kind here.
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  14. Xasapis

    I'd like to see this data. From what I see myself TR have been relatively stable through warpgate rotations and buff/nerf circles. The NC are constantly gaining members, so much that they have become the most populated worldwide. The VS are constantly losing members, so much that they are the least populated faction for months.
  15. Shaolungbao

    not often i see someone answer themselves to directly around here.
  16. Nocturnal7x

    Sounds to me you have been playing this game a long time and you do not need to learn to play.
  17. Xasapis

    I'd categorise the rockets in terms of difficulty in the following order (I consider into the equation both the effort it takes to fire a weapon at a target and the danger involved using it). From easier to harder:
    • All lock ons.
    • Phoenix
    • All dumpfires
    • All lock ons.
    • Lancer
    I put phoenix higher than dumpfire, because it's safer to fire it than the dumpfires.
    I put the dumpfires higher than lock ons, because they leave you exposed the least amount of time, as opposed to lock ons. On the other hand, you're a lot closer to danger than when using lock ons. So it's a close call.
    Phoenix is a safer missile to fire than the dumpfires, however the control method is more involving than the fire and forget of the lock ons.
    Lancer is the toughest one to use, both being dangerous and needing skill to actually hit stuff.
    I've put lock ons in two places. If you weight ease of use more then they are the easiest to use. If you weight safety more, then they go down to the other slot.

    None of them (even the lancer) are particularly hard to use imo, so for me the most important characteristic is how safe it is to fire them.
  18. Paulus

    Theres the link.

    As you can see on the "New characters" tab there is a BIG difference between TR and the other two. NC and VS seem to be starting to converge, but both are way above TR.

    On the "Factions" Tab, as you can see TR as a whole represent 31%, VS 34% and NC 33%. This is the agregated total from all the servers added together, so you will have to find the individual "pos-merger server" data for your server, but as you can see VS are not the lest populated faction as you thought (maybe on your server, you'll have to check your individual server stats, but certainly not in the game)

    I don't know which server you play, but there are stats for each one :)
  19. BraSS

    Thats just TR making alts to C4 NC and Vanu sunderers, its not really new people making NC/Vanu to play
  20. Gribbstar

    Good choice!

    [MACS] are recruiting, see you on the battlefield! ;)