So you buffed the Phoenix?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Eclipson, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. Kuklakot

    You have DPS degradation compared to dumbfire launcher all the way to point blank range. It's less but it's still there. As for practical TTK at range - that depends. If you can launch 2-3 dumbfire rockets during the time that takes Phoenix user to shot and guide one, you have some understanding of leading and can compensate for drop, you might as well do better. You also never have to stand absolutely still like Phoenix user, which makes him very vulnerable to snipers (and pretty much anything else on the battlefield). Quite often your targets are stationary (deployed sunderer or a turret) in which case dodging isn't an option. Also phoenix can be dodged as well. So all in all you trade some advantages for some disadvantages.
  2. jjruh

    Well that is what I said earlier. And I would be fine with a buff to the lancer to fix this issue. But then both the lancer and the Phoenix would be more powerful than the standard launcher. all the launchers need to be on a even playing field, otherwise you will get legitimate claims about pay to win. Because when you can pay for a weapon that is a blatant upgrade, then it kind of is pay to win. So, while buffing the lancer would solve the problem, I think that it would cause more problems along the way. The best way to solve this would be to nerf the phoenix damage to match that of the lancer.
  3. jjruh

    isnt the whole point of the phoenix to stand behind cover?
    And I understand that you can dodge the phoenix, but you can also dodge dumbfire rocket, and having been fired at by both, It is a LOT easier to dodge a dumbfire rocket then a phoenix rocket.
    And yes, the Practical TTK at range depends, on a stationary target, the TTK with a dumbfire is almost 3-5 times greater. But with a erratically moving target at near 300 meters, chances are, only one of your shots will hit him with a dumbfire, whereas you can probably get the majority of the phoenix rounds on target.
  4. Badname82

    I'm only here because I heard there would be ponies. But I don't see any ponies. Lies.

    Besides SOE wont nerf until AFTER the 2x weekend silly. If you cant wait until then my splatmax will be giving hugs in Suarva bio lab.
  5. Kiekeboe

    I have the SOLUTION, Lets trade Phoenix to TR and VS. And NC can have other 2 or better said 1 because the VS one is useless :rolleyes:
    And let us spam it in your face but but no crying on forums for all those NC people who are calling it crap and all that.
    And lets do trade before double exp weekend SOE :D
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  6. Metaltoys

    VS and TR are liberals?
  7. jjruh

    I know that this is a joke, but honestly, they only way for people to understand how the others feel about a weapon, is to use it themselves, or have it used against them. So while I dont think this will happen. I do encourage everyone to play 5-10 hours in the other shoes at least once. If you play NC, then switch to vanu and go to allatum under NC control, see how annoying the scat max is from the other side. If you play NC, go to TR to see how good the phoenix is. IF you play vs if you play TR dont hold back, TEST the other factions IN game, not just in the VR room.
    And, remember, DONT post about something here on the forums, until you have tried it from BOTH sides. None wants to hear you one sided opinion
  8. Elaan

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  9. TomaHawk

    How do you shoot down a round from a rocket launcher?
  10. Kuklakot

    You can't always hit your targets that way since turning rate on the missile is rather limited and there are always dead zones. Plus there's no way you going to find a perfect cover every time in the middle of battlefield. In Planetside 2 you get sniped from unimaginable places.

    The point being, you only need to land one in many dumbfires to get TTK of Phoenix that lands every round on target. It's more skill dependent and perhaps situational, but you can compensate for vehicle's dodging by simply blanketing it with multiple rockets.

    Different DPS against different targets, i.e. advantage in some situations, disadvantage in others.
  11. CaptAmazing

    12-15 seconds - thats really exaggerated. How long is your reload? I guess around 5 seconds. No way the rocket needs 8-10 seconds to hit the target - even at max range. In average 8-9 seconds is more realistic for firing and reload.

    Now comes the funny part.

    If you fire the striker at a max range target you need:

    3 seconds lock on time + 2.8 seconds to unload your clip. (Thats considering perfect conditions and not a tree, a tower or even a small bump in the road blocking your lock on.) Now add 5 second reload.

    That means at max range you need around 11 seconds to fire and reload. ( as explained its often more) And you are sniper bait - I am mentioning this, because NC often states that this is just a Phoenix disadvantage.

    Now take a look at a situation when a tank apears up at 30 meter away in a basefight and you want to pop out to get a quick rearshot:

    3 seconds lock on time + 2.8 seconds to unload your clip. Now add 5 second reload.
    That means at max range you need around 11 seconds to fire and reload. The same time you need for max range.

    The striker is only a long range weapon for targets without any cover (read: air). As soon as for example a slightly small bump is in front of a tank and you are standing at the same level and you can see 90% of the tank - the missles will hit the small bump!

    The rockets seem to be targeted at the bottom/middle of vehicles.

    The way the striker rockets lead a target and the way even the smallest thing breaks your lock is just
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  12. Bape

    Just tested the phoenix and it completely balanced about 7/10 my missiles got shot down constantly it easier to hit now. also it harder to hit infantry for some reasons. + the NV nerf to our guided rocket will come making it even harder to kill infantry so what the crying about everything is balanced.

    I bet all the tr/vs that are tearing right now are all ps1 vets and are use to getting shot by 5 rocket before death. Grown a pair and accept a new FPS generation where you die before you blink.
  13. Kon

    where was the post saying SOE are happy with the balance? jeesus , let them tweak it slowly rather than major changes that make no sense ( not saying OHK makes sense making a point) seriously new cross-hair coming where infantry wont render will make this less of an occurance
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  14. Kuklakot

    It isn't. Just tested it and it comes out somewhere in the area of 13-14 seconds at range limit.
  15. MrGurrenLemfox

    well it is technically a vehicle and PS2 dev confirm that it can get shot down, my phoenix rounds have been shot down multiple time by now since the nerf/buff that we have.
  16. subz3r01337

  17. MrGurrenLemfox

    ^ Truth
  18. Zaik

    they didn't put it in the patch notes for some reason, but they severely nerfed the splash damage. you used to OHK non-flak armored infantry that were within 1m or so of where it landed. Now it takes like 6 maximum damage splashes to kill a non flak armored infantry and 9 for a non flak armored MAX.
  19. Kuklakot

    There was no splash damage before either AFAIK, but there was a problem with camera not being aligned properly with hitbox of the missile so some kills might have appeared like splash kills even though they weren't.
  20. Zaik

    You could shoot it through the foot of the VR dummies, the splash would one shot infantry and do about 35-40% damage to a MAX.

    The missile was below the camera, mostly I would fly under things.