won't make this mistake twice

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by jimredtalon, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. jimredtalon

    Well tried to get my SC reset for the money I spent on mosquito but it seems they refuse. I started toward the end of beta flying a mosi using it as was advertised on the webpage. I flew at high speed, at high altitude and swooped down on groups of infantry in the open fields. Once within range I strafed the ground with the Banshee taking out 1-2 targets at a time doing this a few times before another esf would show up and take me down.

    After many nerfs to the banshee and many buffs to AA this strategy became impossible. So I tried to salvage all the certs I had put into my mosquito by getting the rotary and the AA missile. That was not the right move, I now know that. They continued to nerf air and buff AA in attempts to balance things. I still enjoy flying more than ground pounding, but I can rarely stay alive in the air long enough to really play that way for long. Also my xp and score suffers greatly because of the popular use of ditching your vehicle when you are about to loose. This combined leads to short bursts of fun followed by short bursts of frustration followed by long bouts of stuggleing with stock infantry while I wait for my cool down or resources.

    So I have learned my lesson and hope others who do not have much money to spend on games that they spend it elswere. Until this game has all its planned features and bugs out, spending money on in game items is always a blind purchase in the hopes that you will still be happy with it after they change the way it works many times over.

    I am not saying this is a bad game just bad business. I hope others learn from me and do not make the same dumb mistake.
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  2. Ghosty11

    Welcome to the modern MMO, where needs happen and gameplay changes from patch to patch.
  3. MurderBunneh

    Cool story.
  4. jimredtalon

    Needed to vent.
  5. Gustavo M

    Every virtual purchase must be done with the same importance/care that you would when you buy a chocolate bar: It's tasty, yummy, doesn't last forever and you want to devour It as soon as possible.
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  6. jimredtalon

    Well put, just wish I had learned that 1-2 months ago, I would have bought some Skyrim dlc instead and still be happy.
  7. kungflu

    Same reason i stop certing aeros. They're becoming more and more vulnerable to infantry units to a point that i find it useless as my personal main vehicle, a regretful move to use hundreds of certs into it.

    They just had to stack up more annoying Lock-ons. Proper balancing in this game does not exist. They want to add more weapons and features in a short period of time, seems like someone doesn't want a single work produced to go to a waste.

    Have i suggested, a game like this requires a Community Poll instead of suggestive forum threads.
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  8. jimredtalon

    Or perhaps, and this is just thinking out loud, they could have done all the major balancing in beta, instead of screwing around with new capture methods, then just stuck with it and told the moaning masses of OP patrol to stick it.
  9. jimredtalon

    Can I go back to playing Planetside 2 BETA please!
  10. Hovis

    Aircraft need help. And I say that as somebody who used to hate the things and seldom flies. Feels like an element of the combined arms that the game needs has withered a bit.
  11. jimredtalon

    Its not so much that there is now a lack of Air play or lack of capability its the fact that once Air tries to get directly involved in the battle we aren't just denied we are destroyed and in little time too. The lib ins't much different now than a Heavy Assault with a decimator standing on top of a tower only able to move forward and at a snail pace.
  12. Brickwalker

    anyone expecting to get their money back from a F2P game...

    I dont know what to tell you..
  13. jimredtalon

    Nothing is fine, just fed up with them saying one thing doing another, then doing it again then expecting me to be happy about it.
  14. Yidazen

    Im with you man... I have spent well over $100 in this game because I enjoyed it. However, the past 2 weeks we have been missing weapon attachments. I don't see this worthless company fixing anything that is broken. All they say is turn in a support ticket. Well you either get your ticket closed right away or them saying this is "Their top priority". What a joke this company has become.
  15. jimredtalon

    Well i must be special, the only reason I made this thread is because they (SOE Support) told me if I wasn't liking the way the game was I should make a post about it in the forum. Thing is I am tired of posting about the problems in this game. Players shouldn't have to always tell them how to fix their broken game, and then ask for us to pay them for the privilege, key word ask. SOE should look into hiring new staff if we are doing a better job of development than they are. Also only people with time and give a darn will come to the forum so if this is were they are basing there decisions they are really not understanding how many gamers are probably never coming to the forum.
  16. GuraKKa

    @jimredtalon: Exactly the same happened to me, my first A2G setup feels pretty useless with all those MAXes and Lock-ons, and the nerfs to pods... Although I still enjoy my A2A Scythe, is pretty easy to avoid MAXes coverage area and still engage A2A combat, which is pretty rewarding since the last XP buff to vehicles (although the new "deconstruction/suicide tactics" is denying most of that XP).

    I just get a versatile A2A/vehicle nose gun (Hailstorm), A2A missiles, dogfighting frame, stealth or repair, flares, and take down enemies ESF & Libs and even some lightnings, and infantry if there's not enough AA around.

    Double burster MAX player talking
  17. jimredtalon

    let haters hate who cares its the never ending posts that contribute nothing that has this game the way it is. I gave up listening to those kinds of post and honestly I know I am guilty now too, but if you can't beat them.
  18. Brutal

    Devs usually cater to the most vocal,but what esfs need is cluster bombs.
  19. MurderBunneh

    If you are infantry a double burster is mandatory to enjoy the game.

    Funny thing is I only bring it out in self defense.
  20. jimredtalon

    I don't hate the double burster I just hate the dev that gave you 1 for free.