Team Killed over a generator ??? Are you kidding me ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kookamunga, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. Prodigal

    FF is not the problem. The problem is the lacking of a solution to punish this kind of idiots.
  2. lslogin

    I hate tk'ers. The other day I was repeatedly spawning at a tech plant trying to save a gen and this d!ckhead in a MAX shot me every time I spawned. What is the point...
  3. DaninTexas

    Have been TKed more times then I care to count when repairing something or tapping a gen so someone else can get the stupid XP.
  4. lslogin

    In fact, there is a solution. If you get TK'd, the guy who TK'd you will appear on the map with a huge teamkiller symbol, visible only to you. If you get killed repeatedly by that same guy, the symbol appears on the map to the whole faction, and only goes away when that guy has been killed by his own faction 3 times. (The people killing him not recieving grief). Obviously highly exploitable, but would go a long way to stop team killing.
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  5. Rusky

    While I can understand your frustration, you have to realise that FF is essential for this game.

    Just think about stuff like Orbital strikes, artillery, bombers and so on. All things that are likely to be added in the future, and all of them things that NEED FF in order to be balanced in their use. (ie. not calling down orbital strikes on top of yourself so you can kill every enemy next to you while you hide in a bush.)
  6. wave

  7. GraphicJ

    Chill Pill... use them.
  8. Goretzu

    Humanity then, basically.

    I think you might have to wait a while for gaming not to be full of humanity. :)
  9. DirArtillerySupport

    Bah...just repair in the opposite direction but only repair till 99% Nothing is more disheartening to another engineer when they come upon a dozen busted turrets and gens with high hopes only to get....nothing. Better than starting a TK war...revenge may feel good but it can only escalate and draw more people in. I think it would be a better solution if petty bickering were sorted out with duelling with some sort of vain reward for winning..maybe by inviting him in for an in-squad grief free duel....that is if we had grief free status in squads.

    I used to have black lists in the 1942 days...kept people on it for years...used all seeing eye to follow individuals around a month later when they had forgotten about me and watch them intently for a few minutes while they waited for a free jet to spawn and put an RPG into it soon as they started running for it...would disconnect immediately and work my way down the black list. ;-)
  10. LonelyTerran

    Yea for getting reported because of accidentally TK'ing an ally.

    Sounds good
  11. vic the butcher

    When I'm infiltrating I do it to idiots who want to shoot a terminal especially if I'm clearly standing there hacking it. Did it today felt no remorse. I gave two guys the chance to stop shooting they both did. Thenn one decided to start shooting it while I was hacking it so I dropped him. I don't even care about the xp from hacking it was strategic.
  12. Roxputin

    I get nothing but pleasure TKing in PS2. This is definitely not Planetside. Take it for what its worth.
  13. Kookamunga

    Just give me some damn recourse instead of /report
  14. Devrailis

    I'll kill him for you when I see him.

    Though I probably won't notice it. ;)
  15. MutinyTheory

    You can run through friendly's, but god forbid they come infront of your bullets.
  16. Icedaemon

    Currently, the best solution is to run with an outfit. Some idiot pubbie kills you, your pal kills him and takes care of the gen. If an entire outfit feels like being trolls, then they will generally be ostracized by most other same-side outfits on the server, which would probably lead to Fun.
  17. Rustler

    LMFAO I Done that before....Somebody gets the gen first, I TK them....I just walk away lol.

    I do feel kind of bad tho....and rarely do it but sometimes I just can't resist...I think to myself this guy is going to be so pissed off, I have to do it.

    At least I TK for the lulz, Im not some ****** driver who tk's people because they suck at driving.
  18. Ghoest

    Im guessing you were trying to blow the term - if were trying to blow a term while an inf was there trying to hack it you do deserve the TK.
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  19. Gustavo M

    Since you asked... nope, I was also a Infiltrator. The other guy sent me hate /tells with typical meme spam: "UMADUMAD", etc.
  20. Jokkie

    gave me a good laugh, thanks op. Seriously ahhaha, who would tk over a generator LOL