Cert gain increase needed ASAP!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TSAndrey, Mar 24, 2013.

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  1. sustainedfire

    It is a completely free game, and you can unlock all the playable items and gear with no money, just do your time.

    If you like the game, the time is no bother.

    You can VR room and Trial any weapon in game, and get a feel for what you like and what weapon you want to work toward next.

    You also are awarded certs just for logging on! People are getting awarded just for showing up! That is not enough?
  2. lslogin

    Played for about 17 hours last weekend, got almost enough to buy a second bouncing betty for the infiltrator (330 certs) I think they do need to increase cert gain, but only a little.
  3. Hyperz

    More ignorance. The last part of what you quoted explains exactly why you shouldn't think like that. Read it again carefully. Also, the game isn't free, like 99% of all F2P games. "Free to Play" is marketing fluff. You either pay with money, or with time (like you said). Either way, you're paying. The issue is that it's not balanced. It requires too much time. Much like $7 for a side-grade weapon is too much. Or $7 for a freaking horn. Same thing.

    People seriously need to open their eyes a bit. Do you see the game growing? I don't. That's not to say that it isn't growing, but clearly things are far from optimal and a lot of players quit the game early. Adding weapons, masks and camo's isn't gonna keep players any longer nor will bring back those who already left. Less grind, better performance. That's all that's needed. And it's easily doable while remaining equally profitable, if not more. If you fail to see that then marketing clearly isn't one of your strong points.
  4. TSAndrey

    You'd be surprised how many people would buy stuff they actually stayed and played the game, instead of getting bored of the slow cert gain.
  5. TSAndrey

    Wow, the trial lasts 30 minutes and has a 30 day cooldown. How cheap...

    Passive cert gaining is also pretty low, so saying it's anything special is just wrong.
  6. smokemaker

    "None will buy a weapon just because he can't grind for it. He'll just get bored and stop playing the game."
    Um, the 1st thing i did when i got into game ( besides dying in a crowd of enemy ) was to buy every weapon they had for sale.

    SOE can not make them fast enough for me.
  7. MorganM

    Totally disagree. I had no intention of spending money on this game. I never spend money on these F2P games.

    A couple months in... I bought a membership and 2 SC cards from Wal-Mart.

    I didn't get bored with the default weapons. In fact I had unlocked a lot of very useful things with only certs. The game is AWESOME and I wanted some expensive items plus more stuff that required certs so I spent some money. By your logic I should have just said "awww this game is hard... I quit... back to minecraft!"
  8. Bodaciuos

    You got the game for free. Pretty amazing. While no P2Win, a few dollars can help your cert increases quite a bit.

    Toss up a few bucks.

    The servers this game runs on are not free. The electricity and data storage is not free. The programming for previous patches, and upcoming patches is not charitable.

    I will admit, I had no plans to pay any monies for this free game...

    ...I purchased the 6month membership last weekend and I am impressed with this game.
  9. Bl4ckVoid

    There is no grind in a multiplayer only game.

    Grind is killing NPCs or doing other repetitive stuff for XP gain so you can get to high level to PvP or participate in high level raids, etc.

    In PS2 you can perform just about anything without paying a dime. At first weapons seem expensive, but are you sure you need a 1000 cert weapon? Starting weapons are capable and lower cost weapons are sometimes better than 1000 certs one. Only exception SMG and shotgun as they all cost 1000.

    Vehicles: I do not think that is the strong point of the game, but that is relatively costly. The other issue is that some upgrades apply to all classes and some do not which is really weird.
  10. sustainedfire

    I actually work for a marketing company.

    There are 3x and 2x times your money sales. As well as everyday sale items. If you have patience or forethought, you can get items for very cheap. If you are impatient, then you pay more money. Impulse buyers beware?

    What is not balanced? People get a free game, where they can earn purchasable items with no monetary investment, or they can pay the standard price of video game title, and get a lot of items sooner.

    Player abilities are unlocked with certs only, so its time investment involved for everyone. If you like the game, you will stay- if you do not, then you will leave. (mind blowing revelation)

    Its easy to see why things are priced at their current values. (except flashlights) The company wants players to stick around and play and hopefully pay, and players want to have things to work toward in game.

    If you could have everything in a month, what do you suppose happens next? The game turns into Call of Duty? Planetside 3 is coming out in November! Guess what, its the same game but you have to repurchase the whole package! And I heard Planetside 3 : INfiltrator Ops is coming out for Christmas! Guess what? Its the same game with 2 new continents!

    I do see the game growing. It is growing at a measured pace. What are you looking for in terms of growth? New weapons? They cannot add every gun/item simultaineously, or what will they have to put on offer?
  11. DJPenguin

    cert gain has already been increased several times since tech test. if it's to the point where people won't feel compelled to shell out a few bucks for faster cert gain then the game's income tanks. you're gonna eventually come to a point where you're sitting on thousands of certs cause there's nothing worthwhile for you to spend it on anyway. don't treat the game as a grind and enjoy the journey.
  12. smokemaker

    And if you are solely playing for free, certs should be slower.
    I see no issue here.
    • Up x 1
  13. Villanuk

    What i find ironic about this game i belive the point gets missed is,

    A PC game costs around £40, and all players can compete and move up or improve their guns etc once they get to a higher level and everything is open to ebveryone. Now this is a free game but lets look at the real costs if you choose to pay?

    A years membership $120

    or if you buy everything


    Now honestly, who in the right mind would pay that kind of money for this game? £40 would be steep but the other prices you would never give it a second thought, more so as this is just a Beta game, the real one is yet to come out, but a years membership of $120, only a few dedicated player would stump up that cash, but thats why many players will never get into this game or pay for it, the sheer cost is way over the top for a simple game with no real rewards for what you do?

    As for the certs, yes its a grind, but i like the fact when ive earned my certs i feel a sence of pride, but i do belive its designed this way in order for people to stump up cash for new guns and those that just what the best as soon as they can. lets be honest, 1000 certs or $7 for a gun.. come on its a joke but they know people will pay it, as they have.

    For me its simple, yes its designed to market the game as free to draw players in and part with cash while they develop the real game and we iron out the bugs and give them feed back. If you dont like it dont play the game, and if you do, pay the money and enjoy it, simples..
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  14. TSAndrey

    So by the logic of most people in this thread, the only ones who deserve to play this game are Premium or Boosted members? Have you thought for a second that maybe some people just buy stuff like hats, camos, armors, weapons?

    Most of you are acting like elitist jerks, instead of facing real facts. This will eventually backfire really badly to SOE
  15. Zorby

    So many experts on F2P!

    Yeah paying customers should have an advantage over non-paying, but the rift is too wide. In any case, after saving up around 800+ certs I've decided this game is worth neither my money nor my time.
    • Up x 1
  16. Garzin

    The cert gain is actually the main reason i and many of my friends left this game.
  17. xGreedFuSioN

    Same thing happened to me yesterday, was about to lose a biolab vs. TR, they all camped outside the shielded door.
    Nobody inside could see outside because of all the bullets and explosions pinging off the shield, so nobody was really dying.
    Smacked an NV scope on the Orion and got 48 certs in maybe 15 minutes. ;D
  18. Zorro

    It seems to be fine. Waiting for an expensive piece of gear may be tiresome, but it encourages specialization and economy. One should know what weapons and equipment he is going to bring into any particular situation, so he saves on not having to invest into everything at once.
  19. xGreedFuSioN

    I'd just like to point out that it takes maybe an hour to earn 7 bucks for a weapon, while it can take weeks to unlock 1k certs for one.
    If I had my way I'd double that to 2 hours for an average player to unlock a weapon (Not in every other f2p that IS p2w it only takes a game or two) but what's different about ps2 is that its not p2w and the weapon unlocks are perminant, after you get them theres no need to spend more to keep unlocking/repairing it. So it should take even more time
    But that said, an hour or a couple weeks?
    it's pretty stupid that you can work an hour or two at minimum wage and buy a helmet a weapon and a 1 time use camo, but for just the weapon you'd have to work for weeks
    just my perspective, it needs balancing, but it shouldnt be, oh ill just hop on ps2 and make 1k certs in a few hours
    it should be a grind, just less of one
  20. FlayvorOfEvil

    Eh, certs are really variable for me. When I focus on getting points I either get large amounts of points (like 60 certs in a 20 minute engagement pre vehicle exp boost) or smaller points than I would normally get (like maybe 15 certs). On average I get about 25 certs per hour because the time I spend between large engagements is very small compared to empty base capping or being farmed by tanks. Once in awhile I'll get lucky and a full sunderer gets taken out by my tank mines or my vanguard takes out 7 ESFs and libs before being destroyed, but that only happens about once per week.
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