To Everyone Crying about Shotguns

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tersur, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. SenEvason

    I don't see why not. They did the same thing to rocket pods, AP mines, tank HE, the different launchers, and are going to do it to the anti-tank mines. And SOE isn't the only company that has nerfed weapons that people bought with real money.
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  2. Eyeklops

    Some of your advice sounds like it would make sense, but trust me, that "charge" tactic will just get players LOLFaceRemoved in one-shot much more than you let on. I don't stop shooting at a target 8m+ away from me because they are moving my direction, at least not when I have a pump action.

    Assuming you didn't bring a MAX, vehicle, or your own shotgun, the ONLY time it's worth continuing forward movement toward a pump action player is if you meet them around a corner and your face is on the end of the barrel. If your lucky, and have a good aim, clipping through the shotgunner will confuse them just long enough to get a few rounds into their brain basket.
  3. Eugenitor

    What, are you kidding?

    If SOE was interested in fun and balance rather than selling power, pump actions would never have been put into the game. Someone would have brought it up, someone else would have said that an easy body OHKO is too powerful when compared to other shotguns, and that would have been it.

    There is no solution at this point. Either Sony nerfs them, depriving lamers like the OP of the advantage they rightfully paid for, or they don't nerf them, permanently screwing up CQB for everyone else.

    Or, they can do the REALLY SOE thing, which would be to sell people Shotgun Armor for 700 SC, wait a month or so, then sell Armor-Penetrating Shotguns for 700 SC.
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  4. Loegi

    Totally agree. If you bring a sniper to a shotgun fight (basically) you have a really high chance of dying.

    Never really considered using nanoweave now though. Always seemed pretty negligible, but I guess with the chance of missing pellets and degrading the damage of the ones that do hit it will add up. And with the nerf to explosive devices and me not dying nearly the amount of times to explosives that I did there's no real point in that either.
  5. Stargazer86

    It's not something they should be doing, of course. In a perfect world, they'd have a separate test server where they could add new weapons and test the impact they have on the game. "Oh my, it seems that everyone prefers to use shotguns indoors. Perhaps we should tweak its power before putting it on the real servers?"

    Then again, even if they did, that sort of testing doesn't always catch these things. Stuff you pay for is going to get nerfed or buffed regardless, which is what I meant regarding the ethical considerations of the whole micro-transaction business model. At least when stuff is changed in other games, it's just one piece of the whole puzzle that you own, rather than the one piece of the puzzle you happened to buy.

    And since most of the anger seems to be directed towards pump shotguns, if auto-shotguns get the nerf stick just as a side-effect to balance the weapon people consider OP, it'd be like if you nerfed semi-auto sniper rifles to make the bolt-actions seem better. I don't hear a single person complaining about semi-auto shotguns, which also kill in 2 hits. Very few are complaining about the autos either. All the hate is directed towards the OHK of the pumps, so nerfing the others would just be uncalled for.

    This is what happens when you quicken the gameplay to bring it more in line with COD and BF3. Planetside 1's TTK was slower, meaning more time to react to being shot, meaning less people whining about being taken by surprise. It had slower movement and stamina, meaning people couldn't run around everywhere and close distances quickly, meaning more people used rifles rather than close-ranged weapons, and the shotguns in that game killed in 3 hits instead of 1 or 2, yet were still somewhat popular when in the few indoor areas.

    So yeah. Blame the design decisions that allowed OHK's to be possible to begin with.
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  6. Bl4ckVoid

    "Soft point ammo, Laser, or Adv. Laser sights are MUST haves in close quarters combat."

    NOPE. I never reconfigure my weapon for CQC, I like it versatile: forward grip, 2x reflex, flash supressor.

    So how to fight shotgun users? Situational awareness is key. If you know that shotgun users are running rampant at your base, get to a position where you can engage from a distance. If it is a tower, go outside, go to top platforms or teleport to ground floor and work from there. Use grenades, especially the special ones: flash, concussion. If you are engi, set up your turret inside and place proximity mines.

    Get a radar flash / ESF at the base so you see the enemy. Leave squad if that interferes with your minimap. When you have radar, you can flank them or shoot from behind. 2x reflex will allow you to headshot them gaining a TTK similar to shotty user. They key to 1 vs 1 is either surprise, or if that cannot be achieved: headshot. Practice in VR to get headshots with your weapon.

    If you cannot get distance, then stick to your allies. Even if one of you is killed by shotgun user, he will die to the next person.

    And finally: buy a shotgun yourself and if enemy uses it, use it too.
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  7. Bagginz

    Got my vote after I read the first line.
  8. Bl4ckVoid

    Guys please try the shotguns in VR. They do not kill in one shot at 20m. It is more like 5.
  9. Sorusi

    Some good advice, but learning to play is not going to help you win against an equally skilled oponent.

    The person using the shotgun within 10 meter range WILL win if both are of same caliber. Most of the cases he won't even sustain damage if he is using a pump-action shotgun.

    The shotgun issue is NOT primarily an issue of L2P, it is an issue of one shot kills & throwing precision-aim out of the window.

    The TTK advantage for shotguns right now is just too huge, it can be allowed to have an advantage over all other weapons at CQC but not by a whole 400-600 milliseconds.
  10. ClickMe

    Shotguns take zero skill/aim to play/use.

    Anyone with IQ over 50 understands they're unbalanced (and harmful to gameplay as their numbers increase). Only noobs who want to hold on to their guaranteed session KD4 with zero effort running around blindly/left clicking mouse in brains off mode even try to defend it.

    This phenomenon has been seen in every online FPS game when it comes to unbalanced weapons (it's called self-denial).

    End of discussion.
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  11. smokemaker

    I personally enjoy killing with the shotgun and think nerfing is a bad idea.

    nerfing does far more damage to the game then any OP weapon can.
    It limits options and decreases the overall sand box of PS2.

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  12. Sorusi

    You are entirely incorrect, right now shotguns remove all options in CQC.

    CQC weapon of choice is currently in this order (provided you have good aim):

    Pump Action Shotgun > Auto Shotgun >>> (SMG / High ROF Carbines) > High ROF AR > High ROF LMG > LOW ROF (Carbine/LMG/AR.

    There is no choice if you want to be "competative" in CQC.

    Just take a look at the stats:
  13. Loegi

    Those stats say that it has a really low RoF, so it's probably more difficult to use.
  14. GraphicJ

    "Hey that's my line"
  15. Stigler

    About the general Shotgun nerf crying people.

    This is just too funny and hilarious. Everything that kills you a lot, you cry nerf. They nerfed all the vehicle damage and now the next thing you dont like getting killed by needs a nerf. The Shotgun. You are weak. Sad thing the media and schools are doing to you, making you weak and easy to control. Its working wonders so far.

    Dear Sony I was going to buy a Shotgun but since these nerf threads are allowed, I will not spend my money on it as you may nerf it due to these ridiculous calls for everything the unskilled no tactics used infantry types die from.

    Im waiting for the FPC (AP) gets nerfed because I have gotten good with 1 shotting inf on the move. They will probably reduce the inf damage if I kill to many weaklings with it, better be careful.

    SC not spent, till I know, which will be never. Funny, I have seen a lot of people decide to stop spending money on PS2 till the nerf / op thing gets sorted.
  16. Sorusi

    Check the TTK's of it compared to the other rifles. Throw in some arbitrary numbers for user-accuracy (33%, 50%, 66%, 100%) and you might be able to get more resonable assumptions...

    Also hard-hitting weapons with slower ROF are usually easier for people to get good with compared to Low-hitting weapons with high ROF.

    The high ROF user has to have smooth tracking with his mouse, while the low RoF can have very jerky movement. (wich is easier to develop).
  17. Bl4ckVoid

    We need to see real stats, not just anecdotal evidence.
  18. Sorusi

    You assume all the people that want the shotguns nerfed also wanted the vehicles nerfed?

    Myself i see balance problems for many aspects about this game, since the game is still in a beta-stage.
    I did not wish for vehicles getting nerfed the way they were (they are still inf-crushers none the less...)

    There are two different kinds of "balance/nerf" requests, there are the badly performing players that just wan't to get an easy crutch.
    Then there are players that want balance (open up the different options available to play "competatively").
  19. Loegi

    Let me just check the TTK in the stats that you provided.

    It's exactly the same for every weapon.

    But, if I actually calculated it the TTK would be lower for the automatic shotgun.

    I don't see your point.
  20. Sorusi

    Those weapon stats are real on that docs.

    Assuming standard non-certed armors with 1000 HP:

    Pump Action Shotgun
    Damage per shot: 143 * 10 (1 bodyshot to kill, 1 headshot)
    Rate of fire: 120
    Reload Rate: 500 (milliseconds)
    100% acc, bodyshots TTK: 0 (milliseconds)
    50% acc, bodyshots TTK: 500 (milliseconds) (2 shots)
    25% acc, bodyshots TTK: 1500 (milliseconds) (4 shots)

    AS16 Nighthawk
    Damage per shot: 143 * 6 (2 bodyshots to kill, 1 shot)
    Rate of fire: 300
    Reload Rate: 200 (milliseconds)
    100% acc, bodyshots TTK: 0 (milliseconds)
    50% acc, bodyshots TTK: 600 (milliseconds) (4 shots)
    25% acc, bodyshots TTK: 1400 (milliseconds) (8 shots)


    Damage per shot: 143 (7 bodyshots to kill, 4 headshots)
    Rate of fire: 845
    Reload Rate: 7.1 (milliseconds)
    100% acc, bodyshots TTK: 426 (milliseconds) (7 shots)
    50% acc, bodyshots TTK: 923 (milliseconds) (14 shots)
    25% acc, bodyshots TTK: 1917 (milliseconds) (28 shots)

    PDW-16 Hailstorm
    Damage per shot: 125 (8 bodyshots to kill, 4 headshots)
    Rate of fire: 800
    Reload Rate: 7.5 (milliseconds)
    100% acc, bodyshots TTK: 525 (milliseconds) (8 shots)
    50% acc, bodyshots TTK: 1125 (milliseconds) (16 shots)
    25% acc, bodyshots TTK: 2325 (milliseconds) (32 shots)

    Clearly there is a huge differenace in TTK?