Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by MidKnightRaiders, Mar 19, 2013.

  1. MidKnightRaiders

    I dont see anyone talking about it, why? Is it cause it is bad? What is your opinion on it?
  2. Plague Rat

    It's very general. S-varient weapons are very middle of the line but have access to all the attachments (except advanged grip/laser) so you can customize them completely to fit your specific tastes, and the same gun that was your mid-long weapon can become your close-mid with a few tweaks.

    You probably won't get more out of them than you would a weapon specialized for a specific range/style, and because of this other weapons tend to warrent more discussion, but the Guass Saw S is versitile enough to handle pretty much any situation.
  3. ikillyou1990

    The default is much better. Slap on the advance forward grip, compensator, and high velocity ammo and it is a killing machine. I wouldn't even think about upgrading it. It's great for long ranges as well as short ranges. Very little kickback with this set up.
  4. x13urst

    You can't get those attachments on the default gun.
  5. Flashtirade

    Actually, you can. It's the only stock LMG that can do so, I think.

    The SAW S is basically a slightly worse EM6.
    Unlike most S variant weapons, the SAW is drastically different from the SAW:
    - Higher fire rate
    - Lower damage per bullet
    - Smaller clip size

    It's more of an all-around gun than the mid-to-long range SAW, and it can be certed to suit your needs. The EM6 is better in that it has a larger clip size and ammo pool, and it fires and reloads faster (if I remember correctly). However, the EM6 costs twice as much as the SAW S, and the differences in performance are not very major.

    Personally, I believe that the SAW and SAW S should have switched places: the more all-around gun for starters, and the more specialized long-range weapon for those who are patient or are willing to shell out some cash.
    • Up x 4
  6. Plague Rat

    The NC default is the NC6 Guass SAW for some reason. The closest TR parallel is probably the TMG-50.
  7. Bill Hicks

  8. Lucidius134

    TMG-60's the closest parallel but i thought the GD-55s or w/e was statistically superior to the TMG-50 or something.

    EM6 NC LMG 167 @ 10m 143 @ 75m Auto 4.32s/5.4s 100 300 0.45 ↑ , 0.175-0.175 ← = → 13 ↓ 1.5x 0.5x 0.03/0.4/3 0.03/0.2 3/4/5/7 2.5/3 ADS: 0.06, HIP: 0.12 600 rpm
    TMG-50 TR LMG 167 @ 10m 143 @ 75m Auto 4.233s/5.098s 75 225 0.45 ↑ , 0.175-0.175 ← = → 15 ↓ 1.5x 0.5x 0.03/0.4/3 0.03/0.2 3/4/7/7 2.5/3 ADS: 0.06, HIP: 0.12 577 rpm
  9. Bill Hicks

    The problem with the gauss -s is that the EM6 is simply better and if you want true gauss power use the defualt.
  10. Plague Rat

    Not the reason for the name, but a race of dimunitive sociopaths does seem my speed. Love their lore, but I realized shooting heroin was probably a cheaper hobby than building up a proper warhammer army. (The real story behind name involves me ruining a discussion of 20th century literature)

    I was referring more in terms of aesthetic and function (mid to long range, higher damage lower rate of fire) more than a direct stat comparison, TMG-50 is the only one to kind of hit that niche for TR. Stat-wise you really won't find a clear parallel to the NC6 Gauss Saw, so the best that can be done is compare the most NC of the TR LMGs to the quinessential NC LMG.
  11. IntergalacticYoghurt

    Gauss SAW S gets soft point ammo.
    Also, it loses very little by certing into it, due to such high base bullet velocity.

    I might be mad, but I consistently feel my SAW S is more accurate than my identically certed EM6 (except EM6 runs stock ammo).

    Although, in all honesty, I think the stock SAW and the GD-22S are all you need. This is coming from someone will all LMG's, all fully certed.
  12. FoeAngel

    Bought it when I saw it for sell a few weeks back, currently working it to Auraxiam.

    I find it similar to the em1, but with better upgradable stuff, and just a little more damage.

    Im running it with extended mag, soft point, NV, silencer. I ditched the forward grip for extended mag after the 1st day. Not a fan of reloading in the situations I get myself into.

    To be honest, I don't care for it
  13. Badname82

    Solid gun. Slightly better in cqb then the default. Can take SPA and unlike the EM1 has same accuracy as other NC LMGs so it can effectively use it at medium range. Excellent velocity for outdoors.

    In other words an all rounder for 250.

    Got my first aux with it. Didn't like the default lmg and wanted SPA. Didn't need HVA due to high base speed.
  14. IntergalacticYoghurt

    Which attachment's did you use? Forward grip, compensator and SPA? And what are you using now, after getting your Aux?
    I agree that it's a solid weapon. I think the high base bullet velocity + access to SPA is overlooked by a lot of people in favour of the EM6.
  15. IntergalacticYoghurt

    Which NC LMG do you prefer?
    The SAW?
  16. Badname82

    Exactly that setup. Currently using EM1 but its a bit lackluster past 30 or 40 meters. May go back to the default again instead.
  17. IntergalacticYoghurt

    Ha. Exactly what I'm going through.
    Was using SAW S, but switched to the EM1 recently. Excellent gun at mid, but a little lacking at longer ranges (no x2 reflex doesn't help).

    Started equipping the stock SAW again today. Different play style, but the power increase is certainly noticeable.

    I can't just go into cruise control like I do with the EM1 though.
  18. FoeAngel

    I enjoyed the gd-22 the most followed by a close 2cd em6. I'm looking forward to the anchor once I'm done with the SAW S
  19. TintaBux

    Can't really decide, really like the EM6, I'm more accuare with GD22s but can tear through more people with the EM6, so I certed the SAW S for a test, will see how it goes.
  20. Flashtirade

    SAW S is the first gun I ever got Auraxium with. I've never regretted the investment. It may not be as good as the EM6 stat-wise, but their performances are extremely similar anyways.