There is a thing called "Testing". Im serious! There is!

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Soijl, Mar 23, 2013.

  1. Soijl


    Im so fed up with these constant maintenances! The game doesnt work properly! Focus on fixing that before adding more **** that obviously doesnt work! Dont you have anyone testing things before you release them?! It would help both you and us the players! Or is the people making the game just not good enough? Apparently they cant do their job right and its starting to get really, really tiresome.

    Im usually not the one reading on forums and absolutely not the one writing on them, but this game is just handled so damn badly that I dont know what else to do. The idea is awesome, and the game as well in the few moments it works. Cant you learn that EVERY time you have made a patch it messes up the game and makes it worse?! And noone from the dev team says anything on the forum, except "to address a few outstanding issues", what does that even mean? Outstanding issues... Its good issues? Bloody hell. Yeah, I know, "they write on twitter"... Well, **** twitter, its for people that believe anyone gives a **** about what they r eating for dinner or what they r wearing when they go out... Use your forum! I mean, its not us the players that have started the forum? Or have I missed something?

    Well... yeah, Im pissed of, and yeah, its just a game, and yeah its f2p. But, shouldnt it work without patching the patches that patched the patch? TEST it before releasing it dammit!


    And for all you haters out there that will write that Im a nolife loser that shouldnt be pissed of at the devs. At least I have anough of a life to not bash down at other peoples threads or opinions.
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  2. Hpool aka BigNutz

    Dude.. they announced a test server was on the cards weeks ago... I don't see why your raging, You never bought this game
  3. LeeroyHasChicken

    Yar! Public test server is coming. Not sure why I'm talkin like a pirate
  4. VitMercury

    Dear OP, please consider that "testing" is one thing on test server, and another thing on *ACTUAL* server.
    There is ALWAYS going to be downtime when they put it on main server.
    So if i were you, i would not complain on forums and spot any actual ingame bugs. If you see them, report them.
    But guess waht ? i guess its not for your kind. Better off placing a ragepost on forums.
    - Well, thats why we got a maintenance. To fix it!
  5. [HH]Mered4

    I agree with....uh...BigNutz....mostly.
    I have lowered my expectations for F2P since I started playing Pirate Galaxy a few years back.
    If you think this is bad, you should go check out those forums. Devs just dont exist, dont post, dont twitter about new updates, nothing. In my experience, this is just one of their quirks that they arent spending money on: testing. They will be putting up a PTE soon, and hopefully that will cover the testing area for cheap.

    But we will see, won't we? ;)
  6. Dovahkiin

    1) Bro... stop playing PS2 and do something else. I'm not telling you to go outside. You can do anything, even play other games.
    2) Keep up with the news, outside of forums included
    3) wait
  7. Dog.

    The OP is right, only fan boys would disagree with him, if people are so addicted to the game that they won't open their eyes on the fact that this patch REALLY is ******* up the game, and that they enjoy playing the game with ****** framerate/fps just because they can still "play PS2", then they are the nolife ones that need to do something else.

    If your love of the game is stronger than your hate for ****** performance/fail update, then again you are the nolife ones.

    I'm like everyone on the forum I love the game, but GU4 turned it into a bad game.
    That's a first person shooter, and we have bad framerate/fps which result in bad aiming, bad piloting, bad gaming experience. Not smooth enough anymore to enjoy playing.

    If something works fine for everyone (GU3) and u **** it up with an "update" (GU4) I don't call it an update anymore, I call it a fail, and new weapons, new helmets...etc would only distract nolife and fanboys attention from the real problem that still remain FRAMERATE/FPS ISSUE (and reading the forum it's like SOE strategy to distract them guys is working)
  8. JokeForgrim

    your new here arent you :D i think you meant:

    "If something works fine for everyone (BETA/Launch) and u **** it up with an "update" (GU02) I don't call it an update anymore, I call it a fail"

    FPS only goes down every update since launch, with sporadic improvements for some players.

    Also remember to write down your options/settings in a txt file, then delete your useroptions.ini file every update, It solves 90% of the lag/bugs for some magic reason.
  9. TheAppl3


    There's a thing called "patience!" I'm serious! There is!
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  10. Jonah Wolfe

  11. Hydragarium

    I... I don't even... I WAS NOT AWARE!!! :eek:
  12. Tykune

    Saying they will put up a test server is one thing, actually putting one up is another. We'll see :)