Why to buy the lancer ....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by hunder, Mar 23, 2013.

  1. hunder

    when we have the lasher ?
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  2. Hamakua

    If you are in an organized outfit and can have half a squad-squad invest in the lancer, it'll be worth it.

    If you just run solo or are in a smaller outfit, I'd probably skip it.

    8 Lancers hitting a tank at the same time will instantly kill that tank... without a lock on warning. This takes coordination, practice, and leadership.

  3. IamSalvation

    lol... 8 Rockets don´t kill a Tank? One Lib (2 Guys) does not kill it?

    This must be a joke... 8 ppl can kill a Tank no matter wht they use!
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  4. Rudette

    People are highly underestimating this weapon. It's incredible velocity and ease of use means that an organized group could snipe a tank without it even having a chance to react.

    Tanks is there.
    Tank is no more.

    Bam instantly, just like that. What do you think that does to the rest of the tank column following it? It freaks them out. They don't want to lose their vehicle resources.

    There were just two or three of them on a cliff-side once and I couldn't get my prowler close to them. There was no cover between us. I was forced to retreat. Took me out of the fight. Area denial is a powerful tactic.
  5. PaperPlanes

    You forget that a single Lancer shot leaves a massive beam leading right to the infantry who used it. It's not a good group effort weapon, all that happens is you will kill maybe one or two vehicles before all the snipers in the area target you, not to mention all the aircraft start doing rocket and zepher strafes on your position. The fact that the Lancer has no option for stealth is kind of absurd given the terrible damage.

    You are right, on paper it looks like a good squad based weapon, in practice all you do is literally draw a straight line to yourself. You may as well give the enemy free cheats, since there are real cheats that draw lines to where enemies have fired from and SOE felt the need to build this into the game for free with the Lancer.
  6. boogaa

    8 ppl with rocket launcher MAY kill a tank (not sure cause if that tank get repaired) , but ONE light assault with ONE tank mine will make it for SURE even if that tank is not moving... I don't understand purpose of classes in that game? light assault doing HA job ?
  7. Xasapis

    The current implementation of the lancer is bad. I'd avoid it for now. Annihilators or decimators are better upgrades/sidegrades, than the lancer. All that lancer offers at the moment is nice effects, but no substance.
    LA can't carry mines. You're thinking C4. That's something that all classes except infiltrators can carry. (they also need to throw 2 to kill a tank, and a sunderer needs a bit more damage than 2 C4 to blow up)
  8. GSZenith

    same thing can be done with av turret only needs 5members to kill anything in the game -galaxy
  9. Hamakua

    Light Assaults cannot carry tank mines.

    The number one strength Tanks have against infantry is range. The Lancer un-does this by making ~8 infantry hit harder than a 2/2 tank at any range the tank would normally have had an advantage on them.

    The lancer most certainly is not a CQB (vs Armor) weapon. It's a stand off weapon best used in a coordinated squad at extreme ranges.

    The Video I posted was to give an idea of what a coordinated squad could do. If we had lancers instead the incoming tanks wouldn't have even gotten a warning. And at those ranges they wouldn't have been able to harm us as long as we were not against the hill.
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  10. Konfuzfanten

    Then it really isnt the weapon but the teamplay that ppl underestimate. You are right about the potentiel to one-shot-anything with a group of 6-8 Lancer users, but an anni group can do the same with higher efficiency since the anni is better against fast moving targets at range.
  11. Veri

    This weapon maybe useful to newbies and people who are poor shots.
    This weapon can still wipe out a lightning from the rear with a couple of fully charged shots and upset rocket podding ESF who are spawn camping.

    Funny how the Lancer does sch little damage to infantry though.
    Two fully charged shots to take infantry down.
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  12. Xasapis

    The problem is that what you can do with 8 HA with launchers, you can do with 3 engineers and the engineer turret has better range than the lancer.
  13. hunder

    yea becose HA do LA job killing inf with the op sheilds
  14. GrimReap3R

    So let me get that properly...o.0
    What you ignorant guy try to say is, that if an Outfit would go and get 8 HA`s equipped with that useless waste of a noobtube, it would be so great to use.

    Let me do the math in a simple way
    8x700SC=5600SC for a instakill of a tank. Sounds only as a good deal for SOE, but not for the outfit as you were saying so.

    Here is my opinion on that sniffy comment of yours, the Lancer would be so recommend and useful if it`s used by an organized outfit, me in person as an leader always would take care of my member and their wallet and tell them, "Guys save your money and use a S1", which comes for free and only needs 2-4ppl to insta kill a tank. It also needs practice to hit something, because please don`t forget the so great announced "no logon" feature you were talking about ,was paid with a "NO LOGON" function that piece of junk came with. So to all people out there who still stand close to our spandex loving empire, please try to avoid the Vanu ESR called Lancer as long as possible outside the VR and give SOE the right sign while trying to boycott that slap into VS face noobtube till it got tweaked / redesigned and became an equal competitor like the both other empire specific rocketlaunchers. Because SOE, didn`t you wonder why there`re already boatloads of youtube video`s showing masskill striker/phoenix runs and not a single "Hey see how cool the Lancer works". If that`s not already proof enough, SOE guys watch your own FNO twitch once from last night, it shows how hardly Arclegger( which is a SOE Dev and a gamer) tried to kill something with it while playing as a VS on Helios, but during all playtime with the Pink Fairies he wasn`t able to kill a single thing(ESF/LIB or whatsoever) with that piece of garbage, any explanation for that Higby?

    So sick of it already.
  15. boogaa

    LA is not meant to kill infantry...
  16. Arquin

    Wait, what?
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  17. Shasbot

    8 beamers hitting a player at the same time will instantly kill that player... without a lock on warning. This takes coordination, practice, and leadership. :rolleyes:
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    Yes, but the near instantaneous travel speed of Lancer rounds is supposed to make this job incredibly easy. Especially concering moving targets apparently. Granted, I haven't tried the ESRLs myself yet, only watched Higby's stream in which he showcased them.
  19. hunder

    ahhaha lol so why we have LA ?
  20. boogaa

    Well I have seen many times LA destroying a sunderer or tanks wit ha signle mine... None regarding the type of the mine if it is not a tank mine like you are saying it is even worst.... So it was a anti infantry mine ....