These account-wide SC unlocks are a cruel joke at veteran members.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ashlander, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. Ashlander

    I have been anxiously waiting for this update for months now, I started out on NC and blew a lot of my money on cosmetic upgrades among other weapons etc. I was hoping for much of these items on my TR main. The fact that just about the only thing that transfered was the infinite use camos that I had purchased and the 1 decal is a straight up slap to my face.

    Composite Armor and HELMETS dont transfer? Yeah because there is TOTALLY variation between those choices SOE. Tank turret options dont transfer? Seriously? There is 1 AP, 1 HEAT, and 1 HE for each tank. Its not a complex choice...they are flat out the same on all 3 factions. Dont even get me started on the Halberd/Kobalt/Basilisk options for the top.

    Last thing to ***** about. ******* ZEBRA CAMO DOESNT TRANSFER? Wow. Just wow.
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  2. Ashlander

    AHH I forgot! the ESF Rockets and Rocket Pods. Fuuuuuuuuck this.
  3. Ashlander

    How can you make that arguement when HEAT is available to all factions to begin with? What the **** are you smoking?
  4. bodmans

    HEAT may be avaiable to all factions. but try a magrider's HEAT vs a prowler's
  5. Jezs

    They said stuff like MBT secondaries and certain camo wouldn't transfer due to the way the itemid's are implemented in the game iirc, but yea rocket pods are way different
  6. Loegi

    Technically they're apparently not even close to being the same.
  7. Ronin Oni

    Higby explained the technicalities of this on reddit...

    Basically, the items that didn't go cross-faction are in fact, in the database, 2 different items. Scrub camo is the same pattern no matter which faction, all 3 factions therefore use the same actual item in the DB

    The Zebra and other faction colored camos however are actual different items in the DB.

    Same goes even for MBT secondaries as they have different mount points, so require being seperate objects in their DB.

    They are now looking at expanding the cross-faction unlocks of the account wide unlocks (ALL unlocks are account wide... make a 2nd NC character and you'd have the same blue zebra camo) but will need to link them to each other somehow.

    This wasn't even a part of their original plan for account wide... but due to feedback (even leading up to the patch) they decided to look into it, but also didn't want to hold back the account wide unlocks until they figured it out, did the work, and properly tested everything, which would have delayed the account wide unlocks patch by at least 2-3 weeks.
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  8. Diamond Sword

    I feel like the only person who sees that it makes sense to NOT have, say, an SMG you unlocked for the VS also have it's TR equal unlocked.

    They are NOT equals. Not by a long shot.
  9. Ashlander

    Heres a good one that you guys cant explain. The ******* lightning skyguard. That is common ******* pool. What gives?
  10. Locke

    I was in the middle of writing a fairly lengthy response supporting the OP and pointing out stuff like if you have bought all the Composite armour items it's basically the equivalent price of a decent game and there is noway I would buy it again on another character but then I came across this post on the road map version of this topic (important bits in green):

    So it seems they are intending to unlock stuff like rocket pods, tank guns and even equivalent weapons in the long term. To me it seems kind of crazy this wasn't ever made clear to the wider community in the FAQ or after the release and had to be dragged here from reddit. I generally like the way that the developers engage with the community but their official forums seem the worst place to get good information on the game a lot of the time which is crazy.
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  11. Diamond Sword

    Whoa... Even those don't cross over? Now that is complain worthy. Like you said, they are common to all empires.

    VS SMG -> TR SMG = No sense.

    Lighting gun -> Lighting gun = Makes sense.
  12. IronWarrior

    You have to understand this from a databases point of view.

    They are different, where one might fire red balls of fire, the other fires blue balls of fire, add the different sound effects, the graphics and everything else which makes it really hard for them to make whatever scripts they using to unlock weapons account wide transfer over.
  13. Diamond Sword

    I do not think I understand the point you're trying to make here.

    Even from a database point of view, they are different. Even guns that are considered equals will have very different stats from each other; not just their appearance/sound.
  14. Sevre

    Well I think it makes sense guns like these aren't account wide, though it makes a lot less sense for guns that look and act the same, and even share the same name. Like a bulldog, or kobalt.

    It's a fairly sticky situation with these virtual items. I mean, IRL, if I bought a sunderer with kolbalts, then asked for the manufacturer to slap one more on the tank I bought a week ago free of charge, it wouldn't really fly. And then, oh yeah could you put 4 of them on my Galaxy for free too? But these here virtual items, have a one-time production cost and zero continuous production cost after their implementation. So I guess people feel entitled to it for multiple characters.

    As far as I'm concerned, I never expected free weapons on different accounts, just like I never expected a cloak I got on my Shaman to be available to my Rogue in WoW. In any case, I'm happy with whatever free stuff they give me. But these days everyone is so disgustingly entitled that they expect to get everything but the kitchen sink for free.

    The immediate, most vocal response to SOE giving people some free stuff? NOT ENOUGH FREE STUFF! BAAAAAAAAW.
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  15. SDD

    In an ideal global unlocks situation, the cross faction items would be linked the same way they are during "sales" or "featured items". The "assault rifle that supports underbarrel launchers", the "long range carbine", the "automatic shotgun", the "faction specific heavy weapon", the "anti infantry MBT secondary weapon", the "anti-vehicle MAX arm, they're all items related to each other, just not coding wise.

    It sounds like they're probably going to try to go through with having the "faction equivalents" unlocked. There shouldn't be any confusion on your end of what would unlock for another faction. These are very clear categories.
  16. Ashlander

    glad to hear it might get patched in down the road, and at least I got some things to transfer rather than waiting for all of this problem to get resolved.
  17. Cl1mh4224rd

    Given the initial release of account-wide unlocks, there doesn't seem to be an "automatic" association of weapon types going on behind the scenes.

    I have a feeling the items you see in those bundles are "manually" added to the bundle. Bundles with faction-specific items may actually be 3 separate bundles, conditionally displayed to the player depending on the faction of the character they're logged in as. Or faction-specific items may be added to the same bundle, with the appropriate item conditionally displayed and unlocked.
  18. SDD

    Oh yeah, I don't mean to imply any differently.
    I was just saying if they truly decide to go the route of unlocking all things cross-faction, it would probably be grouped the same way that they decide to group the sales. The sales occasionally seem to have a "wrong" weapon for certain factions, which is almost certainly a human element causing that to happen by mistake.
  19. ACE McFACE

    That does unlock account wide, my lightning HE cannon got unlocked for all my characters, but I have a feeling there's a bug were you might not get it even if it should be unlocked account wide
  20. Vadimir

    Actually the skyguard does unlock. I had it unlocked on my VS character and now it's unlocked on both my TR and NC characters. That said the skyguard (along with some other items) didn't unlock strait away, I had to wait a day for it. So it looks like there are still some bugs in the machine.