Which hack kills you the most ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CrazyMike, Mar 21, 2013.

  1. TheMercator

    Maybe the direct hit a running and jumping enemy with prowler over 100m or so.
  2. Pixelshader

    teleporting aimbotting heavy assault with dumbfire rocket shooting my esf
  3. SceaRd

    I didn't wish to apply that there is no hacking. Simply that a lot of "hacking" in reality isn't.
  4. WycliffSlim

    Well... considering EVERY single ground/floor/wall object in the game would now have to have 2 sides to it... well, you do the math. You're now adding, in a tech-plant or other facility(where performance is already the worst) potentially 25% or more polygons for rendering... Are you willing to lose even 10% of your FPS right now to deny ONE method of hacking that will honestly just be circumvented within a week anyways?

    Again, you display your clear lack of understanding as to how games and object rendering work.
  5. WorldOfForms

    I've never been killed by a hacker that I knew of for certain. Only once have I seen a hacker for sure (I was on a rock with other friendlies and an NC MAX appeared out of thin air next to a guy in front of me, killed him, then teleported to the text guy, then disappeared - I was all ready to die but he never came back).

    I'm suspicious of people who say they "know for sure" what an aimbot looks like. There was only one time I've seen that was suspicious - I had snuck into the Crown and capped the eastern building, then I camped on the balcony overlooking the doorway into the building. A guy walked inside, and even though I had the drop on him, he snapped his aim upward and killed me in 0.1 second. How could he know I was there?

    But here's the thing: right before he walked in the door, I had dropped C4 to set a trap. He might have seen the C4 fall to the floor.
  6. Czuuk

    Oh hai.

    Targeting assist that breaks stealth and aimbot. Speed hax have mostly been cleaned up.
  7. botosan

  8. Flashtirade

    Mostly wallhacks-aimbot combos. The ones I meet are mostly TR for some unknown reason (main NC Helios), I do know there are hackers in all three factions. The most ridiculous instance of this was when a platoon I was in was attacking into a bio lab, despite there being some TR is wallhacking-aimbotting around. We were doing pretty well until he decided to step it up and get in a MAX and completely demolish us. We had to leave.
  9. Czuuk

    I just want to make sure you're sitting down when I break this news to you bud. Ok ready? You've been killed by hackers.
  10. Goretzu

    Given how advanced BOT software is (and was back in 2005 never mind now) it could be very simple indeed.
  11. drNovikov

    Well, we have a whole hack-users VS outft on Waterson. They use aimbotted daltons.
  12. MaelstromSOB

    spoken like a true spindoctor.

    unfortunately ive seen and many many nmany hacks of this game...remember flying TANKS?
  13. Devrailis

    These hack videos all have one thing in common.

    They look incredibly boring. o_O

    Seriously, where's the adrenaline rush of knowing that at any moment someone could legitely punk you from the slightest slip up on your part? There is none here, might as well go back to playing in VR training room.
  14. Emperor88

    Nice try hacker, you made a thread in order to draw attention away from yourself. I can see right through your diversion tactic.
  15. hostilechild

    This has been an issue on connery off and on lately. Typically when 1 specific TR outfit from a specific country is getting their ***** handed to them. I have seen players run inside walls biolab/techplant, and come through building walls like the walls were not there(or they warped/moved really fast causing the appearence).
    With all the lag aimbots are tough to tell, except when you get instagibbed by a non sniper from 200m.

    All very rare occurrances and oddly enough not seeing it happen on esamir/amerish. Guess not enough people to make it worth their time and probably a little obvious when not in a cluster F of 200+ people.
  16. Dirkah

    You really think this will stop people from cheating?

    Hacker apologist is just pathetic. There is not excuse for this and I hope everyone using hacks, regardless of what they are, has their account permanently banned for all SOE games.
  17. Crysalys

    Aim-botting is mine, someday's I can play and not see people hacking and others I see 4 to 5 people hacking.
  18. Jakko

    The "Hack"saw max.
  19. smokemaker

    Sure you bet, but what does worrying about them and getting angry do?
    Report and move on.
    I do not check the stats of others.
    So if its a closet hacker, I will never know.
    If its some flying tank, they will be gone soon enough. Well not soon enough, but they wont last long.
    If you spend all your time questioning each time you are killed, you will lose the fun of the game.
  20. Canaris

    ESP hack is the worst to be honest