
Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Elia Chobanov, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. Elia Chobanov

    :eek: Dear SOE, I love your game and I like the way you care for your game and all, but I have a question for you. Did you have to launch the maintenance now? In friday? When everyone goes home form work, school etc and just sits in front of his PC to relax a lil'? I think this is very frustrating. Right now, in Bulgaria, it's 15:00 - pretty much prime time.
    So it's just a generally bad experience. I really do hope there is a serious reason for this.
    Thank you. :eek:
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  2. bNy_

    This is a scheduled maintenance and the servers will most likely be up soon again. We get new rocket launchers! :D
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  3. Metalsand

    One, it's not when everyone comes home from work (for me it's 9am) and PS2 is an American company with the majority of the customers being American, so they go by that time zone.

    Two, this update adds in the rocket launchers, so if they are down, it will only be for a half hour, or an hour at max.
  4. Regpuppy

    They did mention the launchers would be added today... whether this is what's happening or not, I'm unsure. They haven't updated us. Anyway, give it some time. It's only been a few minutes.
  5. Pouk3D

    I'm generaly very patient person, but AGAIN? Guys, even I'm starting to be annoyed by how often the servers are down, it's getting to be an actual problem.
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  6. Maso

    SOE is using PST time, like in most game.
    Well... most **** time also. They don't care about you, about me, about another people that will post some thing here, they don't care about anyone. Oh... well... maybe only about their own wallets and money balance.

    Why maintnance isn't at universal-night time? Like 4-8 AM UTC time? It's night in EU, night in US, most players are from those civilized regions of the world.
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  7. Elia Chobanov

    Well, I play enginner only so I'm not interested in them. It's strange though that they did not add them yesterday.
  8. Starss11232

    exactly they do it every ***** time dont tell us whats going on so we dont know if its bad or good its getting frustrating now... maybe they adding the double xp and like u said the launchers
  9. Starss11232

    exactly they do it every ***** time dont tell us whats going on so we dont know if its bad or good its getting frustrating now... maybe they adding the double xp and like u said the launchers
  10. Turel2

    Its worth it to see the launchers.
  11. Maso

    SOE is using PST time, like in most game.
    Well... most **** time also. They don't care about you, about me, about another people that will post some thing here, they don't care about anyone. Oh... well... maybe only about their own wallets and money balance.

    Why technical break isn't at universal-night time?

    Like 4-8 AM UTC? It's night in EU, night in US, most players are from those civilized regions of the world, **** Middle East, no one is playing in this part of the world, maybe 1k players, when 100k are playing in US and EU. Oh, wait. Probably because they don't wanna leave their beds to do something good for players. **** them, right? Only SOE wallet is important here, nothing more.

    Wanna get some respect from players? Do technical breaks at universal-night time. Most players are playing in EU and US, so why technical breaks are in MIDDLE of the day in both regions? As I said - no one from SEO wanna leave his bed to do this thing when servers are barely empty.
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  12. CHDT65

    Good question.
  13. SirBurning

    Would you?

    Would you take 30 + people away from their familiy in the middle of the night , to work on a update. Just because otherwise , people cant play their videogame for a few hours?

    Would you be prepared to go in at night, so some people don't have to wait an hour before they can play agian? I sure as hell wouldn't..

    SOE has workhours, like every company, they will work in those hours. Period. Are you seriously such a selfish ******* you let these people work in the middle of the night just because you can't play for a god damn hour.

    Learn some ******* patience people, this update had been announced.
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  14. L3TUC3

    I was under the assumption that patches and maintenance would no longer be done on Fridays, since the last one they (on a Friday) did pretty much killed the weekend primetime. I hope they knock this one out quick since Wednesday's (with added extended rollover into yesterday) killed my play window.

    SOE and patches don't mix very well.
  15. lambusado

    I just do not care about the servers being down, this is not the only thing in my life, I would go outside, it's better to relax, or even I would play other things so my brain can have a rest from PS2.

    You guys need to rest, I might have 400 hours ingame but I really do not care if the game is down or if there is a problem, it's a F2P, (you chose to give them money if you did) and there are a lot more F2P games online. Or you could enjoy life in another way.
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  16. Maso

    Yes. I would. Once in a month. Is this realy hard to wake up in the night, go to office and satisfy whole players community by a great update without 24-hour downtime? Jjust once in a month? Is this hard?
    There's no workhours if you wanna get some respect from community and be proud from "Good job, SOE!" from maaaany players.
  17. Jokingrabbit

    when are the servers coming online. i just got the game and am itching to play
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  18. Kozmyk

    American game, American hours innit.
    Just something we Europeans have to get used to.
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  19. TorchInfinite

    I don't get why everyone is complaining. I just downloaded the game 20 minutes ago and I'm eager to play. Unfortunately, the servers are down, but I'm not complaining. I'm happy that this game is free to play. Also, you can't expect people to work whenever you want them to. They have working hours, they have a life. It's not like they work whenever you want them to. That's just ignorant to say.
    They have to do it sometime and you would've complained at any time it would've happened anyways.
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  20. FadeBait

    Really? If the game servers went down at 6pm on a Friday, do you seriously think we'd all have to wait until 9am Monday morning for someone to come into the office and reset the server because the fault happened outside of work hours? It's 6am in the morning PST and the servers are under maintenance. 6am is not regular work hours. Sony are in the business of global IT support for their game servers and as such they WILL have 24/7 IT support.

    Sony could schedule maintenance at off-peak time for virtually everyone, but they choose not to, and hence the criticism.

    Anyone taking bets that the EU servers are the last to go back up again??
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  21. Fire Works

    Wow this must be the dumbest of the dumbest things that have been posted even for this very low board standard.

    I feel truly sad about people like you. Your lack of knowledge, your arrogance and egoism in this post are really extreme.

    Hope this was a one time brain lag you feel sorry about now.
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  22. Diplocaulus

    It's a big deal for me because this is my game play time slot. It was blown yesterday, again earlier this week, and now this morning (where I hail from). Thing is, I checked about a half hour ago to make sure the servers would be up so I could plan accordingly. No announcement, no servers, BIG BUMMER.
  23. DaDeLaCa

    I wouldn't be so concerned about all the down time with this game, except "I"M PAYING" to play. Have a feeling I made a mistake doing the monthly subscription thing. Gonna have to cancel that.
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