Ok I bought 4000 sc so what should I buy?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Excelle, Mar 21, 2013.

  1. belthazor3457

    Good sir:

    Rule number 1: SOE has overpriced station cash purchases. 7 dollars for a gun is incredibly high. However, I do not say this as a criticism of their business model - I state it as a fact, and the fact must factor into your purchasing plans. First off, you need to decide conclusively what class you would like to play and consider if you should get a multi-class weapon (SMG, shotgun, battle rifle) or perhaps a particular weapon confined to one or two classes (AR's for medics, carbines for engineers / LA, for example).

    Understand, the default weapons are not terrible, and I recommend using them until you decide conclusively on a favorite class / classes. If you stick with the "probably HA... or LA.... or infiltrator... or engineer" you're going to find yourself making bad purchases.

    Once you have concluded on a class, conclude on what you'd like to do within that class. Example, you play light assault? Do you fight close quarters a lot? Do you fight from range a lot? Do you perhaps want a close quarters carbine instead of a shotgun?

    You will need an establishment of yourself before you decide what purchases are good for you - but I recommend consulting the mighty youtube for video reviews of weapons when you have identified one that may be good for your playstyle.

    Also please do not accept the in-game weapon stats as accurate. They don't tell you the whole picture. You will be better served by (*COUGH COUGH advertising COUGH*) going to a (read: MY) youtube channel and looking up people's (read: MY) weapon reviews.

    ...but in all seriousness, yeah, look up a few video reviews of weapons on youtube. Don't make purchases off the in-game weapon stats, they lie to you.

    Friendly advice. = )
  2. Zer0range

    What a silly thing to say. The pump action is a great shotgun, but noobs can't handle it due to its demanding nature; you have to keep calm and aim or you'll be toast in no-time.
  3. haniblecter

    You need a close in weapon and long range weapon for your HA, get the underbarreled or the 'best' close in rifle for your LA, INF should have a sub gun (i'd go with the large capacity ammo), get the heat cannon for your lightning, AT for your MBT and some solid 2ndary, grenade launchers for your sundy, missles and rockets for yoru ESF.

    I'd ignore Lib and Galaxy guns for now, or wait for a good package deal.

    MBT should be for killing tanks, lightning for infantry (though the heat is solid for all) sunderer should have anti infantry guns screw AA or the 20mm--they're useless--ESF really needs rockets and A2A (though they're nerfed a bit now) to really shine. Faction specific gun is up to you.

    HA's really do need a long range and close in alternative. One kit having armor, the other usually more missiles.

    LA's are all about close in. Fast RoF or one of the underbarreled-option guns is a must.
  4. HamOnRye

    My recommendation for SC cash would based on what can unlock on multiple characters, as you never know what server or empire might attract you.

    Here would be my list

    1. Fury for the flash, you will use the flash often as transport and the grenade launcher is a great weapon. Flashes are cheap so get some cheap firepower while you are at it
    2. Decimator. Straight up improvement over the dumbfire launchers, good against armor, stationary targets, or the in your face bang dead rocket kills.
    3. Left burster arm for max. Go from scaring off stupid pilots to killing the competent pilots.

    4. AV turret. Add anti-vehicle capability to your engineer.

    After that (assuming you still have SC) get a SMG. I have both a shotgun and SMG, and I probably could get by with the SMG in most situations for CQC.