Refund when nerf / buff weapons

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HiTeHa, Mar 21, 2013.

  1. HiTeHa

    BTW, on the net you can find lots of cases about virtual goods / economics when someone "steal" virtual items.
    This is same for me. You pay for something but you not get what you want (or buyed before).
  2. Izriul

    I disagree that refunds should be given as it's clearly stated in general for all MMO's and online games.

    With that said, I do not agree with how SoE do things. At all.

    They damn well know that their going to nerf a weapon before they even release it. They purposely make it overpowered so that people buy it, then they go ahead and nerf it. This may be a good business strategy for the short term, but not for the long term, as people will cotton on and just stop buying stuff all together. However, it seems this game isn't meant for the long term and they are trying to make as much money as they can in the short term before dropping the project.

    I mean seriously, even a monkey would know that certain things they release are drastically overpowered, but they go ahead and do it anyway, because they know it will get sales, then nerf it to "look" like their trying to balance the game all the while, covered by the EULA.

    With all that said, laws are quickly changing with the internet, and while it won't effect PS2 I doubt, in the next 10 or so years companies won't be able to keep this up.
  3. Gary

    Explain how it is not honest... IT says clearly in the terms you have to accept in order to play that you do not qualify for a refund when an item is changed for balance or because it is not performing how they think it should.

    Lets take wow for example.. you spend all this time leveling up your character spending gold etc then a patch comes to adjust balance and your class is now pretty bad compared to others, This does not qualify you for a free maximum level character.. No you live with balance until the scale tips your way.

    Again you accepted and agreed to a No refunds policy and that they will change items if needed.

    Players also clearly know this is the case and still buy them to take advantage, Lots of people do it and lots of people don't mind. I stopped buying weapons until they get patched unless i can use my certs for it. Cert purchases are becoming more of an clear option for me since i have a lot of cert unlocks i want already.

    The clever players and the players who do not want to pay for something until it is changed hold out buying until a patch is released and they never buy an item on release
  4. Gustavo M

    ....or you can always "deal with It" and buy a new FotM later on?
  5. Vanudrax

    You paid for SC. Did the SC allow you to purchase one or more items? If yes, then the SC did exactly what you paid for. You did not purchase the weapon. You only purchased the SC.
  6. Taiji

    We all know items in the game are going to be subject to change.

    What I would really hate to see is a consistent pattern of weapons being OP or OK at release, but never underpowered.

    Because it would probably mean that SOE are intentionally conning people out of money.

    Even with the disclaimers I couldn't dress it up any other way.
  7. Tnsr

    Welcome to PS2 and SOE customer treating. You are actually 4 months late to recognize this problem.
    Easy solution: don't spend money on this game.
  8. Tnsr

    They already did and proofed with the very first new weapon set introduced, the bolt action rifles. Most of the community ignored it back then, but slowly everyone gets his own piece of this. Nice to see, it's the only way people wake up: if it happens to themselves.
  9. Rionage

    You need to read Terms & Conditions before you buy anything next time
  10. Taiji

    I guess you didn't understand my post. I know about that already and yet I have not passed judgement like you have. So I disagree with you.
  11. Clonecenter-resident

    You are right, that is exactly what they do, so stop buying overpowered weapons when they are first released and wait until after they are nerfed to decide if you still want them.

    Knowing that is how they operate you have a choice, spend money to gain an unfair advantage for a few weeks/months until it is nerfed, or not. That $7 isn't going to keep you OP forever, you're renting power, not buying it.
  12. Granicus

    terms of service or not its shady buisness practices and i would call your better better business bureau and state attorny general office and file a formal complaint.
  13. Wasdie

    The only time they need to refund anybody is when they remove the piece of content completely. That's it.

    If something is rebalanced it's just that, rebalanced. It's not useless, it's just now more in line of how it was supposed to be.
  14. Valhalas

    i see this topic as people whining because their epic raid weapons was now suddenly inferior to expansion green in mmo's :D same deal you don't technically have to buy anything you could have earned it with certs at least weapons :D
  15. Deathcapt

    You bought something because it was OP, then it was balanced, and now you're mad and want a refund?
    No, SOE is not going to cater to Flavour of the week style players who 4th faction or whatever based on the current OP weapons.
  16. dragondrop

    I am not quite sure if that was sarcastic or not.
    In any case, you can come up with conspiracy theories all you want, unless you have some hard evidence you shouldn't pursue anything more than that.

    Repeating the same thing over and over and over again does not make your point more valid.
    • Up x 1
  17. Aegie

    I can empathize with your frustration but I think unless SOE changes the actual functionality (e.g. the faction specific AA lock-on rockets were advertised as having dumbfire and for a moment they said they were going to "balance" this weapon by removing that function) then it is hard to see how they could provide refunds and keep the game moving forward.

    Also, think of this- if you unlocked a weapon that was nerfed later on then in a way you are making out like a bandit. You had access to a weapon that was deemed OP for at least some period of time and therefore were likely to have enjoyed an advantage on the battlefield that only others in your place enjoyed. For instance, pump shotgun comes out and there is some risk in early purchase because it may get nerfed. However, if the pump shotgun does get nerfed then (ideally) that just means that those earlier adopters had time with a weapon that provided a significant enough advantage over other weapons to be deemed nerf worthy- to me this seems to balance out the risk of early adoption because then really what is the risk? You get to use something OP for as long as it takes them to fix it? If you look at your situation another way then it can come off as though you want to both be able to unlock all the OP weapons as they roll out and then get your certs back as soon as they are no longer OP so you can move on to the next OP weapon. Just to be clear, I DO NOT think this is what you are doing or this is your intention but if SOE had a refund policy like you suggest then I can guarantee a fair number of people would seek to do just that- it would be hard to blame them too because it does make sense from an advantage perspective.

    Finally, as I said, I can empathize- I have weapons I unlocked fall to the nerf hammer as have a lot of players. I think it may help a little to try and think of PS2 as a long term game- if you consider that you may be playing for hundreds or thousands of hours or perhaps across several years then it becomes a lot easier to stomach these kinds of changes because they are more easily placed in the context of the overall health and success of the game.

    I agree with the rep in that I too hope that you can still find a way to be successful with the weapon of yours that got nerfed- or perhaps this may force you out of a routine and into a different class/weapon/playstyle that you ultimately end up enjoying more.
  18. Granicus

    i was being serius, if this man trully feals cheated that is what he should do, there is no harm to him for taking such actions, the profesional offices are more than capable of sorting the validity of his claim. and their need be no consperisy to make claims of poor, bad or intentionaly missleading buisness practices wheather it was SOE intent or not.
  19. HiTeHa

    Why you see only me? What other players? Can you understand this problem in wide spectre? .. not just look on yourself? You all see just "enemy with strong weapon and he pwn me and iam now angry and frustrated" ... you really can not see that SOE earn money for "thing" and give diffetent "thing" ... it is against law AND EVEN IF YOU AGREE WITH TERMS OF CONDUCT, EVEN IF YOU SIGN IT WITH YOUR BLOOD ... IT IS STILL AGAINST LAW.

    If you guys are so anti-weapons, lets chage it by ... for example CAMO! You buy blue camo and will get green one. You still get camo but you not get what you pay for. Should you get refund than? I think yes! .... and Iam sure your entrys like: it is MMO, it is OP or anything else, you must wait longer, you must learn or anything else is nonsense than!

    You guys should see problem as is and not your point of view (OP weapon, noob player etc..) - this is bad move from SOE, and if you pay for item, you should get it and if you will get different one (or changed), you should get refund or you was cheated. Because SOE sell virtual items for money, they should take care or it. Not player!
  20. Blitzkrieg