4th Faction Population Shift After ESL Patch.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kunotron, Mar 21, 2013.

  1. Kunotron

    Any bets / predictions on how the empire populations will change? My guess is:

    TR: Down 6%

    NC: Up 2%

    VS: Up 4%
  2. zib1911

    I hope they all go back to VS, there chronically short staffed on waterson, Sometimes shooting freaks in tights is better then shooting rebel scum.
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  3. MarioO

    You think the TR population can decrease even more? I think the ones left are already only the most loyal players... At least on my server I can't imagine that our Population will decrease even more.
  4. Granicus

    everyone thinks that NC are OP, their not really other than the maxes and mustangs, i predict no change in the 4th faction.
  5. Eggsbenny007

    They could neft the TR down to butter knives and spitballs and I'd still be out there shooting (buttering) freaks in tights.
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  6. Rudette

    And...I'll continue playing my Vanu when I want to solo..and my TR when I want to play in groups.

    All this fourth faction non-sense is a myth. You realize this game costs time and money for unlocks yeah?
  7. dragondrop

    Hell yeah. Loyalty until death.

    Seriously though, on Cobalt the TR population isn't all that great compared to the other empires most of the time.
    I don't think that it would go down much due to ESRLs in particular, since the Striker is pretty awesome. Moar rocketz!
  8. Molotov

    The only OP things the NC has? That is two more things that are over powered then the other factions have.
  9. Vanudrax

    I'm kinda mixed.

    If 4th faction comes back it means we got the best launcher.

    If 4th faction comes back it means we got the best launcher and it's about to be nerfed.
  10. phreec

    NC: -5%
    VS: -5%
    TR: +10%

    Most 4th factioners just jump on whatever's easy to use and powerful so I bet lock-ons still remain their favourite since it requires the least amount of skill to use.
  11. FateJH

    Hm, sounds like a marketable fetish. Those NC Megacorps need to get on it.
  12. Regpuppy

    Oh I'm sure some of the Halo fans will appreciate and try to use the hell out of the new launcher... until they realize it can't snipe/gib infantry at all. :p
  13. Granicus

    mmm.... you have a fair point their sir, though as a TR i dont want them here.:cool:
  14. Kunotron

    But they would still have the SE warpgate. I think I'll be able to divide by zero before I see a SE Indar factions population go up.
  15. Bankrotas

    Screw Indar
  16. Kunotron

    Would rather not. Indar has way too much sand in her....um, ground.
  17. Bankrotas

    We need some new hot and wet place to be at then.