Landmines Placed in Spawn Rooms

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Singed, Mar 19, 2013.

  1. Singed

    Of all the stupid ways to die in this game, walking into your own spawn room and being blown up by a cheeky bugger who left a landmine as a parting gift is probably the worst. I don't know if SOE hadn't considered this in the latest patch, but lately it's been an annoying problem. This happens all the time in biolabs and spawn rooms, and it's almost amusing watching the first wave of people charging into spawn rooms being blown up by invisible mines left by the enemy.

    So maybe SOE could disable utilities placed in spawn rooms, or is this considered legitimate strategy?
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  2. Cougarbrit

    Legit strategy as far as I'm concerned, not like it's OP or game breaking to kill a load of people when there's probably 50 medics rushing in for the free xp.

    Hell, I even set up a turret on the balcony to gun people down as they rush in.
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  3. Sebyos

    I think it's coming. I saw somewhere a quote saying they are gonna make tank mines impossible to blow with gunfire or explosive so people can't use them like. To compensate I heard they will allow engis to disarm the mines.

    I won't search for the quote tough.
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  4. Kukuguy

    Just don't go in first lol.
    If people were smart, just throw a grenade inside and boom goes all the mines
  5. LonelyTerran

    I never go in first to spawn rooms.

    I always rig bombs in the small spawn rooms. 2 tank mines and 2 claymores to trigger em
  6. StormStrafe

    Some people never learn. The fault is theirs.
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  7. Tasogie

    oh god, I wondered how long this would take.... lets nerf all the fun out of the game, it isn't fair to have diversity in the game I DEMAND!!!!!!!!!!!! it be nerfed now or I am leaving......

    Sound about right?

    Sorry, but seriously of all the things to rage about in PS2 this is hardly even worth noting as happening. its called Sabotage, if your stupid enough to rush in there you deserve to get killed.This is perfectly normal tactic, there is NOTHING to be nerfed here whatsoever. just because you got killed does not mean something has to be changed.
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  8. SinMach1ne

    I always leave a lil present in a base
    Scorched earth right?
    3 tank mines + 2 claymores
  9. cfnz

    This, kind of. It's been mentioned that tank mines will only be able to be detonated by driving over them in a vehicle. Shooting them with gunfire will "disarm" them without detonating them or giving a reward, an engineer can disarm them for XP. Unless of course SOE changes their minds.
  10. Tragachinos

    When it's all lost and SCU is gone, place 2 bouncing betties, 2 AT mines, 2 C4s. Stand at the shield and spam taunts while base is being captured.
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  11. HadesR

    Only thing that needs nerfing is the 20 fools who rush a spawn room hoping for 1 kill ...

    Let the pain field do it's job of clearing the spawn , then tread carefully
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  12. Madmojo

    I love doing this!
  13. Shasbot

    I have no problem with mines and C4 being used as intended.
  14. Flix

    Totaly legit. And I will do this every time and I will even redeploy to "soon to be lost" bases where the enemy can run into the spawn. Because I know the chance is 100% that some idiots will run into the spawn to kill the ppl who are trying to get out of the painfield. If you are so greedy that you have to do it I have no mercy with you sorry. Of 20 mines only 2-3 are triggered "spawnkills" and I feel sorry for those but thats only 25 for me so totaly not worth it. The rest are just morons who dont get it that spawnrooms get boobytrapped on a regular basis. I even deny the terminals if I have the time. Burned soil dudes. Fix it up yourself :p
  15. Rift23

    Stop running into the spawn room with the other lemmings when the base flips. I always sit back a nice comfortable distance, watch the fireworks and laugh.
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  16. Tasogie

    this is what happens when SOE listens to the forum trolls an warriors.... They did same thing in SWG an they utterly destroyed one fo the best MMos going. lost 2/3s of their playerbase almost instantly. Then had the gall to say "we are redoing the game for a younger audience....

    They really haven't learned much it seems :(.
  17. smokemaker

    I am just about to lose the base.
    We are trapped in the spawn room.
    So I stay around a little longer killing thru the shields for free certs and thinning the stupid players that go in front of the door.
    Now i have just enough time to mine both equipment terminals and then redeploy.
    Because there are always some fools that run in immediately after the spawn room switches.
    Not only is it 2 free kills, but they are so satisfyingly fun.

    Run into newly gained spawn room and die.....
    Once, ok... surprise!!!
    Twice, ummm thats not the 1st time I have died that way....
    Third time, please do not breed.

    The 1st thing that should go in a newly won spawn room..... a nade to clear out the PREDICTABLE mines left in as a parting gift.

    "or is this considered legitimate strategy?"
    Yea its a strategy that only keeps killing the foolish.

    Would you really want this nerf'ed, or would you rather use your intelligence?
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  18. Tasogie

    They rather it be nerfed. (I'm being serious) they playerbase today will not tolerate having to think for themselves when they know devs will change anything they want if they just cry about it for a while on a forum...
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  19. ALeviathan

    It's a fun tactic which sucks in all the lemmings all the time. I love it when your the last man in spawn at a Bio Lab, set up lemming traps, shoot lemmings through shield, wait until about to loose announcement, hit re deploy and watch all the lemming kills pop up on your screen.
  20. karaperro

    This is the ABC of fighting man, If you are not able to avoid that you're a really bad player, it's your fault, learn to play
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