Great Patch, SOE

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SinerAthin, Mar 19, 2013.

  1. SinerAthin

    A notable improvement in performance, a very welcoming thing indeed.

    The most important thing to any game is of course to be able to play it in the first place, and the more you can improve the performance; the better.

    With a 25-40FPS at the crown today, I was actually able to play the game, and I hope you keep squeezing out every bit of extra FPS you can!
    • Up x 1
  2. Gre Funky

    I must agree with the OP. I logged on today to find a big FPS increase. I was getting 20-30 FPS in big battles, I logged on today to find I am now getting 40+ in even the most massive fights. Much appreciation for whatever was done.
  3. Jaes

    Indeed, fantastic job SOE! You guys always clean up very quickly and while many complain about the messes in the first place, more appreciate the fact you take responsibility for them! Don't see that very often in the gaming world now a days, keep up the awesome work!
  4. theraginghamster

    Hooray! Now I can turn shadows back on.