Monsters on Esamir and Amerish

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sov21, Mar 19, 2013.

  1. Sov21

    As has been pointed out recently on reddit and in several videos, monster sound effects have been added in GU04 and placed around the world.

    Also there is apparently a massive creature under the ice and 'something' in the Amerish forests.

    I haven't been able to find any of these small eastereggs, but think it would be awesome to have a few ambient monsters roaming around or possibly some monster events
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  2. Vertabrae

    Lol that would be cool. In the middle of a major threeway, and some giant creature comes out of nowhere and starts wrecking havoc. Fighting the other two factions plus the creature. Awesome.
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  3. BatouSection9

    Like how Halo Reach did, there was a third party usually involved such as wildlife and other monsters would attack you.

    Having a feature like that in Planetside would add a sense of more immersion into the world.

    I don't know about ya'll, but I would like a giant T-Rex monster come and jump in between the fight at the crown every so often.
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  4. Rhinzual

    Please, for the love of all that is Vanu (Dat Vanass included) do not create hostile monsters for us to fight. Just leave it purely PvP. The sound effects are nice, I'll admit, but I don't want this being turned into more stuff that'll hurt performance.
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  5. Lafladitu

    We are to cool for the other colours
  6. Pikachu

    Maybe they could add cute invulnerable seal pups on Esamir. :3
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  7. Urban Cohort

    Even if they just wandered around doing nothing, wildlife would at least make the world seem more alive.

    I've also been wondering where all the civilians are on this world - surely this isn't a place where there are ONLY adults and EVERYONE is a soldier =/ (I suppose there could be mandatory conscriptions, but even then...).
  8. Krayus_Korianis

    Then you'll just ask for a club, won't you... lol.
  9. Ghosty11

    Zerglings pop out of the ground at the Crown, Ti Alloys, and the Crossroads Watchtower all at the same time and begin streaming toward each factions warpgate until they finally over run the whole of Indar.
  10. Bankrotas

    4th factions choice!
  11. AdennTM

    This sounds so epic :p
  12. Pikachu

    I said that it should be invulnerable. No weapons able to harm it. [IMG]
  13. Urban Cohort

    We will not stop, we will not rest, we will not quit, until there are sarlacci on Indar and Wampas on Esamir!
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  14. Hael

    PVE combat is part of the roadmap, isn't it? I imagine something like a massive Amerish forest creature would be a "raid boss" type enemy, maybe one that only pops up when you've continent locked the other factions out, and it gives some sort of huge cert reward. Would certainly make enemy factions fight harder when you're trying to take a continent
  15. hawken is better

    I thought the same back in January. You always hear random animal sounds while roaming about, actually having a few animals (that were malevolent, so the factions could team up to fight them occasionally :D) around wouldn't be all that bad in my opinion.
  16. Jezs

    obligatory gb2wow
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  17. HadesR

    Troll's under the bridges
    Sheep at The Crown
    Bugs under every rock

    I think we are sorted for animals atm :p
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  18. UrMom306

    yeah how about they fix the bugs first....then we can talk about adding creatures and ****
  19. Kaindestroi

    further down the road maybe.
    i wouldn't like it if it was a common thing, but adding some rare events like monsters that could appear to give you some OMG moments could be cool.
  20. SteelRodent

    Any chance of a link to these monster videos?
    Color me intrigued.