I need a ride.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Badname6587, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. TheMagicCookie

    I sit around with my Sundy, waiting for everyone to get going. 1) I get XP for everything they kill, B) When they pile out, they can respawn on my AMS
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  2. Whateverworks

    I drive a sunderer sometimes, and I'll almost always wait for nearby infantry to get in before I speed off. If my current squad needs me somewhere to support an attack, though, I'm not going to spend a lot of time waiting for random others to get inside.

    That said, there is a big player generated reason not to stop and pick up random people running along: a large percentage of people do stupid annoying things once they get into a vehicle. Thank you random passenger for:

    1. Getting into my vehicle behind a weapon and going AFK
    2. Getting into my vehicle behind a weapon and spamming it for no reason, draining off my ammo
    3. Getting into my vehicle behind a weapon and firing it, then jumping out without bothering to reload it, causing a problem later when I really REALLY need to use it fast and have to reload it first
    4. Getting into my vehicle behind a weapon and shooting at vehicles you can't hit or can't damage, but CAN get the attention of and that don't have any problems at all damaging US.

    I think if more people used common sense/common courtesy when they hopped into a vehicle, a lot more vehicles would be willing to have passengers.

    P.S. I don't like people shooting vehicles instead of V5 for rides anyway, but it's really stupid to do to a Flash, since it's damaged by small arms fire, and you are hitting the driver too. That really doesn't motivate me to stop and pick you up.
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  3. KAHR-Alpha

    I don't mind that in my sunderer, "I need a ride" is hard to hear when you're a few meters away.
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  4. Gisgo

    I was going to say the same thing... stop shooting me, press V+5.
    ESPECIALLY if i am on a Flash. :confused:
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  5. Czuuk

    I like how when you're flying in the middle of a huge battle with mossies, scythes and libbies shooting at you from the every position and people are crying, "where's my ride?"
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  6. Gisgo

    The worse for me is when the gunner on the fury is scanning the sky for aircraft and the gunner on the ranger is shooting infantry (hey why i cant aim down)... it makes me punch the keyboard and scream.
    Also the gunner that dismounts as soon as aircraft shows up instead of manning the AA gun... just to get owned on foot.
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  7. TomoB

    Absolute blast when I'm in a sunderer as passenger, then they ditch me in the middle of nowhere because suddenly they felt the urge to allow half empty vehicle for squad only.
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  8. Whateverworks

    Can totally see where you're coming from, I just think shooting something (friendly!) to get its attention is a bad habit to get into. As a medic, I have a right to look at my certs screen too without being shot because I didn't heal some random person as quickly as they think I should. We're already seeing people in the bad habit of shooting for attention shooting a vehicle that is both damaged by small arms fire and leaving the rider exposed.

    For me, too, the "I need a ride" and flashing symbol on the minimap stick out for me a lot more than someone shooting at my sunderer - I'm pretty used to small arms fire plinging off the armor. Different strokes for different folks and all. ;)
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  9. Gisgo

    If the driver was able to move you from the gunner seat to the passenger seat to allow squad members on the guns this wouldnt happen.
    Its harsh and i wouldnt like it done to me but sometime there isnt really a different option.
    Also if you are just wasting bullets (after being asked to not do it) i will kick you, sorry.
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  10. RobotDoc

    Hepppa yeah, but maybe a nanite grappling hook that u shoot and get pulled into the vehicle :)
  11. Whateverworks

    Yeah, except I don't do that and that's not what I said. I was talking about waiting for people moseying up to the sunderer on their own sweet time while I'm waiting for more passengers.

    I think it's a bad thing to do, too, and would be annoying, but don't quote me while bringing it up like I'm proposing it or something.
  12. CrashB111

    Riveting tale, except it is fake because enemies can't hear proximity chat. He could hear your voice menu sure, but you stretched it too far by claiming you talked to him.
  13. Zyrina

    Everyone can see /say chat regardless of faction. I wasn't actually "talking" to him, I guess you could say I was "texting" him in /say.
  14. Gisgo

    Oh btw if you see me on Ceres press V+5 i will ALWAYS stop.
    Tell me your destination and theres a good chance i will also bring you there (or close).
    But while you are on the sundie, do your job, scan the surrounding and return fire to anyone shooting us.

    I said RETURN fire, because if nobody found us, you shouldnt draw attention.

    The ranger is for AIRCRAFT.
    The fury is for anyone else.

    We need a gunning school and everyone with the "gunner" title should go through it :confused:
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  15. CrashB111

    That would make more sense.

    I've been in my Prowler and had an enemy infiltrator hop on the turret thinking himself safe while I was deployed.
    Just swapped to the Vulcan seat, stared at him and then turned him into paste.
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  16. Xasapis

    There is. On your minimap a wheel icon is flashing above the person that requested a ride.
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  17. SgtScum

    I'm more often in my flash now as an infiltrator looking for empty bases to hack to screw with the enemy and any riders I collect tend to bail when I don't follow the zerg. :p

    As a sundy driver though I always wait a bit and call out 'All aboard!" over prox chat.
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  18. Zyrina

    Well played!
  19. Alchonis

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  20. BlueSkies

    love riding on the back of a flash with a skep or grounder... hilarious battles ATV vs MBT