Max Flamethrowers making a return?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Master, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. Colt556

    Don't misunderstand me. It's not that I dislike snipers or anything. It's just that in this sort of game they really have no place. A sniper, a good sniper, should do two things. A: Perform recon and relay troop movement to the higher ups so they can plan strategies. B: Pick off important targets like squad leaders and officers.

    Neither of those functions are really viable in PS2. There's no real priority targets beyond medics, and even then they'll just respawn in 10 seconds so you'd be better off playing a HA and just gunning down multiple people in one go. Scouting and recon also aren't necessary since the map tells you where the enemy is, and any recon can be better performed by an ESF anyways.

    So in PS2, snipers have no purpose. They're relegated to the usual bushwookie type of play, players who just want easy kills with no risk and want to feel like an awesome pro-elite sniper.

    And unfortunately, that is the only thing cloakers can really do. Otherwise they're just a weaker LA without a jetpack and a cloak that doesn't even really hide them.
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  2. YoloSwaggins

  3. Purg

    With every other weapon in the game suffering from FF, why do you think flamethrowers will be any different?!
  4. PieBringer

    That's just the thing, I never said anything about believing it would or would not.
  5. Zaik

    Stock MAX has 10k effective health vs. small arms, HA with NMG has 1450, 1575 with nanoweave 5.

    The MCG does do more or less 2x what a plain heavy cycler does. Mercy does better though.
  6. Rockstone

    Who necroed this thread?
  7. McWafflez

    Fenix5 the ultimate lord of the dead
  8. siiix

  9. Fenix5

    Also for me crispy VS MAX with creamed HA, now thats dilisius. BBQ at biolab every one. ;)
  10. Master

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  11. WalrusJones

    Any S-Designation carbine or AR can equip them.

    As far as my testing, and math has shown the T1S is absolutely the best one of those.
  12. Egonieser

    And grenades that don't go through targets...
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