Will seriously consider withdrawing my support from this game if..

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Sh0xy, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. Sh0xy

    This unnannounced update is just to give us more monetization fluff for the cash shop, when, there's these FPS issues looming over so many users heads, including myself.

    CodeForge (rudely) pointed out the other day that just because the content developer's such as 3D artists are completing work they're assigned regardless of whether or not the coder's have fixed the FPS issues, and therefore obviously SOE isn't going to bring in other employee's who aren't coder's to fix the FPS issue. (Well no ****), but It made me think that it's the attitude of SOE, that regardless of whether bug's are in the game, it 'doesn't matter' if they release content that is considered to be 'seperate' to the FPS issue.

    Well I don't care. I'd rather the 3D modeler's and so on all have a plethora of content ready to be released, that can wait until AFTER the optimization fixes. CodeForge would have you believe that it 'doesn't matter' if they release an update full of cash store content, because that won't worsen the existing FPS issue. Well I call ******** on that, the fact is they don't really KNOW whether something will cause server issues or not, and proof of that can be found in patch history of this game (and many others like it). This is what quality assurance does on some level, make sure that a new script can run succinctly with the existing scripts in the game. Well we've all seen how well they've done that.

    Am I the only one who doesn't want to see a single new camo/gun/attachment/ability/whateverthe**** added to the game without first addressing serious issues. All it means is that the community knowingly and willingly agree's to forsake content until we get some god damn repairs on the FPS issue. I'd say having everyone able to play is more important then introducing.. say.. 3 new rocket launchers...

    Blah /endrant it's not like they'll listen anyway.

    *goes and waits for information on update to appear, expects it to involve things that SOE expects money for in return as opposed to a fix we've been demanding for weeks/months*
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  2. Dredd

    I'd have to agree here. I'm already frustrated beyond belief with the broken Reaver and trying to be a good pilot with that but add the crazy FPS drops its a poor experience at best to play. I was getting 9 FPS in areas I had gotten 70+ pre patch. Just flying strait up into the sky I would normally have over 100 FPS but now see around 20-30ish.

    So don't fly you say? Ok, how about I get the jump on this TR sniper and unload 10 shells (thats right the entire extended mag) from my SC bought Piston on him only for him to spin around and kill me with his auto pistol, EH? yeah true story...
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  3. Chaito

    You know, the people that work on modeling and cosmetic stuff are not qualified to work on coding, design and graphics don't give you a degree in computer sciences coding and general video game optimization. I hate the FPS problems too, but the guy that is making the camo shouldn't be sent home early today because he cant solve the most pressing issue at the moment. as you saw earlier in a video the rocket launchers where already fully programed all they needed was cosmetic paraphernalia.

    Now i do agree though that if this FPS issues is not solved im going to be walking away from this game, it is damn well unplayable. also have you seen the water in a biolab? holy **** man.
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  4. Sh0xy

    Your response makes it clear that you didn't even read what I said. I am fully aware that a 3D artist is unlikely to know how to write a coding script. What i'm saying is, let them work on all the content they like, just simply don't release it. Don't ADD ANYTHING to a game thats broken. They can simply save all the 'new assets' for when people can actually play the game.

    So lets be clear, its not 'send the workers home' its 'stop putting the workers **** in the live version of the game until we can have some stability sorted out first'.
  5. Chaito

    So what are they suposed to do? save the assets for later? or are you asking for them to starve them selves from profits until this is fixed?
  6. Tekone

    Nope. I could not agree with you more. Also, I think if you put it to poll, you'd see overwhelming support in favor of adding nothing new until bugs / glitches / optimization were 'fixed'.. But there have been several posts or petitions asking for this that have quickly been locked.
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  7. Sh0xy

    Of course they were locked. SOE wants to make money of the customer's dumb enough to pay now even under the poor perfomance conditions they're suffering from, as opposed to making money off the customer's who come later as a result of the game being more stable. I fail to see the logic myself, I remember Bioware was the same way about SWTOR. I got a thread going that ended up being one of those 50 page + threads about how the community wants a patch of nothing but optimization, to which we never even got a dev reply. It's because their too busy trying to ankle shake us for everything we've got before we simply quit.
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  8. Sh0xy

    That'd be a start. Why should they profit from a service that doesn't work for an overwhelmingly large number of its users. You hear that 'clink' that came from inside your mind. It was you hitting the nail on the head. Though they'd hardly be starved for profits anyway, its not like they have to take the server's down to work on them, it'd just be a case of releasing no new updates except bugfixes related to performance. So... they'd still be making most/all of the ingame money they'd normally be making...

    edit - not to mention, how long do you expect it to take for them for fix the issue
  9. Kon

    the fact that i cant play in prime time because Briggs seems to give me hit reg issues between 6pm and 12am every day, basically me and a few Friends in my state ( west au) all have hit reg issues during prime time, where as east coast don't.. playing solo during the late shift is getting super boring...
  10. DaChampKO

    Your reasoning is pretty flawed. I agree with you on that the main priority should be fixing problems that the community are experiencing. But at the same time, there are people not experiencing any problems that you are. Those people will quit the game if new content isnt released. I dont know if you have heard of multi-tasking, but its possible. Also, just letting you know. Your FPS lag, they cant do much about. This game requires very good computers to play sufficiently, its just how it was made. I've personally never had fps problems on this game and i run full graphic settings.
  11. Sh0xy

    So... just keep adding content regardless of whether its hurting the game or not? Yeh.. MY logic is flawed.

    edit - strange.. I did hit reply, but it didn't quote you. Meh
  12. Stigler

    Someone riddle me this. I am ignorant.

    How can you keep adding new textures that need to be rendered and new models in the future without impacting performance. So all these horns, decals, hood ornaments, adding new gun models and textures , glowy lights on the butt of a vanguard, tailights on/off, neons, headlights....ect ect... rendering 100 different camo patterns.

    Someone please explain to me how these things do NOT impact performance!
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  13. DQCraze

    As a fellow gamer I understand your frustration with performance issues, however, ive been gaming long enough to know that the game is still in its infancy. There are growing pains to be had, some will suffer through them, some just dont want to deal with it. Im staying because there are still more good things then bad. Wait it out get your certs level up, I promise you 6 months from now this game will shine like no other and you will be glad you stuck it out.
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  14. Hatamoto

    even without anyone spending money on it in that time period?
  15. DonnyD.

    Those design and graphic people are working on things like the UI, Thats super busted in eyefinity...still, worked in beta, and the moveable UI elements like the map and chat we were told would be in the game. What about the new map? They must be working on that. That all sounds kinda dick-ish and I don't mean it that way, point is there are other things these people can be doing besides coming up with ways to get our smed bucks. If SOE wants this game to be around as long as they think it will they should get their collective ***** in gear on performance and map improvements/new maps. The game is to good and I have to much time and money ($200+) into it to just walk away but I had to do it on this last patch and will be waiting for the next one before I play again.
  16. Chipay

    I thought this game was out of Alpha many many months ago...
  17. KripTed

    I Agree, i think they should test the patches out before even implementing it to the game. get a few testers and try it out before release. or get a test server. work on it from there. its not cool coming on one day to awesome game play and the next to dramatically decreased frame rates.
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  18. mogwai83

    IGN have downgraded PS2 as a result this weekend. It is no longer in the Top Ten FPS games ranking.
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  19. DQCraze

    How long has the game been out? Put the big boy pants on for minute, even in the corporate world after a data migration there are end user bugs for months. Think about solving all the issues for different rigs, connection, security, international laws etc etc. Ive seen and met people on these teams, they are great guys and I wouldnt want their jobs. I have all the respect for em.
  20. Streetfighter

    codeforge, me and some other guys had a discussion ~1 month ago about that topic. His opinion:

    ...vs my opinion.
    I've neither enough information nor the right to tell you how to handle this (and I didn't intend to). Anyway this example has in fact some similarities but you did forget one thing that isn't pictured in your hospital scenario: Dependency. When new content is getting integrated (while old bugs aren't fixed) you have more code, more content that can POSSIBLY fail. Or provoke even NEW bugs in regions where you didn't expect them (e.g. is my Jaguar reloading animation bugged since GU2 - although no changes were announces for it...) .
    So it's one thing to design, test and evaluate new things. That's absolutely correct and great! But it's another to put it on live servers and accept (or at least endure) the bugs. That's simply one of the main reasons why GU2 failed this hard. And it won't get better if you only fix some old while digging more new holes. That's my point to this topic.


    To sum it up: They knew it all. They at least should have in GU4. They didn't give a **** , they did the same lame thing like they did in the previous failed GUs - they messed up performance and stability for the price of new (and 90% unneccessary) content to milk the dumb customer.

    They always did it and they will do this until there is a noticale decrese to their cash flow. So think twice when you buy your SmedCash or that new cool haxx0r helmet...
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